"None that put their trust in Him shall be overcome." (1 Maccabees 2:61; John 3:14-16)

The Prophet Job

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C04-1-11 The Prophet Job: https://vimeo.com/1043643297

Job notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rKk8k0d8-wFM7PeNySJk4jo8FDSFr-qA/edit

Leeland Jones website: https://leelandjones.com/

Leeland Jones video posted on January 3, 2025, transcribed with photos: 

We are very excited to share with you the Prophet Job. We are going to do this in a series of videos and we are going to show you the amazing prophet Job as he goes through the Tribulation and comes to the Second Coming of Christ.

Unfortunately in the modern church, the modern western church has portrayed Job incorrectly in my personal opinion. He’s some type of loser, he didn’t have faith, his bad behavior or his mistakes have caused the judgment of God, all kinds of things which even you can see the three friends of Job also said to him. But instead of getting into Job’s trials and what he went through and the arguments between the three friends we’re going to show you amazing things in this series.

  • It’s definitely showing us Job is a Prophet.
  • He’s going to see Elijah.
  • Job is going to see, as we showed in previous videos, the beasts Leviathan and Behemoth. We know that those are the fallen angels.
  • Job is going to see the 7th Bowl.
  • And we conclude the series when Job is going to enter the Millennium. That’s the last chapter of Job.

You’re going to see a clear pattern. Very, very, exciting.

We’ll show you if you want to get more of our studies that we’re doing that are not going into videos we are sending out weekly notes from studies like Job. We have been in Job for several months some of which we publish in videos and some of it is not. We’ll show you that later on in the video where to Subscribe and get onto the School. Then you’ll get the emails. You can also join us on Zoom calls when we assemble.

The Prophet Job. The whole purpose of this study is not to just give a description on the book of Job it is only to look at the book of Job in light of the Apocalypse. That’s our whole goal here. It’s all about the Second Coming of Christ, and as we said we really feel like the modern church has portrayed Job kind of like the friends did which is exactly what you’re not supposed to do because they were rebuked in the end.

Now Job is a Prophet. You hear me keep saying Prophet and that’s where I think that Job is. His book is not listed in the Prophets so we don’t really consider him in the esteem of the Prophets but the early church did. Apostle James says, James 5:11, Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, as an example of suffering and affliction, and patience. Who?  The Prophets.

James 5:12 Behold, we count them blessed which endure. You have heard the patience of Job. Who is Job? He’s one of the Prophets he just mentioned. Take the prophet Job,  so James says Job is a Prophet.

Again in the early church they would have esteemed Job as such but in time I don’t know what happened but people end up just kind of condemning Job which is ridiculous really.

{3:49 min mark} Our whole goal here is the Second Coming of Christ and that is what’s happening to Job.

It says in James 5:7, Be patient, brethren, unto the parousia.  Parousia is the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, His coming, when the Son of man appears in the clouds.

Verse 11 You have heard of the patience of Job.  hypomone in the Greek. and have seen the end of the Lord that the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy. The word hypomone here it’s the same Patience of the Saints used in Revelation 13 and 14.

Christ is also implying the Patience of the Saints in Matthew 24 verse 13, he that shall endure, hypomone, unto the end the same shall be saved. We believe that Christ is implying the saints and the main saint that had to endure Tribulation and be saved.  As an example, is Job. We believe Christ is implying Job there for sure.

What happens is Job goes through his own Tribulation. He goes through the Tribulation and he goes through plagues. He goes through things and he doesn’t understand why, but Yahweh appears to him at the end. There’s the discourse between the three friends and then a fourth comes on the scene and after the fourth finishes, Yahweh appears to Job in a cloud.

Yahweh spoke to him out of a whirlwind, nephos in the Greek. Job sees the Second Coming of Christ. He comes in the clouds and later we believe that Job sees him face to face and Christ is physically appearing to him like we have in this photo.

