"None that put their trust in Him shall be overcome." (1 Maccabees 2:61; John 3:14-16)

Azazel, Behemoth from the Abyss

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Azazel, Behemoth from the Abyss C03-5-28: https://vimeo.com/1027671296

Transcribed Videos from leelandjones.com: https://leelandjones.wordpress.com/course-03/
Leeland Jones website: https://leelandjones.com/
Leeland Jones video posted on November 8, 2024 transcribed, with photo’s:  

With the results of the Antichrist, Trump, winning the election and the election results, we thought we would do a video and show you some amazing deep concepts. I encourage you to get the notes in this video. Many of you will not be really familiar with the things that we are talking about. We’re going to explain it to you very early in the video and then repeat it several times.

When we see the son of perdition in Revelation 17 he’s called the Scarlet colored Beast. As a beast we don’t really know what type of creature that is, but what we’re going to see in this study is that we’re going to look at him, that creature, as Behemoth. Now Behemoth is basically a dinosaur. He’s a brontosaurus type dinosaur. You can read about him and I encourage you to read the latter section of Job chapter 40. It talks about this kind of brontosaurus type creature very clearly.

And what we’re going to suggest is that is the Scarlet colored Beast. It says that the beast ascended from the abyss, he ascended from the abyss.  And what we’re going to do in this study is we’re going to see that the Beast is going to relate to one of the Fallen angels.

In Genesis 6 we could see that the sons of Elohim, the sons of Yah, went into the daughters of women in Genesis 6 and they produced the Nephilim. Now the account there is more detailed in the book of Enoch.

In the book of Enoch we see a couple of key figures of these Fallen angels. One of them is called Samjaza and he led 200 of these angels to do this. The other one is called Azazel. Now when the Most High is detaining these angels they are in a human-like form, but we also know that when they are Fallen they take on a different form. When they take on a different form they take on a Beast type creature. We’re going to look at two of them. This is going to be part one and we’re going to have a part two on the other beast.

Now what we’re suggesting and what we’re going to tell you is that when the angel was detained from that time of Enoch and the Watchers, and we know that time was the time of Jared, at this time they were incarcerated until the end of days. They’re incarcerated for 5,000 years. We’re going to see all this in the study.

At the end of 5,000 years it’s the day of judgment and they’re released. When they’re released, these angels that sin they are released in the end of days and the book of Revelation tells us about them. The Scarlet Colored Beast is going to be Azazel and we’re going to see Azazel is the beast that he is likened unto Behemoth.

The Antichrist is filled with the spirit, and that spirit comes from a place called the abyss or Tartarus. It’s a place in the underworld. It’s a place in the wilderness. We’re going to see he’s held there and then he’s released in the end of days. There are two of these beasts. One’s called Behemoth and one’s called Leviathan. We’re going to talk about Leviathan in part two.

In this one we’re going to see that the Scarlet Colored Beast that ascended from the bottomless pit or from the abyss is what we see in Revelation. We’ll see that Revelation is using language and themes of the Fallen angels in the book of Enoch.

Now we have notes on this. I’ll make the notes available with a link in the description field. It’s going to be deep for you but you’ll clearly see that as we go through that’s what Revelation is talking about. Let’s get into.

As you can see we got the thumbnail of the video up on the screen and basically within the thumbnail we just want to talk about what’s going on.

We know the Antichrist, the son of perdition, is the Scarlet Colored Beast and it talks about the beast that ascends from the bottomless pit or in Greek abyss or abysoss. What that means is that there’s a spirit that’s detained in prison somewhere. He’s taken out and he fills the person, and that’s what we’re saying.

  • We realize some of you may be still worshiping the Antichrist, Trump, but Trump is the Antichrist.

For those that are aware of this you know that you’re in the end times but you can see the behavior of the people whose names are not written on the Lamb’s book of life. They wonder at the beast and that’s what’s taking place.

Who is this spirit? That’s what we’re looking at in this video. We are going to attribute that spirit to the angel with the name Azazel in the time of Enoch, and the beast that this Azazel turns into is Behemoth. Within this graphic in the thumbnail of the video we have Azazel who is the spirit. He comes out as a beast which is Behemoth, and he fills the Antichrist who is Trump.

Let’s get into it. We’re going to read everything. We’re working through it and we’ll make these notes available to you because we realize for many of you this is very deep.

Scarlet Beast that ascends from Abyssos

Here we look at the beast that possesses the son of perdition, the scarlet colored beast, that comes out of the abyss which in Greek we call abyssos.

