C03-5-29 Samjaza Leviathan Abaddon Apollyon: https://vimeo.com/1030041642
Video also at Leelandjones.com. Scroll down on the Home page to What’s New and search for the video.
Leeland Jones website: https://leelandjones.com/
Abaddon Apollyon notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1igSHrXkU7tzRUC-gKLF4_DxYNs2vfqYB/edit
Leeland Jones video posted on November 15, 2024, transcribed with photos:
This is the next part. We had told you that we are going to do another part to this, we had our two lead angels that we saw in the fallen angels in the time of Genesis chapter 6. We covered Azazel in part 1, he was the Behemoth guy.
{To learn more, please watch Azazel, Behemoth from the Abyss, the link is at the bottom of this blog post.}
And in this one we’re talking about the other creature dinosaur type thing from the sea called Leviathan. We’re going to see in this that there’s a connection between all of these fallen angels.
He becomes a Beast who is Leviathan and he’s the angel of the Abyss that leads the locusts. It’s Samjaza or Samyaza; there are a couple different spellings. He led 200 angels to make an oath to leave their place in Heaven and go and have children with the daughters of men.
- We saw Azazel will be the scarlet colored beast; he will be the Antichrist.
- This other one {Samjaza} he leads the locusts. In leading the Locusts, he is also leading Armageddon and the Apocalyptic events in the 5th Trumpet, and then continuing to Armageddon.
These angels have not been in the earth walking to and fro. That’s different. That’s Satan before he’s thrown in prison for 1000 years.
- These angels have been in prison all this time. They’ve been in prison until the end of days. Then they’re released. When they’re released, they are destroyed and then they cast into the Lake of Fire.
In this video what we’re going to do is we’re going to look at these key names Abaddon and Apollyon, of this angel of the Abyss. We’re going to see that this is Semjaza and this is the lead angel that led the 200 watcher angels in the book of Enoch. It is also going to be associating those Locusts in the 5th Trumpet; those locusts are going to be associated with Leviathan.
What does it mean? It’s one entity. It’s bound up. It has different kinds of representations of it but it’s basically the same thing with all these different names. It’s the elements of this character, it is also Gog. Gog is the king of the locusts.
I hope you like the book of Revelation. I hope you like studying the Apocalypse, this is very exciting. I’ve been studying this for years and years. I think I could safely say 12 years doing this full time and these great mysteries are very exciting as we have more tools available to us, especially the Septuagint.
- The Septuagint allows us to analyze, study and take word for word what we see in English in the Greek translation. What that Greek word you see in the New Testament we can directly link it up with exactly what you see in the Old Testament passages. This is a phenomenal resource for us in the end of days.
Let’s get into it. Let’s get into the notes. Very exciting. We hope to follow this up with another one dealing with the 10 Kings but the notes will be available as a Google Drive. You can get into the notes because we’re not going to read the whole notes. Some of it’s just there to cross reference. You want to dig a little deeper be sure to do so.
{To learn more, please watch 10 Kings and the Beast, the link is at the bottom of this blog post. Also, the notes for this study are at the top of this blog post.}
But always, don’t ever take anyone’s word for whatever they said. You have to look at the Scriptures. What are the Scriptures saying? Don’t believe me. Don’t believe anyone teaching unless you see that those things are so. Dig into it. Look at it yourself. That’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to take the Scriptures. We’re going to look at it. The book of Enoch is going to be key for us in these end of days to understand who these entities that were bound up in the Abyss are and they’re released in the end of times.
{4:46 min mark} Here are our notes and what we’re looking at is possibly what this type of creature was as some type of sea dinosaur, plesiosaurus or something like this. I don’t really know. I thought this was the closest rendering of a Leviathan type creature.
Here you can see Samyaza or Samjaza, either way we are excited to share this with you, the mystery of the “angel of the Abyss” {Revelation 9:11}. That angel was a Watcher and as a Watcher they went unto the daughters of men and then they’re described as changing their forms. Enoch says that they changed into all kinds of forms and creatures. We had Azazel turn into Behemoth. In this video we have Samjaza turning into Leviathan.
