Jennifer Heath


Jennifer is a true believer of Zig Ziglar’s quote, "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." Jennifer also has been on her health journey for the past 30+ years. She has been the patient of, and has worked with, some of the most top holistic doctors and healers of our time. After recently healing her body from the damage of Lyme disease, Jennifer has made it her passion to educate the public on Lyme and give them tools and resources so they too can get better. Jennifer is one of many caring administrators on the Facebook Group called, Lyme disease and Co-infections. Jennifer has been coaching and inspiring Lyme patients all over the world thru her blog and the Facebook group, to find caring doctors that will help them. Jennifer shares the knowledge she has gained thru her team of holistic doctors and from trial and error. She teaches daily and inexpensive techniques to detoxify and nourish the body from home, along with ways to limit our toxic exposure to things we eat and use daily. Because Lyme disease is like Cancer and Aids, and is not being recognized by the medical community, Jennifer has decided to share her story and the successful treatments she has used to restore her health and to stay well, in this toxic world. Check out her recently released book 'Overcoming Lyme DIsease' and the accompanying free workbook available on this site.

Trump Antichrist “King of Israel”

Trump Antichrist “King of Israel”: Leeland Jones website: Leeland Jones YouTube video posted on Apr 19, 2020, transcribed with photos: Donald Trump is the Antichrist. You are looking at a Time Magazine cover of Donald Trump, it says “King Me.” Taking all authority, ruling over the governors. And in this video we are going to

Trump “little horn” the Antichrist

C03-5-11 Trump “little horn” the Antichrist: Leeland Jones website: Leeland Jones video posted on February 2, 2020, transcribed with photos: We’re going to look at the “little horn” with eyes and a mouth in Daniel chapter 7. Now many will say to me ‘No man, Trump is not the Antichrist!’  Okay fine. You’re assuming you

Trump the Antichrist, Jewish Messiah

C03-5-10 Trump the Antichrist, Jewish Messiah: Leeland Jones website: Leeland Jones video posted on January 30, 2020, transcribed with photos:  How is the Antichrist able to actually get people, Christians to vote for him? We’re going to talk about in this message Donald Trump is the Antichrist. This is very serious. Believe me when

Elijah appears to Job

C04-1-12 Elijah appears to Job: Leeland Jones website: Leeland Jones video posted on January 7, 2025, transcribed with photos: Okay, we are on a series on The Prophet Job. We had part one: “The Prophet Job”, and we have some other messages coming in this series which we have already done. We have completed the studies

The Father’s Desire House of David Pt5

C01-1-4 The Father’s Desire House of David Pt5: Leeland Jones website: Leeland Jones video posted on November 14, 2014, transcribed: Okay guys, how are you doing?  I got another part in our series on the House of David.  And I know I’m going to be sharing a lot of things throughout this series, many of them

Samjaza Leviathan Abaddon Apollyon

C03-5-29 Samjaza Leviathan Abaddon Apollyon: Video also at  Scroll down on the Home page to What’s New and search for the video. Leeland Jones website: Abaddon Apollyon notes: Leeland Jones video posted on November 15, 2024, transcribed with photos:  This is the next part. We had told you that we are going to do

The Prophet Job

C04-1-11 The Prophet Job: Job notes: Leeland Jones website: Leeland Jones video posted on January 3, 2025, transcribed with photos:  We are very excited to share with you the Prophet Job. We are going to do this in a series of videos and we are going to show you the amazing prophet Job as he

Second Death – Gehenna the Lake of Fire

Second Death – Gehenna the Lake of Fire: This video can also be found at  Click on Video Courses from the Home page and scroll down and click on C01 7 Ekklesia, scroll down to 7 Churches – Ekklesea and search for video. Leeland Jones website: Leeland Jones video posted on November 4, 2019,

Rapture! Eagle Gathers the Elect

C01-4-33 Rapture! Eagle Gathers the Elect: Leeland Jones website: Rapture Series notes: Leeland Jones video post on August 30, 2019, transcribed with photos:  I venture to say 80 to 90 percent of you watch prophecy videos for the sole purpose of finding out when the Rapture is. Don’t be surprised if things don’t go


9-11, “JIHAD,” NEBUCHADNEZZAR AND NETANYAHU IS ZEDEKIAH: Leeland Jones blog resource page at Leeland Jones website: Leeland Jones video posted on October 12th, 2021, transcribed with photo’s:  We’re going to begin a new series, and this is a bit of introduction to the new series that we are going to do. We