Revelations 11:7, when the two witnesses have finished their testimony the beast that ascends from the bottomless pit, or abyssos, shall make war against them, who? the two witnesses, and shall overcome them, and shall kill them. This is what we’re waiting for the Antichrist to do.

More details of this beast coming out of the abyssos is also in Revelation 17:7, the scarlet, or in Greek kokkinos, beast that carried her, that is Mystery Babylon, has seven heads and ten horns. The beast which you saw was, is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, the abyssos, and go into perdition: they that dwell upon the earth shall wonder, whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not and yet is. That is basically what we are seeing with the election results.

Who exactly is this beast? Who is the beast? Why does he come from the abyssos or why does he come out of the bottomless pit? How did he get there? Where does he come from? These are angels. Angels are eternal beings. They’re put in places for a reason. The simple mind will basically think that the bottomless pit is just a bad place called hell, but when we look at eternal beings one must ask the question what is going on here? He must be coming out of prison, out of the Abyss, for a reason.

For example, it’s not in the notes, but we can see the devil goes into the abyss for a thousand years, and then an angel has a key and he opens the Abyss and the devil comes out and there’s the Gog Magog war at the end of the Millennium.

What is the reason the devil is put into the abyss? He’s jailed up so that there’s no war and there’s no devil in the time of the Millennium but the people have not all accepted Christ as their savior, they’re not all saved, and so he’s released to do the fulfillment of the Gog Magog war. When the devil comes out those people that are still sinners will go and die in the judgment of another Armageddon like scene. When that judgment takes place then we get the White Throne Judgment again and we go into New Jerusalem. That’s just an example of how the entity goes into the Abyss and it comes out.

Beast killed

Now we’re going to look at how the Antichrist is killed. Some people don’t even know this but the point of this study is to look at these deep things and ask these questions and see what the Scriptures say. This is all Scriptures. It’s just all Scriptures. Your problem is with the Scriptures, not me. Let’s look at how this beast is killed.

2 Thessalonians 2:8, the wicked or lawless one be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness, or the epiphaneia, of his coming, it’s the coming of when Christ is coming, the parousia, even him whose working is after the working of Satan, being the wicked and lawless one, with all power, signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved.

  • The people are worshiping the Antichrist.

Paul is using language here, to consume with the spirit of his mouth, and this applies to Christ at Armageddon when out of his mouth goes a sharp two edged sword. Afterwards that beast is being cast into the lake of fire.

Revelation 19:20, the beast was taken, which had deceived them which received the mark of the beast, and he was cast into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the others were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, this is Christ on the white horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth. That’s the language Apostle Paul is using of how the Antichrist is killed. He is referring to Revelation 19.

Daniel 7:11 agrees with this, as I looked the beast was killed and his body destroyed and given to be burned with fire. This is the little horn that Daniel’s talking about in Daniel 7:11. Lastly in the book of Esther Haman is described as the devil, diabolos, a type of the son of perdition and he is hung on the gallows he made for Mordecai. He’s killed so yes the Antichrist is killed. These are all the examples, 2 Thessalonians, Revelation 19, Daniel 7 and the book of Esther.

Bound in Abyssos 5 Millennia

How do we know this? What we realize is that the book of Revelation is drawing on the themes found in the book of Enoch. In order to understand this we understand what happened in Genesis 6 but we are referring to the book of Enoch because 2 Peter is talking about the book of Enoch, and Jude is talking about the book of Enoch in the last days and that these angels are bound until the judgment of the last days.

That said the beast that is coming from, or that ascends from, the Abyss that we saw relates to the Watcher angels that rebelled. There are two main ones, Samjaza and Azazel, detailed in the first book of Enoch and we see that Samjaza is bound for 70 generations.

1 Enoch 10 verse 2, the Lord said to Michael, the archangel, go bind Samjaza and his 200 associates which have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves, bind them fast for 70 generations in the valleys of the earth until the day of their judgment and of their consummation, until that judgment that is forever and ever is consummated. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire, or the lake of fire.

So they’re bound unto their judgment. We get their judgment and after the judgment they go into the lake of fire. That’s Samjaza. 70 generations he’s in prison. Remember how we talked about the devil he was in prison for a thousand years. He didn’t go into the lake of fire. He was bound 1,000 years and then he’s released. That’s like Samjaza here. Thus he’s imprisoned until the day of judgment or the events of Revelation take place which tell us the details. Revelation tells us details of the day of judgment. After which he is thrown into the lake of fire as we have seen before in Revelation 19:20.