Leviathan is the king of the locusts, the angel of the Abyss called in the Hebrew tongue Abaddon and in the Greek tongue Apollyon. That’s why we’re showing you this thumbnail. It is something like this. You definitely need to read the whole chapter of Job 41 for yourself. There’s a whole lot more going on than that creature for sure.
Last time we discussed the scarlet-colored beast of Revelation 17 which ascends from the Abyss as the fallen angel Azazel. He was bound in prison there for 5 millennia. In this message we look at the other leader Samjaza, Samyaza, as the angel of the Abyss in Revelation 9:11:
And they (the locusts) had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit (abyss), whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue his name is Apollyon.
In the last video I found another confirmation on this view that since Creation or since the time of Adam, these angels will be bound up and then that they will be released after 6000 years, in the ‘Book of the Giants’. It’s another account of the events of Genesis 6 and it says that they are bound for 120.
- If we look at 120 it doesn’t say years it just says they’re bound for 120. If we look at those as Jubilees we have 120 Jubilees. 120 times 50 is equal to 6000 years. Again, we believe that’s the 6000 years from Adam until the end of days, our present time.
{8:13 min mark} Abaddon and Apollyon. The thing that we’re getting at here is this close study. You have to focus a little bit. Pay attention to this. Don’t just do something else and have this running in the background. This is deep. It’s studying the Scriptures. It’s looking at the languages.
The reason we do that is that’s what we believe the apostle John is telling us to do. He says that the name of this entity, the angel of the Abyss, the name is in Hebrew and in Greek. What that means to us is that it’s in the Old Testament and we have to look at the text in Hebrew and in Greek. What we hope to do is find some passage that tells us who this is and what is going on here.
Abaddon is defined and has certain definitions, “the name of the angel prince of the infernal regions, the minister of death and the author of havoc on the earth”, or chaos. He’s chaos.
When we look at Revelation 9:11 you see two names in two languages listed. We expect to find both of those words in a certain passage in the Old Testament. We look for this name in the Scriptures. It’s going to be in the Bible, one Hebrew and one Greek. We have to research these languages in order to find out who this is and what’s going on. In order to find the Greek Old Testament we have tools now where we can search and we can use them to find words.
There’s a lexicon called the Brown Driver Briggs lexicon and it says the Hebrew Abaddon is a Semitic form of the Hebrew word abad meaning to perish or destroy. This occurs 184 times so is a common word. Sometimes the Septuagint, the early Greek translation of the Hebrew into Greek, renders the word Abaddon into apoleia. Don’t let that word scare you. It’s that word apoleia that renders itself to Apollyon, to destroy, or Apollyon, the destroyer, which is an active particle of apollymi meaning to destroy.
When looking at another passage that includes both Abaddon and Apollyon, we see Hebrew Abaddon is the Strong’s concordance H0011 which means destruction, perishing; Hades: the underworld: —–a place of destruction, ruin. It appears only 6 times in the Old Testament, 3 of those 6 times is in Job. One of those is Job 28:22 and in Hebrew it says Abaddon and in Greek it’s apoleia. That’s an example of what we’re looking for.
We do find Abaddon and Apollyon used in Job 41. In the Septuagint it has the interpretation of an interesting word in Hebrew de-abah which means fear or sorrow. So, follow this:
- The rabbis were taking the Hebrew text and translating it into Greek for the rest of the world to understand. It’s kind of like the Protestant Reformation when they took the Bible and interpreted into English so the common person could read it. That’s what was happening a few centuries before Christ, the whole world is speaking Greek and they translated the Old Testament into Greek.