{5:42 min mark} This is an early Byzantine painting of Job and Christ is appearing to him. He sees Him and that’s what we believe is happening. Job is a remarkable example for us not only of patience and that aspect, but he goes through the Tribulation and he enters the Millennium. Fascinating.

Job also experiences the Resurrection prophetically, and he’s looking for the Resurrection. Job is looking for the Resurrection. Job 19:25, I know my redeemer lives, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth.

  • He shall stand on the earth, that’s Christ coming! His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives.

Job 14:14, if a man die he shall live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait till my change come. Job is looking forward to the Resurrection.

Now we’ll see many other themes in this series. We’ll just kind of plant a seed now but there are examples in Job where Job sees:

  • the 7 Thunders,
  • he sees the order of the Cherubim; Lion, Ox, Man Eagle,
  • he sees Christ on His White Horse,
  • and as we talked about in our previous videos on Behemoth and Abaddon or Apollyon and Leviathan, those beasts that Job sees are the beasts of Revelation.

We have previous videos on those. I hope you have seen them.

{Please watch the videos: C03-7-5  7 Mysteries of 7 Thunders in Job; Azazel, Behemoth from the Abyss C03-5-28; Samjaza Leviathan Abaddon Apollyon, the links are at the bottom of this blog post.}

Job goes through many of the Plagues and we can see at least 4. He goes through the Plagues just like the Plagues come on the earth in the book of Revelation.

He sees Armageddon in Job 1:15, the Sabeans fell upon them, and they took them away; they had slain the servants with the edge of the sword. They’re taking away his livestock. Verse 17, the Chaldeans made out three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have carried them away, and slain the servants with the edge of the sword. That’s Job going through Armageddon.

  • Armageddon is coming on Job there are these same places that are described, the Sabeans and the Chaldeans, they’re described in Ezekiel 38 as those that come against Jerusalem. Well, they’re coming against Job.

We see Hail in verse 16, the fire of God is fallen from heaven, and has burnt up the sheep, and the servants.

We see the Destroyer of the Firstborn in verse 18. In the plagues of Egypt, we get the plague of the Firstborn. Verse 19, and there was a great wind, or ruah (spirit), and it came upon them from out of the wilderness, and touched the four corners of the house, and the house fell upon your children. His children died and his firstborn son was having a feast. Job experiences the Plague of the Firstborn and loses all 10 children.

He experiences the Boils, the boils of RevelationJob 2:7, Satan came forth from the presence of the Lord and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his feet unto his crown.

{9:05 min mark} Job is a Priest. Job is very interesting. We’re going to talk about the time frame of when we believe Job is. It doesn’t say exactly in the ancient chronology of time between Adam and Abraham where Job falls, but based on his life and how long he lived we get a rough idea.

Job is a Priest. Job is offering sacrifice in a manner like Noah did. When Noah came off the Ark, he is doing offerings. In Job 1:5 we see that , Job sent and sanctified his children, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them. This is in Job chapter 1.

And then later in Job chapter 42 his friends are told to, {verse 8} take up seven bullocks and seven rams, and go to my servant Job, and he will offer a burnt offering; and my servant Job will pray for you: and him will I accept. Yahweh will accept his offering.

  • This is obviously not the time of Moses because it was not acceptable for you to make an altar at your own house and to do sacrifices. You had to do them with the Priest, so Job is operating as a Priest in a time period prior to Moses. He’s going to be after Noah.

It’s a very interesting time. Most people say the book of Job is the oldest book in the Bible. Yes it is.

This is going to place Job in an interesting place predating in our opinion, we could be wrong, but in our opinion Job is actually predating Abraham, because Abraham, and Israel, and Jacob, none of them are mentioned in the book of Job. Job doesn’t go to Egypt. Job sees 4 generations. He sees 4 generations of his sons’ sons, and none of them go into Egypt with the Exodus. He sees them where he is.

Then AFTER his plagues Job lives 140 years. Now traditionally there’s a term called the “time of the patriarchs”. The “time of the patriarchs” is basically the time from Noah to Abraham.