Now with the view that there are 70 years in a generation, if we take that as an approach we could see that in Psalm 90, 70 generations times 70 years in a generation would be 4,900 years. Now we don’t know exactly when this was but the year Enoch was translated we do know. Since Adam, we count the years from Adam until Enoch is translated in year 987. If we add 4,900 years we get 5,887.

We don’t know exactly but in a general sense we can see that the angels are going to be released, if we take a thousand years until Enoch and then 4,900, we just round that to 5,000, that from the time of Creation and the time of Adam the day of the judgment would be six millennia from Adam, from Creation. That’s how we can see that they’re bound up until the day of judgment and we’re in that time.


That was Samjaza and Azazel is another one of these angels. This is what it says. Azazel taught men to make swords, knives and shields and breastplates. Basically up until this point in mankind there was no war. There’s no war and fighting. These fallen angels when they come with women they begin to teach men certain things. Azazel teaches them how to go to war and they give all these breastplates and then we know that these Nephilim start going to war and killing people and things get real bad.

Let’s look at also what he does. He shows how to make all the weapons. He made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them. Then it says something strange, and bracelets and ornaments, the use of antimony, or makeup, the beautifying of the eyelids, all kinds of costly stones and all coloring tinctures. That’s kind of like dying, staining or making colors. For example a sheep is not purple, it’s not red. The sheep is not that color but in the ancient times they would have dyes and they would dye the clothing different colors. That’s what it’s talking about. This is amazing because remember Mystery Babylon, the Woman, she is riding the Scarlet Colored Beast.

All the things that Azazel taught mankind to do, bracelets, ornaments, makeup, beautifying the eyelids, costly stones, making dyes in different colors we see in Mystery Babylon. Revelation 17:3, in the wilderness I saw the woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of the names of blasphemy, and the woman was arrayed with purple and scarlet. Those are dyes. You have to dye those different colors, scarlet color. Decked with gold and precious stones and pearls.This is exactly as taught by Azazel.

  • What we’re saying is Azazel is that Scarlet Colored Beast, because the woman is Riding that Beast and Azazel taught the very things that the woman is doing. Amazing.

This also relates to Trump. Trump is the Antichrist. Trump is filled with this spirit and we know Trump is obsessed with beauty pageants. Ever wonder why? It goes back to Azazel and relates directly to the influencing spirit that is influencing Trump called Azazel in the time of Enoch.

What’s the results of young women with tight clothes, jewelry and makeup? Fornication. Same thing as before the flood. Christ said it will be in the days of Noah. They’ll be marrying, giving in marriage and that’s also before the flood it was full of fornication.

This is what it says about what happened as a result, you see what Azazel has done who has taught all unrighteousness on the earth and revealed the eternal secrets preserved in heaven which men were striving to learn. And the whole earth has been corrupted through the works taught by Azazel and to him ascribe all sin, Azazel.

We have seen Samjaza earlier. Then we see Azazel they also bind him. The Lord said to Raphael, isn’t it interesting we have a tropical storm named Rapheal, bind Azazel hand and foot, and cast him into darkness and make an opening in the desert, which is in Dudael, and cast him in there, cast him in the desert. Place upon him rough and jagged stones and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there forever and cover his face that he might not see the light. And on the day of the great judgment he shall be cast in the lake of fire.

He’s in prison. He’s incarcerated. This is not the Devil. The Devil has not been locked up like this. These are the Fallen angels at time of Genesis 6. They’ve been locked up until the end of days, 70 generations.

Now we can see that when it’s talking about Azazel here we can see that this place is also related to Behemoth. To paraphrase he’s placed in Dudael, similar to Duidain, which we’ll see is a cavern in the desert. Then there’s a lid placed on it, a lid covering with rough and jagged stone. He’s held there in that prison, in that place, until the Apocalypse.


Now this Azazel it is important to note there are two goats on the Day of Atonement. Most of you know the term scapegoat. You read it in English and it says scapegoat. What you don’t know is that if you look at the Hebrew that word is Azazel. On the Day of Atonement there were two goats and what happened is he told Aaron take two goats and present them before Yahweh, cast lots upon the two goats, one lot will be for Yahweh and he’s sacrificed and the other lot is for the scapegoat, in Hebrew that is Azazel.

  • We know that Christ was our sacrifice, but then we have this other goat he is not killed he is sent into the wilderness.

