Here is Sophia, # of the beast χξς Bitcoin:
Paraphrases/Notes/Verbiage from Leeland Jones video posted on January 19, 2018:
Here is Sophia!
I am sure you have heard about this robot called, Sophia? And, I don’t know if you know this, but when we read the New Testament, reading the word, WISDOM, it’s actually the Greek word, SOPHIA. So the title of this message is Here Is Sophia! She is here! And….IT IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST!
‘Here is wisdom, to he that has understanding, let him count the image of the beast.’ So, what we are talking about here is Revelation 13. And, if you have heard about some of these things in the news that are kind of buzzing and going around, there is all this talk of different things….ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, THIS ROBOT, EVEN CRYPTOCURRENCIES! Now, Cryptocurrencies and things like Bitcoin, and all this is ALL LEADING TO THIS BEAST SYSTEM!
So, let’s look closely at Revelation 13, and you can see this here! Let’s see……verse 15, He had power to give life unto the image of the beast. That the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as who would not worship the beast to be killed. So there is some kind of statue! Statue…that SPEAKS! So it is NOT something ALIVE, it’s a statue!
That’s what Sophia is! She is that image of the beast! Now, eventualy what it says……this is the Abomination that makes Desolate that will be in the Temple! So, I am NOT saying that it’s exactly THIS ROBOT, Sophia, but something like this, is the image! It’s a STATUE THAT SPEAKS! And, that is what we are looking, we are looking at a speaking statue!
Now, not only that, people behind some of this artificial intelligence that is going into things, like this Robot and other things, there is also ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE that’s doing other things, like creating LANGUAGES! So, they are talking to each other! Robots/computers are talking to each other IN A LANGUAGE THEY MADE UP, THAT HUMANS DON’T EVEN UNDERSTAND!
So this is forming a LIFE FORM that is like an ENTITY unto itself! And the people are worshipping it! There is even a CHURCH that is WORSHIPPING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE! Because, the intelligence is even more intelligent than we are! Well, humans are not very smart, so it’s not to difficult to make something more intelligent than humans! But, THIS IS WHAT IT IS TALKING ABOUT IN REVELATION! It’s this Image of the Beast that Speaks!
Now, it also says that it …. (Revelation 13:16) ’causes ALL, both small and great, rich and poor, bond and free, to receive a mark on their right hand and in their foreheads: (17) that no man should buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.’ Now, the other thing that is happening is CRYPTOCURRENCY! Bitcoin! I use to come from a financial background, and, now THESE ARE ALL NEW THINGS, so when I was in business these things weren’t really around, these are all, really only the last FEW years {video posted on January 19, 2018}!
Now essentially, what it is…….just like you have a Nation, and you have the currency of that Nation, there is ANOTHER CURRENCY that DOESN’T MATTER WHAT NATION YOU ARE FROM, it’s just currency! Now, it is also an investment! So, just like you buy a stock, and it’s traded on a market, and the price goes up and down, these cryptocurrencies are the same way! It is an Investment! You can buy it at one price and you can sell it at another, just like a stock! But, you can also buy things! People are now buying houses with Bitcoin!
Now, one of the challenging things in doing this video is, there is another thing that the Economist Magazine had a cover to it in 1988! On it, was this Phoenix, it was this bird! So just kind of picture this, if you were: There is the bird and it’s wings are out and below it is CURRENCY ON FIRE, it is burning! And then in the center of it, it has a medallion like thing. So it’s this bird, it’s standing like this….I will put ….please look at the picture, because it’s the best I can do! But, there is this medallion thing, and it’s a COIN! And in that coin is a circle with a line across it. And, if you actually look at Bitcoin, or the EU, and all these different things, it actually looks very, very similar!
Now, what it said is, GET READY FOR A NEW CURRENCY in 2018! Now, this magazine cover was in 1988!! So now we have this magazine….NOW IT IS THIS YEAR, IT’S 2018! Now, THIS THING IS GOING ON!! So, these evil, wicked people, the Illumanti, they told us about this, alright? And, it’s not only that, but Bitcoin is a “B” with 2 lines! Again, B meaning, Mark of the Beast!
So what do we have? We have Currency that is made up and designed by artificial intelligence! Humans can not hack into these things! The security measures our beyond humans! It’s just different systems, let’s put it that way.
Now, we have this robot! All of this is PERFECTLY DESCRIBED IN REVELATION 13! The only thing I want to express to you, is …YOU DON’T HAVE TO ACTUALLY RECEIVE A MARK OR SOMETHING ON YOUR HAND! THE BUYING OR SELLING IS THE BEAST SYSTEM, alright? And the Beast System is really in the Heart! And that is why all these things are coming into play!
Alright now, we are watching! What is going to form? What is this going to do? We are going to see! But what we are seeing: Here is Wisdom, Here is Sophia, Here is this robot, Here is this IDOL! In the Bible, these things are called, IDOLS and IMAGE that SPEAKS! Now we have her speaking to Saving the World and all this stuff! Absolutely crazy!
But, I know that some of you have been thinking about this, and wondering about it! I am going to have some links in the description field to talk about the Economist Magazine. How artificial intelligence created Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin, which I encourage you to watch, because it is very, very hidden information! These things are NOT being talked about! It is like: ‘Oh, Bitcoin is this great thing! Sophia is this great thing!’ NO IT IS NOT! IT IS THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST!
Thanks for watching! We are going to have some more video’s soon! And, as I say, Watch and pray that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things! In Iesous Christos name, Amen! ~ Leeland Jones
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom (σοφiα sophia) . Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six 666 g5516. χξς chx; the 22nd, 14th and an obsolete letter
13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak,
A.I. made Bitcoin:
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