"None that put their trust in Him shall be overcome." (1 Maccabees 2:61; John 3:14-16)

Writing of Seal of God at Resurrection

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Writing of Seal of God at Resurrection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KhUCr9T2HE

Notes on Pages 12 and 13: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OHuMGzmYLOe6hzLQ33GzY5I4z8fXakBY/view

Transcribed Videos from leelandjones.com: https://leelandjones.wordpress.com/course-05/

Leeland Jones video posted on November 3, 2020, transcribed: 

I am so excited to share this message with you! This is going to be a deep message; we’re going to have some notes which you really want to get. What we’re talking about, you can see from the title of the video:

  • the Writing of the Book,
  • the Seal of God,
  • and the Resurrection.

It’s unfortunate that the body of Christ in the last 100 years or so has really focused on the concept of Rapture. And I realized that there are a lot of things that I was taught early on that I just assumed everybody knew certain things.

Like for example, the Rapture is really NOT the right term; the right term is the Resurrection.

When you read the Bible and it talks about the Resurrection, that’s the Great Promise, that’s the Great Day of Redemption. That is really what it is. Now what’s going to happen is that all of the saints that have lived for 6,000 years, now there were some saints that were Resurrected with Christ on His Resurrection Day, which you see in Matthew chapter 27; however,

  • All souls await the Judgment Day.

Let’s conceptually think about this.

I’m going to have to do a whole video, because I realize that there really isn’t much teaching on the Resurrection, and it is the Foundation of our Faith in Jesus Christ. But, what do we have?  Let’s explain it very simply in a few minutes.

What is the Resurrection? The Resurrection comes about because, first off, we have Death. When Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, Death is thus instituted; we have Death. Once we have Death on the scene, we have something that was NOT God’s original design.

Mankind, when he was made, was not to die.

He was formed in the dust of the earth; God breathed in him the breath of life. That’s the first Adam, and we’re going to talk about the last Adam, later in the video. But he breathed; he became a living soul, a nephesh. When he became a living soul, he was NOT Created to Die; he was Created for him to eat from the Tree of Life.

Now, if he ate from the Tree of Life, he would have lived forever, and he would not have died; that is the original intention. He has the 2 Trees, and he decided, and he ate from the wrong Tree, thus bringing Death.

Because mankind is NOT designed to Die, he’s designed to live forever; he is an Eternal being like the Angels. Because of this, this Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Death comes into the scene. Then we have the Promise of Jesus Christ, that He would Restore us from Death into the original design, the original body, the glorified body Adam and Eve had.

So, let’s take some dirt and talk about this.

This is actually good dirt, because it is red. Adam means Red. It doesn’t matter whatever happens to your physical body, if the person dies and they decompose and they turn back into the dust of the earth. You face God; you face the Judgment with your spirit, soul, and body. The 3 must be together to stand before God. So when the Judgment comes, it doesn’t matter if you’re a good person or a bad person; that’s both in the Resurrection; it’s the Just and the unjust.

The soul and the spirit that is detained somewhere else, is thus joined with the physical dirt with the physical remains of the body. It doesn’t matter what state it is in. If it’s dust poured into the sea, it’s going to be taken, the body is going to be restored again, and it is going to face God. That’s the Resurrection!

The Resurrection is the Promise of the fact that all men will live Eternally.

And the Promise is by Faith IN a Redeemer, to redeem this Death. It’s described as sleeping. The people are sleeping up until the time that their soul and spirit is combined with their body, and then the dust and the ashes of their corpses turn into a physical body again, just like they were born, they’ll have a physical body again, they will stand before the White Throne, and the Books will be open.

The Resurrection is the Promise of all souls, ALL souls that have lived up until Judgment Day. When they live until Judgment Day, this will happen. It doesn’t matter if they’re righteous or wicked; the same thing will happen. The dead bodies will come from the graves, and they will be restored; their spirit and soul will be restored to their body, and they’ll stand before God, and the Books will be open. That is the Resurrection.