This goat is Azazel. This is the Mark of the Beast because it says of this Beast in Revelation 19:20, and the beast which deceived them, he deceived them that received the mark of the beast. They were Deceived. We have a whole video on this. If you get the notes you can click on it or you can look it up. This isn’t new. We’ve been teaching this many years.

Behemoth and Leviathan

You can see Behemoth is like a type of dinosaur, like a brontosaurus. We have a picture there that you could just see and he’s scarlet colored. I was looking for an example. We don’t know what color the dinosaurs were but imagine that if the dinosaur the brontosaurus was red.

Now interesting enough Enoch describes the two angels that we talked about but he also describes two beasts. One is called Behemoth and the other is called Leviathan.

  • That’s why we’re concluding saying that those angels when they fell they turned into beast-like creatures. We see them coming out of the sea. We see them coming out of the earth, out of the Abyssos.

Now this passage details Behemoth being detained in Duidain, the similar name of the place of Azazel that we have seen. Leviathan is in the abyss, in the depths of the waters. In Revelation we see a beast rise from the sea, another from the earth.

1 Enoch 60:6, on that day, two great monsters were separated, a female monster called Leviathan, that dwells in the depths of the ocean, a male named Behemoth with his chest occupies the desolate wilderness, named Duidain, east of the garden where the chosen and righteous dwell, where my grandfather was taken up, the seventh from Adam, the first man who the Lord of Spirits had created.I pleaded with the other angel to show me the power of these monsters, and how they were separated one day and thrown into the depths of the sea and into the dry land of the wilderness.

So what happened we saw those two angels, Samjaza and Azazel, they were detained. Then we see two beasts and they are also detained. They are also put into the Abyss.

Behemoth in Tartarus

When we look at Job and we read the Job in the Septuagint he goes to a place called Tartarus and 2 Peter talks about this. He uses this word Tartarus of the Fallen angels alluding to the book of Enoch. Uriel, one of the Holy angels was over Tartarus. Remember how we talked about there was an angel over the bottomless pit that chained the devil up a thousand years well this is something similar which we can see with Uriel, the archangel.

2 Peter 2:4, and the if God spared not the angels that sin but cast them down into Tartarus, delivered them in the chains of darkness to be preserved unto the judgment. Peter’s talking about the same thing. He’s talking about the same thing as detailed in the book of Enoch.

Tartarus is used in Job 40 when we’re talking about Behemoth. Remember how we saw those two creatures, Behemoth and Leviathan, well Behemoth is listed only once in the Hebrew Old Testament. Behemoth is Job chapter 40. In Job chapter 40 it alludes to Tartarus.


Job 40:15, behold now Behemoth and coming unto a chiseled mountain he produces a cause for joy to the four footed in the infernal region. Infernal region here is Tartarus. Behemoth is in this Tartarus. Job is telling us this. This is Job.

Then in the ESV Yahweh brings his sword indicating the demise of this Behemoth. Christ’s sword comes from out of His mouth to slay him. It’s what it says in Job 40:19 regarding Behemoth. He is first in the works of God, let Him who made him, who created him, Yahweh, bring near his sword. Behemoth is going to perish with a sword just like the sword that proceeds out of Christ on His white horse.

Now I encourage you to take the time as it says here read all Job 40. It’s describing a land based dinosaur with this Behemoth. It looks kind of like this

and that is the creature that is the Scarlet Colored Beast. The creature, the Beast that comes out of the abyss that fills the Antichrist is Behemoth. If he were to take on a form of a man he was Azazel.

I will post a link to the notes. I’ll make them available on Google Drive. This is a long series.

I knew Trump was the Antichrist in 2017, that’s 7 years ago, and then went through the process of proving it. We have a whole playlist. If you’re hearing me new and you don’t know the message or anything we have a whole playlist, lots of videos, Trump is the Antichrist. This is going to be part of that. Maybe what we’ll do is provide a link to that whole playlist. this will be part of it.

So the voice came out of heaven and from the throne saying, it is done!

Antichrist Trump Playlist: https://vimeo.com/showcase/9119403

The Two Gog Magog Alliances C04-5-11: https://vimeo.com/1019507071

Peace and Security, then Sudden Destruction! C02-6-41: https://vimeo.com/1000818817

War for the Promised Land C04-5-10: https://vimeo.com/878648847

This is Armageddon! This is Joel 3 – C04-5-9: https://vimeo.com/876354790

Gaza War in Zech 9 and Amos 1 – C04-5-8: https://vimeo.com/872961571

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Jennifer HeathAzazel, Behemoth from the Abyss

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