If we look there you can see that Noah lived 950 years. He lived on one side of the flood and then he lived on the other side of the flood. Then what happens is the life expectancy goes down, down, down. We go down from 950 to 600 to 438 to 433 to 464 to 239 to 230.

What happens is Job has his first set of children. He has 10 children and we don’t know how old he is when the tribulation and his plagues happen. After those plagues Job lives 140 years. At a conservative level we believe Job is at least at a minimum 210 years old. That’s what a tradition holds. We’re not certain of that, but what we’re saying Job’s life expectancy is placing him in a time when they live like 200 years old and that’s a little bit older than Abraham.

  • At the time of Nahor and Terah, Abram’s grandfather and father, that’s where we believe Job is. We don’t have the time to go into all of that. It’s just our view overall.

In that graph we see, {Job 42:17} Job died, being old full of days. He died being old full of days and he lived 140 years after his second set of children {verse 16}, however long it took for him to have 10 children.

Then one of the discourses in the book of Job is a young man called Eliahu and we’re going to discuss him, Eliahu is Elijah. He calls Job old or aged. Eliahu says I am young in years and you are aged {Job 32:4 and 6}. That is during Job’s plagues, so Job is already old in his plagues. That’s what we’re saying at minimum Job is 210 years old. We believe he’s older.

We also find that the Almighty is an expression, El Shaddai, being used for the name of God commonly by the patriarchs. This is going to be common with Abraham. It’s common with as well obviously the book of Job because it uses El Shaddai more than any other book.

Remember when Yahweh appeared to Moses and He says, you have heard up until this time my name is El Shaddai, and now you will know me as eHayah Asher eHayah {I Am that I Am, Exodus 3:14}. He appears to Moses with like a different name, prior to that the name was El Shaddai.

Job is the greatest of the “kings of the east”. Very interesting. Job’s considered the greatest of the “kings of the east” it says. We’re not suggesting that Job is on the eastern side of the Euphrates. With Job’s friends the Septuagint call them kings, Eliphaz a king, Baldad a sovereign, Zophar a king. It says in Job 1:1, Job the man of Uz…..that this man was the greatest of all the people of the east. Very, very, interesting.  Prophetically what that means is that’s the Elders. We have videos on that.

{To learn more please watch the House of David playlist, the link is at the bottom of this blog post.}

As well, the “kings of the east” could have more than one meaning. What it is it’s the Elders. The “kings of the east” are the ones that brought the gold, frankincense and myrrh. That was the Magi that came to the Messiah.

Now when the Chaldeans attack Job they’re coming from an area and we know where it is it’s in Mesopotamia. Where is Uz? Job is a man from the land of Uz. We also have Sabeans and they’re in Northern Arabia. That could be close to the land of Edom. Other sources point to the land of Uz lying somewhere in Northeast Palestine and tradition supports a site that Josephus says Uz founded by Trachonitis and Damascus. Now Trachonitis is south and east of Damascus.

  • What I’m getting at here and also I’ll say the Arabian tradition places the scene of Job’s sufferings in Hauran and there’s a monastery of Job. There are links to all this but basically the places that Israel invaded into Syria is the exact place where Job in some traditions is from. We’re equating this to the War that’s happening. We believe it’s related to Job and related to the Tribes inheriting. We’re going to get to that as our series goes on. This will place Job here for example if we look at this place here Job’s monastery (Deir Eiyub), I’m not going to put it up on the map as I don’t want to take up too much time.

Lamentations 4:21 O daughter of Edom, you that dwells in the land of Uz.

Jeremiah 25:20 all the kings of the land of Uz and all the kings of the land of the Philistines.

Again it’s our view that that area is just to the east of the Golan Heights, just going to the east and its south of Damascus. That’s where Hauran is and that could be where Uz, the ancient Uz is.

{17:30 min mark} Before the Throne. Job requests to go before the Throne.