I think I’ll do another whole video on this. I just want to explain it within a few minutes. That is really what we should have been taught, because that is the Foundation of Faith in Jesus Christ. Because now what you have is the focus on the Rapture, and the kind of corrupt teaching on this. The corrupt teaching leads people to say, ‘NO, there’s NO Rapture.’ You want to be careful with that because you don’t want to say there’s NO Resurrection; there is a Resurrection.

The Promise of the Harpazo is that there would be people Alive in the Resurrection.

So when the Resurrection, the graves are open and the saints come, the just, and that Day comes at the Resurrection, there would be people Alive that would participate in it. That is actually the Resurrection, that is actually the Rapture.

If we taught on the Resurrection, we would place more emphasis on the importance of the Resurrection. Because we don’t know the Resurrection, it’s going to be difficult to understand some of the things we’re going to talk about, because we’re going to go into deeper things that are beyond the Resurrection, beyond the Harpazo of the revealing of this.

As we talk about writing the Seal of God, the writing of the Book, and the Resurrection, these are terms that I just studied.  I must have studied this 30 years ago, and I was fine. The way I came about the understanding, I tried to explain as if you were asking me a question. This is why I’m doing this video.

If you ask me a question, and you say, ‘Leeland, you say the Seal of God is the Resurrection?’ I say ‘Yes.’ Then you say, ‘Well, explain that to me.’ I’ll say, ‘Well, it’s in Ephesians, it talks about the Seal of God, and it talks about the Promised Redemption, the Redemption…. the Purchased Possession.’

Okay, so let’s grab our dirt again.  Let’s grab a piece of dirt, and let’s talk about this again.

When we have this dirt, we have the body being restored. You have to remember, Adam and Eve came from the dust. When it comes to Redemption, we have another video on this, but:

  • you Redeem the Bride,
  • and you Redeem the Land.

Just like Adam and Eve come from the dust, the Redemption Process of Redeeming Back, Purchasing Back, has to do with:

  • the Person
  • and the Land.

That’s why you have the Promised Land, and the Promised People IN the Promised Land.

That concept of the Promised Land is being described in Ephesians chapter 1. It’s talking about the Redemption, it’s talking about the Purchased Possession of the Land.  Now that Same Concept is explained in Romans 8:23, where it talks about the Firstfruits.

Ephesians 1 talks about the Seal of God in the Purchased Possession, so the Person and the Land are a Purchased Possession. Do you understand? The Same Thing is described in Romans 8:23, where it’s talking about:

  • the Firstfruits,
  • the Redemption,
  • and the Purchase Possession.

There it says, the Redemption of the body. Now we have the Redemption of the body; thus, the Redemption of the body is connected with the Seal of God. I understood that. Now you might say ‘I don’t understand.’ Well, that’s fine.  That’s why we’re doing this whole video, and it’s going to take however long it’s going to take to go through all this to continue to explain.

So we have this concept of writing in the Book, right? We’re writing in the Book, we have something called a Seal; we have a Scroll, we have a Seal.

A Seal is something that is opened, and a Seal is something that can close, or Mark something.

You can see in the title of video we’re talking about the Writing.  So then once you have the Seal, the Seals open and it opens a Book, there’s a Writing.  And we know that there’s Names on the Writing. For example, Books like the Lamb’s Book of Life, the Names that are Written on the Lamb’s Book of Life, that’s the Writing. Then we have other things about the Seal of God.

These are concepts that I’m going to keep repeating: Writing the Seal of God and the Resurrection; we can see that they’re all connected perfectly.

Now, another way to understand the Seal of God, is with the description of the apostle Paul in the Resurrection, in Philippians chapter 3.  In Philippians chapter 3, you see, I have a bow.

And Paul uses this word to Press towards the Mark.  Philippians 3:14 ‘I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling…’  This gives the idea of a bow and arrow.

