Leeland Jones Blog

The Precious Cornerstone

The Precious Cornerstone: https://vimeo.com/791206715 Leeland Jones website: https://leelandjones.com/ Leeland Jones Blog Post/Notes: Precious Cornerstone: https://leelandjones.com/blog/precious-cornerstone Leeland Jones video posted on January 20, 2023, transcribed:  The Precious Cornerstone.  {Intro: drawings of the Precious Corner Stone, the Temple, and the Temple Complex} We are always sharing now that we have the website.  We have the channel that is now

C05-6-24 The Precious Cornerstone

C05-6-24 The Precious Cornerstone: https://vimeo.com/791206715 Leelandjones.com Leeland Jones Vimeo video posted on January 20, 2023,  Transcribed by Kate C. 1-21-23: I have many other things here which were included in the blog to and you can read them right here in this transcription of this video.  The whole blog is included right here. He is the Cornerstone, Foundation

Prince of Tyre’s Abraham Peace Deal

Prince of Tyre’s Abraham Peace Deal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaNZySl3nig&list=PLXqaGD7sX9gZ83zVDuBH04JrBXMVl_ApY&index=9 Leeland Jones YouTube video posted on Aug 14, 2020, Transcribed: HUGE NEWS!  I know you have seen it, but the Abraham Peace Deal between the U.A.E. and Diplomatic ties with Israel, this is HUGE NEWS, this is part of the Peace Deal of the Antichrist! We are going to

Precious Cornerstone, by Leeland Jones

Precious Cornerstone, blog post by Leeland Jones: https://leelandjones.com/blog/precious-cornerstone Precious Cornerstone, posted on January 17, 2023: He is the Cornerstone, Foundation stone, Millstone, Petra, Precious “timios” __________Stone the Builders Rejected______________ In this post we once again highlight a most important topic regarding the Ezekiel Temple, Christ the Precious Cornerstone! The Throne and Footstool may have been

Ps 150 Symphony of Instruments

2 Samuel 6:5 And David and all the house of Israel played before the LORD (Yahuah, Yahweh) on all manner of instruments made of fir wood, even on harps, and on psalteries, and on timbrels, and on shofars, and on cymbals. Shared: Ps 150 Symphony of Instruments: Leeland Jones Blog, posted on Wednesday, May 04,

Trump Indignation against Covenant

Trump Indignation against Covenant, Leeland Jones video posted Monday, December 20, 2021, on Leeland Jones blog under Trump Antichrist fulfilling Dan 11: https://leelandjones.com/blog/trump-antichrist-fulfilling-dan-11 Video also on Leeland Jones Vimeo channel: https://vimeo.com/658573636 Blog message from Leeland Jones: Monday, December 20, 2021 In this blog post we look at Trump fulfilling the Anichrist prophecies in Dan 11:28

Days Shortened for Elects Sake

Days Shortened for the Elect: https://vimeo.com/showcase/9068744/video/657891661 Video on YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg2CveZB1OU Leeland Jones Blog Post, posted Friday, December 17, 2021 : https://leelandjones.com/blog/all-about-anointing-crowning-the-king Leeland Jones Blog Post NOTES for his vimeo video, Days Shortened for the Elect: I’d like to show you a further aspect of the “Hosanna Procession” for the King and Mordecai or the manchild. As


Leeland Jones Blog Post, November 26, 2021, Notes: KING ANOINTED – OLIVE, FIG, VINE, THORN IN JDG 9: https://dontspeaknews.com/2021/11/26/king-anointed-olive-fig-vine-thorn-in-jdg-9/ Leeland Jones Message: Continuing on the Series “Its All about Anointing and Crowning the King” we look at the Parable of the Trees in Judges 9 showing the marvelous sacrifice paid and suffering Christ endured in His


WHY THE “SON OF PERDITION” IS A PRESIDENT OF THE USA A STUDY OF DANIEL 8 AND REVELATION 17: https://dontspeaknews.com/2021/08/07/why-the-son-of-perdition-is-a-president-of-the-usa-a-study-of-daniel-8-and-revelation-17/ Leeland Jones Blog Post on Don’t Speak News: ‘Today I’m sharing another Bible study from our brother Leeland Jones on the end times and the tribulation. This time the focus is on Daniel 8 and Revelation