- Now when they came across this word in Hebrew, de-abah, these rabbis looked at it and said it means Destruction. Remember our root word abad. This word is similar but it has a dalet in front of it. Thus from translating this into Greek these scholars looked at the meaning of the word as Destruction and they interpreted the word as apoleia, or in another rendering or form, Apollyon. They looked at this word here {de-abah} in Hebrew and they looked at it not as meaning sorrow but Destruction.
It’s important because this is leading us to the fact that here in this text we get a description of somebody. We looked at Job 28. There we had another one that was Abaddon and was Apollyon. He just says it was a place and it was not hidden before the Almighty. So here we have these rabbis saying this word {de-abah} is Abaddon {abad} and we’re going to translate that into Apollyon {apoleia}.
The text translated into English says, {Job 41:22} And his neck lodges power. Destruction runs before him. Again Destruction is Apoleai and another rendering of that word is Apollyon. We have an entity associated with Abaddon and with Apollyon here in Job chapter 41.
The whole chapter of Job 41 is talking about Leviathan. That’s the point here that we’re making that we have both Abaddon and Apollyon in the same text, it is Leviathan.
I encourage you to read the whole thing. Open your Bible read Job 41, it is very interesting. Some of you probably don’t even know the Bible talks about Dinosaurs. Yes it does. Look at Leviathan in Job chapter 41. This creature, he’s a sea dinosaur or “dragon” in contrast to the land based dinosaur Behemoth in the previous chapter.
This Leviathan ends up being our angel of the abyss, the king of the locusts, because it says that this Leviathan, in the last verse, he is “king over all the children of pride.” That’s just like the locusts had a king over them.
In Job 41:31 it says “The abyss.” Remember he was the angel of the abyss. “The abyss breaks out as a brazen cauldron” or furnace. This refers to the holding place of the Locusts, “he opened the well of the abyss; and there arose smoke as of a great furnace and locusts came out of the smoke.” That’s the 5th Trumpet.
So we see that the abyss is associated with Leviathan and he was detained in the abyss in a section called Tartarus. In 2 Peter 2:4 he talks about this:
For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down into Tartarus, and be delivered them into the chains of darkness to be reserved unto the judgment.
Peter and Jude are talking about the fallen angels of the book of Enoch, and the Septuagint makes use of the word Tartarus in Job 41:32 as a part of the abyss that Leviathan was captive in. Very interesting. And the infernal region is what it says in English, infernal region, but in Greek it is Tartarus. The Tartarus of the abyss is as if a captive; he considers the abyss for a promenaded.
What this is telling us is very amazing in that in the language that Job is using when it’s translated into Greek it’s saying that this Leviathan is in part of Tartarus or the underworld, the infernal region. It’s the same exact place where the angels were detained. That’s what Peter says and that’s what the book of Enoch says.
- When you’re drawing this comparison of this creature, this beast, with the book of Revelation everything is there; the scarlet beast, the beast that comes from the sea, and the beast that was a lamb and he spoke as a dragon. These are people, but they’re being depicted as beasts. Christ was depicted; He’s a Man, but He’s depicted as the Lamb with 7 Eyes and 7 Horns.
This is Gog. This character is Gog as the king of the locusts. In the Greek of Amos 7:1 it says, Thus the Lord God showed to me; and behold, a breed of locusts coming in early morning, and behold one grasshopper. That one grasshopper was over the locusts and his name is Gog the king. Gog is king of the locusts just like the locusts had a king over them which is the angel (Abaddon/ Apollyon) of the bottomless pit.
As well it says “Can you draw out leviathan with a hook?” That’s what it says in Job 41. This refers to Gog in Ezekiel 38:4, And I will turn you (Gog) back, and put hooks in your jaws. Additionally, Job 41:13 says, “who can you come to him with a double bridle.” And in the Greek of Ezekiel 38:4 it says, I will put a bridle in your jaws.
What does that mean this expression about this hook? This is what we see with Gog. We’re drawing a connection with Gog and Leviathan. We also draw a connection with Gog and the king of the locusts. It’s all the same. He’s got more names than anybody.