Job 23:1 Then Job answered and said…..3 O that I knew where I might find him! that I might even come to his seat!  4 I would order my cause before him.

Job wants to come before the Throne and we can see this request is granted.

What Job sees is before the events of the Tribulation when the sons of Elohiym appeared before Yahweh. Job asked to go before the Throne and then later in the book of Job he finds out about those that appear before the Throne.

Job 2:1 now there was a day when the sons of Elohiym came to present themselves before YHWH, and Satan came among them.

Job finds out later in the book when he requests to come before the Throne, he’s given that request and understands what happened to him which came from the Throne directly. He began to understand what took place.

{18:38 min mark} The Three Scrolls. Next, we’d like to discuss the mystery in Ezekiel 14 where Job is mentioned. Job is a real person. In Ezekiel 14:14, 20 these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job were in the place where YHWH was going to bring destruction; they shall deliver but their own souls through their righteousness.

  • Meaning, that they will not be able to save anyone else through prayers or things like that. They through their Righteousness, they are only going to be preserved in in the end of times when Yahweh’s judgments fall.

When we look at these three men we can see significant things related to them that Christ talks about.  Christ talks about these three men in His Second Coming in Matthew 24:

  • Daniel, verse 15,  When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation spoken by Daniel the prophet.
  • Christ talks about Noah in verse 37, But as the days of Noah were, so shall also you see the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered to the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming (parousia) of the Son of man be.
  • We believe Job is implied by Christ as well in Matthew 24 verse 13, But he that shall endure to the end, the same shall be saved.

That’s what happened to Job. He had to endure everything. He had to endure the arguments with his friends.

2 Peter 2 also mentions Noah; And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing the flood upon the world of the ungodly.

In addition to what we know of Noah in Genesis 6-9, we also know about Noah in a fragment from the book of Enoch. 

Enoch 10:1 Then said the Most High, the Holy and Great One sent Uriel to the son of Lamech 2 and he said to him: ‘Go to Noah tell him in my name “Hide yourself!” and reveal to him the end that is approaching: that the whole earth will be destroyed, and a deluge is about to come upon the whole earth.

In the book of Enoch chapter 60 the title is talking about the, “Quaking of the Heaven; Behemoth and Leviathan: the Elements.”

What we’re getting at is Job is being considered with the Three Scrolls, Noah, Daniel, Job. Job is equal to that in significance as Noah and Daniel. That’s amazing. That’s what we’re learning from Ezekiel 14. That’s what Ezekiel is telling us. We’re calling the three scrolls, three books. The book of Noah we explained to you it’s in Genesis and it’s in the book Enoch. We have the book of Daniel and we have the prophet Job.

My goodness, I never heard anyone talk about the prophet Job as being equal to Daniel.

What do we learn? We learned lots of things. We’re going to learn more in the series but what do we get from this? When we read the book of Job we have to say it’s all about patience. It’s patience.

  • It’s patience and enduring unto the end.

That’s what James told us straight away. You have heard the patience of Job. Job of all the Scriptures the main person for patience relates to Job. That’s what apostle James is telling us in the end of days that we must do.

  • All the things you go through remember Job. Read it. Look at it. Consider it. Consider much worse things he went through than you. Also consider in the book of Revelation.

Revelation 13:10 Here is the patience and faith of the saints.

Revelation 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

I will provide the notes for you (end of document).

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Thanks for watching. And the voice came from the Throne and from the Temple saying, It is done!

Azazel, Behemoth from the Abyss C03-5-28https://overcominglymedisease.com/azazel-behemoth-from-the-abyss/

Samjaza Leviathan Abaddon Apollyon: https://vimeo.com/1030041642

C03-7-5  7 Mysteries of 7 Thunders in Job: https://overcominglymedisease.com/mysteries-of-7-thunders-in-job/

House of David playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXqaGD7sX9gbm9JC2TtPCJY-40sp6Sbls

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Jennifer HeathThe Prophet Job

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