"None that put their trust in Him shall be overcome." (1 Maccabees 2:61; John 3:14-16)

#JenniferHeathFBPurged on March 1st, 2018!

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“I’m not gonna give up, shut up, or let up, until I’m taken up…..as a matter of fact, I’m just getting warmed up”.  ~~~Zig Ziglar

On Thursday, March 1st, I (Jennifer Heath) was banned on FB after posting I was going to do a FB live interview event with a fellow Lyme Warrior Hero, Mirenda Campirano, RN.

What was FB justification for blocking me? FB said I had a  “Security Breach,” so they blocked all of my friends and myself from seeing any of my posts and my author page.  Unfortunately, each passcode they gave me to log back into my FB account and to allow me access to FB, failed.  FB  automative services called me to verbally give me a password but failed to mention my password.  So as of this blog post, I am still blocked/banned from FB.

Fortunately, FB does not own the Internet nor all other social media outlets. They also forgot that informed citizens do care about human life and the fact that there is a huge major human rights violation going on that states, “Chronic Lyme Disease does not exist.” Lyme victims are denied health care, are socially ostracized, abandoned by their families and friends, spend their life savings on trying to get better,  denied disability, and pretty much left for dead.

Learn why this is happening here:


Another reason why I may have been blocked from going live on FB was because of the mysterious  disappearance of a CDC doctor, Dr. Timothy Cunningham.  Dr. Cunningham went missing on February 12th.

“Timothy J. Cunningham, ScD, is a team lead with CDC’s Division of Population Health. Dr. Cunningham trained with CDC as an Epidemic Intelligence Service officer. His research has been oriented towards understanding health differences related to race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, and geography. Dr. Cunningham has also deployed for numerous public health emergencies, including Superstorm Sandy, Ebola, and Zika. He is an active member of the American Public Health Association and the American College of Epidemiology. Dr. Cunningham received his S.M. and Sc.D. from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.” https://www.healthnutnews.com/fox-missing-cdc-doctor-harvard-grad-disappears-without-a-trace-dog-wallet-phone-left-behind/

Of course CNN News waited over two weeks to finally run a story on Dr. Cunningham.  CNN is located in Atlanta, GA.  Seems to me that this would be an easy story for them to cover considering their studio location.


It appears to me that the CDC and everyone protecting them do not want any more negative publicity that would come when other media sources start learning and reporting about the Lyme Crime during the rally on May 4th.  Especially since certain members of the CDC are named in a Racketeering lawsuit:


Thanks to our fellow Lyme Warrior and Lyme Rally event coordinator, Mirenda Campirano, RN, we are going to wake up the world to this #1 World Pandemic that is not being recognized by our CDC, ALDF, IDSA, AMA, Government, Insurance Companies, big Pharma or anyone else that they are in bed with.

Mirenda Campirano, RN explaining Lyme/CDC Rally

 In the link below you will find an informative and detailed video that Mirenda Campirano created for all of us in place of our blocked FB live event:

Here is the link below to donate to The Lyme Army rally fund mentioned in the video.  All funds collected will be made public and used for the rally only. Banners, balloons, helium, flyers, etc.  If you or your friends and family can not attend, this link gives them a chance to help by making a donation.

Also, don’t forget if you are to ill to attend and want to be counted/recognized at the event, make sure you send an old pair of shoes with a note attached with your name and anything you have to say.  We will attach a lime green ballon to them and put them in the CDC yard.  They will not be returned, but donated instead.
 Mail shoes to:
Roberta Cromlish
361 Nalley Dr.
Stone Mountain, GA 30087
New:  #JenniferHeathFBJail video:
Thank you so much for all of your love and support!  Please share this blog!  “We The People” need a large group of supporters at the event so we can get the media coverage “We The People” deserve.
Thank you and God bless!
Your Fellow Lyme Warrior,
Jennifer Heath
International Bestselling Author, Overcoming Lyme Disease

Update 8/22/23

ORION TECHNOLOGY AND OTHER SECRET PROJECTS: https://burlingtonnews.net/secretprojects.html

“What they essentially proved they could do was that they could control a person that they had the “signature” for. This pattern that was unique to an individual could be put into the computer
program for the transmitter. A second order wavelength would be transmitted that has a lower attenuation and affects that persons mind directly. There could be a command to do anything focused
at the person. Once a device was constructed that illustrated this principle on a wide scale. A mental message was put out that if anybody heard the message they were to call a certain phone
number. Over 600 calls came from all over the East coast all the way down to Florida. It works.

That’s interesting. There’s a fellow who calls himself Lord Mattreya who says that he is the Christ returned to the planet; that when he links up with the international press he will send a telepathic
message to the entire planet in their own language and they will hear it. They also are supposed to receive a visual image. So.. they have that technology?

Yes. There is not only an individual signature. There’s a racial signature and also a universal signal for the human race. The government has used all three to target specific individuals. They have
also done group messages targeted on a specific racial or ethnic group. That’s common. In Boston and New York they were doing experiments on “mood control” on the cities. Transmitters used no
longer exist, but the technology does.

Do targeted individuals perceive what they are receiving as their own thought?


Is there any defense against that?

Yes and no. Theoretically no. This is what the government depends on. Practically speaking, they can’t get everyone, because some people are naturally resistant, depending on their level of
mental and psychic development. Perhaps 5% of the population do not respond to these signals. If they get 95% coverage, they don’t care about that 5%. That’s what they have the riot squads and
the concentration camps for. There is no defense unless you can interfere with that signal. Some people just don’t react.

So they transmit a thought signal?

Not exactly. If you were put on an EEG, you would exhibit a certain pattern of electrical responses. These can be recorded and they are unique to you. It can be recorded and stored and replicated
on a computer. If they can replicate your RNA/DNA pattern they’ve got you too – for life.

You mentioned about concentration camps?

Yes. They are all over the United States. There are three in Arizona alone.

So they can control us to the point where we’ll just hand over our guns?

That’s what they hope. It depends on how effective this equipment becomes, how thoroughly installed it is everywhere, and whether or not people can ferret this stuff out and render it inoperative
before that time arrives.”

Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. It is not meant to cover all possible precautions, drug interactions, circumstances or adverse effects. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen.
Jennifer Heath#JenniferHeathFBPurged on March 1st, 2018!

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