King of the Locusts. Revelation 9:11 calls the angel of the abyss the king over the locusts. You see this expression in Proverbs 30:27, The locusts have a no king, yet they all go forth all of them in bands and Leviathan is king over all the children of pride. We talked about earlier how Leviathan is king over all the children of pride.
The next part of our study is taking an analysis and we’re just looking at the Locusts of Revelation 9. We just look at those words and we search them and what we do is we find a cross reference of those words in Job 41. What this does is this shows us a clear connection. We get the descriptions and details that apostle John has given us of the locusts and we get those descriptions being agreed upon in Job 41.
- This is how the Holy Spirit encodes the Scriptures with keywords.
We don’t have the time in this video but we have other videos, there’s a whole playlist actually called the Locust Army, where we go over these keywords and what they mean. Because there are other types of fallen angels that are represented through these locusts. There were 200 that did the oath with Samjaza.
{To learn more, please watch the Locusts Army playlist, the link is at the bottom of this blog post. It also can be found at leelandjones.com, click on Video Courses and scroll down to C03 7 Trumpets, then scroll down to 5th Locust Army and watch the playlist.}
Let’s look at our keywords here and we’ll see that yes, these locusts have a clear connection to what we see with Leviathan. I’m not going to read the whole thing. If you’re interested the notes will be available to you and you can dig in deeper, but what we’re just saying is we have all these keywords.
- This is not coincidence. This is how the Holy Spirit coded it. It’s being encoded and this is how we can make sense of the fact that these locusts have this king, and this king is Leviathan.
Smoke and Burning {Revelation 9:2}. Leviathan: From out of his nostrils comes forth smoke of a furnace burning with coals of fire {Job 41:20}.
Locusts, they should not injure the grass {Revelation 9:4}. He esteems a slinger indeed as grass {Job 41:30}.
Seal. …the locusts cannot touch the ones who have the seal of God upon their forehead {Revelation 9:4}. Job 41:15, His scales are his pride, shut up together as with a close seal. A seal, a signet in the Hebrew.
Gold. ….they had upon their heads as golden crowns on the locusts {Revelation 9:7}. All the gold of the sea under him is as mud {Job 41:30}. Very interesting.
Teeth …their teeth were as the lions {Revelation 9:8}, the locusts. Round about his teeth is fear {Job 41:14}, Leviathan.
Lion. ….their teeth were as lions {Revelation 9:8}. Lions is a keyword. {Job 41:34} The children of pride, could also mean the children of the lion or haughtiness, pride.
The locusts have got a Breastplate of Iron {Revelation 9:9}. We can also see,…. nothing in any way shall terrify by spear and chest plate (breastplate). For he esteems iron {Job 41:26-27}. The Locusts have an Iron Breastplate and so does Leviathan.
Tail. …they have tails like scorpions {Revelation 9:10}. And everything afloat coming together in no way shall bear the hide of his one tail {Job 41:7}.
War. The locusts are being prepared for war {Revelation 9:7}. There is the sound of running to war {Revelation 9:9}. But you shall place a hand on him, remembering the war taking place in his body {Job 41:8}, Leviathan.
Sting. The locusts, they have tails likened to scorpions, and stings {Revelation 9:10}. In no way shall the bow of brass pierce him {Job 41:28}.
- There we have multiple keywords that talk about the Locusts and talk about Leviathan, showing us the clear connection between the two, and so that the leader is Leviathan.
Remember, Leviathan is a Fallen Watcher angel. He’s got some of the characteristics of the sons of Elohiym, the sons of God, like Lucifer. His eyes are as the appearance of the morning star {Job 41:18}. They also associate another word cymbals like a musical instrument.
Can you fill his skin with barbed irons? or his head with fish spears? {Job 41:7}
Spears here in the Hebrew is selasal which is Cymbals. Remember, the anointed cherub he had the tambourine as part of his body {Ezekiel 28}. The tambourines has got little cymbals in it. Amazing parallels there.