{Philippians 3:14 I press toward the mark (4649. skopos: a watchman, a mark (on which to fix the eye)) for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.}

The Mark is something you’re Pointed at. I’ll point at you.

You’re Pointed at, and you press towards the Mark, you Aim something.  You aim and you point, you press towards the Mark. That word Mark is skopos in Greek. This Marking does relate to the Seal or identifying something, Identifying a Goal.  And in Philippians chapter 3, the Goal is the Resurrection.

  • So, the Seal is Marking the person,
  • and then the person must Run,
  • the person must Set their Mind and Attention on the Goal.

What’s the Goal? The Resurrection.

Then the apostle Paul says, I press towards the Mark, I press towards the Goal, the Aim of the Prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus.

{Philippians 3:17 Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark (4648. skopeó: to look at, contemplate) them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample.}

Then he says, To Mark, Skopeo, in the Greek, them which walk for an example or a Pattern. The apostle Paul is using himself as an example of, to Mark someone. Then he’s saying the Mark is something you Set as a Goal and you Aim, or you Run a Race. But then you ALSO identify others, identify others that are disciples, that are Running the Race. You see that?

So, I press towards the Mark, I press towards the Skopos, the Aim, the Bullseye, towards the high calling in Christ Jesus. Now, I press towards the Prize, we should say. Prize here is only used twice by the apostle Paul.  It’s also used in 1 Corinthians 9:24, where he says, I Run a Race.

{1 Corinthians 9:24 Know ye not that they which run in a race (4712. stadion: a stadium (a Gr. measure of length), by impl. a racecourse) run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.}

Now we have athletics, we had a bow and arrow hitting the bullseye, and now we have Run the Race.

So, we Run the Race, and race is a stadion or stadia, and this is a furlong.  This is now giving us New Jerusalem, because we saw the bow and arrow, then you have a Reed. Let’s use the reed. When you measure New Jerusalem, you measure it by a Reed.

And the Reed measures Stadia or a Race. How many Stadia? 12,000. New Jerusalem has 12 Edges to it; 12 x 12 is 144,000 Stadia. Yes, that’s what it’s talking about; those are the ones that will Finish the Race, Run the Race, that’s what it means.  Run a Race, Run a Stadia, Run ALL, but one receives the Prize.

So there’s a Prize, there’s Running a Race.

Let’s go back to Philippians, and we had Mark. So, we had Mark them that were for an example, who will change our vile body into His glorified body. I want to emphasize something. What we’re going to do is we’re going to hop later in the video onto the notes. I can’t make this a short video; it’s just going to be a longer video.

When we go to Philippians I really want you to see this, because this is where as we mentioned before, the Doctrine of the Rapture, is NOT the way that it’s taught now, is NOT the way it was taught in the Early Church. It was taught as the Resurrection.

Philippians chapter 3 gives us the apostle Paul, his standpoint on the Resurrection.

He tells us that being a Jew, being of the tribe of Benjamin, means NOTHING in the Resurrection. Then he begins to describe how he forsakes the world, in Philippians 3:7:

 ‘But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. 8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.’

So, winning Christ is the Goal, is the bow and arrow. The Goal is winning Christ, and everything in the world is dung, is refuse, is worthless unless Christ.

Philippians 3:9 ‘And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: 10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection…’

What are we talking about? We’re talking about the Resurrection. He’s talking about his personal Goal of the Resurrection. ‘…and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.’

So, the way you press, you win the Goal is you fellowship of Christ’s sufferings. You go through Christ’s sufferings, not for the sin of others, but to fellowship in His sufferings.  Because the more you know Him, the more you know the Power of His Resurrection.  The more you know that you are Helpless in your Flesh to accomplish the Goal.

Now listen to this, in verse 11, ‘If by any means I might attain the resurrection.’

If by any means I might obtain the Resurrection? That’s the apostle Paul talking. All you people are talking about, you’re going to be caught up. Are you better than the apostle Paul? He said ‘If I might attain the Resurrection.’ That’s why you don’t see me on this channel saying, ‘I’m going to be Raptured’,  and all this stuff.