Now let’s read about Semyaza in the Book of Enoch. Let’s read exactly what it says. It says more than this but this is just a short snippet.
Enoch 6 And the angels, the children of heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said one to another; ‘Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men 3 and beget us children.” And Semjaza, was their leader.
He’s the leader of this idea. This is real. This happened. Angels lusted after mankind and decided to have children. That’s the serpent seed in Genesis 3.
Oath. Then swore they all together and bound themselves 6 by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred (watcher angels); who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon.
Enoch 8 Semjaza taught enchantments, and root cuttings.
Enoch 9 And Semjaza, to whom You have given authority to bear rule over his associates. And they have gone to the daughters of men upon the earth, and slept with the 9 women, and have defiled themselves, and revealed to them all kinds of sins. And the women have 10 borne giants.
Enoch 10 And the Lord said to Michael, ‘Go, bind Semjaza and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to defile themselves 12 with them in all their uncleanness. And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgment and their consummation, till the judgment that is 13 forever and ever is consummated. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire.
So they are released. The Antichrist is the scarlet colored beast. They are released as the king, Apollyon and Abaddon, of the Locust Army. They’re released, and then they’re going into the Lake of Fire at Armageddon, when Christ defeats them.
Let’s look at what the Book of Enoch says about Leviathan. We had this verse previously when we looked at Behemoth. We read again:
1 Enoch 60:6 On that day, two great monsters were separated, a female monster named Leviathan, to dwell in the depths of the ocean over the springs of the water. 7 The male is named Behemoth, who with his chest occupies a desolate wilderness named Duidain, east of the garden where the chosen and righteous dwell, where my grandfather was taken up, the seventh from Adam, the first man whom the Lord of Spirits created. 8 I pleaded with the other angel to show me the power of these monsters, how they were separated on one day and thrown, one into the depths of thew sea, and the other into the dry places on the earth.
So he is seeing these types of creatures and these creatures are actually represented of the fallen angels; Azazel with Behemoth and Semjaza with Leviathan.
Leviathan also exhibits the armor of God. We see the Whole Armor of God in the Gog Magog War, with the horses and horsemen:
{Ezekiel 38:4} thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them swords: 5 all of them with shield and helmet.
These were also associated with Leviathan; his insides are as shields of brass {Job 41:15}.
The sword of him that lays at him cannot hold:
If lances should meet ups with him, nothing in any way shall terrify by spear and chest plate {Job 41:26}.
In no way shall the bow of brass pierce him {Job 31:28}.
- The Leviathan creature is the Locusts and the Locusts is leading the world to Armageddon.
What have we learned? We can see Semjaza in the Book of Enoch is a fallen angel and he’s Leviathan. He’s Leviathan and Leviathan leads to the Locusts. This is also Gog, we have Elements of the Gog Magog War happening, this is Leviathan. We could see that his name is Abaddon and Apollyon. We find that also associated with Abaddon in Job chapter 41:42
Semjaza, Leviathan. It’s deep. That’s why I make the notes available to you. Blessings to all of you that go to the notes. It’s also good to check out the video from last week if you can. I’m trying to make these short and try and put years and years of research into all of this. That’s why we have the format that we’re doing here where we’re doing the notes, typing everything out, going through it so you can read it. I think it’s a better format when we start doing real intricate and deep studies like this.
Thanks for watching. As we say we hope to get to more on this. We do believe that these are 2 of the 10 Kings and so we hope to discuss the 10 Kings soon.
The seventh angel poured out his vial into the air and there came a great voice from the temple and from the throne saying, It is done.
Azazel, Behemoth from the Abyss C03-5-28: https://overcominglymedisease.com/azazel-behemoth-from-the-abyss/
C03-7-5 7 Mysteries of 7 Thunders in Job: https://overcominglymedisease.com/mysteries-of-7-thunders-in-job/
House of David playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXqaGD7sX9gbm9JC2TtPCJY-40sp6Sbls
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