I hope to! I Set my Goal; I forsake all.  I try to do the things that the Bible says. We all must do this.

But to just assume that you are going to make it, is Self-Righteousness. This is the very thing the apostle Paul spoke AGAINST Self-Righteousness, Declaring that you are going to make the Resurrection. We hope to.

Philippians 3:12 ‘Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. 13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended..’

‘I count myself as not apprehended.’ What? The Resurrection.

‘…but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.’

This is what we talked about the bow and the arrow, the Prize. What’s the Prize? 15 ‘Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded…’  Then it talks about those forsaking in the following verses.

This is what we’ve been telling you, in verse 20, ‘For our citizenship is in heaven, from whence we look for the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who will change our vile body that it may be fashioned into His glorious body…’ What is that? That’s the Resurrection!  ‘…according to the working, whereas he’s able to subdue all things in Himself.’

The apostle Paul is saying here very clearly, ‘If I may by any means obtain the resurrection.’ This is the Mindset we must have, the same as the apostle Paul.

  • IF we press on to the End,
  • IF we Repent of our Self-Righteousness,
  • and Pride,
  • and Arrogance.

That we would be accounted worthy. That’s exactly what we can see, clearly here.  But there are important things that are stated; ‘that I might know Him and the power of His resurrection.’ That we would know and live in the Power of the Resurrection, and the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, daily.

‘If by any means I may attain the resurrection of the dead.’ There we can see the Mark, the Seal, the Setting of the Goal, the Skopos in the Greek. ‘I press towards the high calling.’

Now we believe that the apostle Paul wrote the book of Hebrews, and in Hebrews, it talks about the Better Resurrection.  So that’s what he is alluding to ,is the Better Resurrection.

Some other parts of this, we’re going to look at the notes. At this point, you’re probably watching this video, and you’re like, ‘Leeland, why do you have this water bottle on your belt? What are you doing?’

Well, I’m glad you asked. What we’re going to do, is we’re going to get into the notes; we’re just going to demonstrate a couple things like the bow and arrow, that’s the Seal, that’s the Mark, the Aim, the Goal of the Resurrection. Now another thing we want to explain to you is this here.

Now what this is, his is a Great Mystery, and I want you to take note of this. What we have, of course, is a water bottle, right? We have a water bottle, but instead of thinking of it as a water bottle, what you can see inside is that we have a Scroll.

So, really what this is, this is a Scroll Case. If we open it up and we take it out, we have a Scroll.

So we have a Scroll in a Scroll Case.

But I also want you to notice that it has a Lid.  Because we’re trying to demonstrate a two-fold facet of a Great Mystery here.  And that is that, you would have something holding a document, like this here. And you would have something else, imagine that this was ink, imagine that the top was ink and then it was separated, and then the bottom is a case that you could hold a Scroll.

So, like this here would be ink, and then you would take your pen, and you would put it in the ink, and then you would Mark, or you would Write something. The reason we’re taking the time to describe this, is that this is what we can see in Ezekiel 9:2.

There was a man, he was clothed in white linen, and he had a, in the King James says, Inkhorn

That’s this portion here of the Inkhorn where you put the ink in the top. Other translations call it a Writing Case, or a Scribe Case. Now we believe it’s actually both. One portion of what the Angel is carrying on his side, on his waist, it says it clearly.  Because then what he does is:

  • he goes about Marking with the Ink the people that are Sighing,
  • that are Crying for the Abominations in the City.

Now Prophetically what we believe is going on is that, Yes, he has an Inkhorn and he’s Marking, but he’s also looking at a Scroll. Prophetically we’re observing the Same Angel with the Seal of God. And when the Same Angel with the Seal of God, is going throughout to Mark those WITH the Seal of God.

He’s Marking those that are Written in the Scribe Case, in the Book, on the Scroll.

What he’s doing is he has the Inkhorn; he has the pen, and he has the Book. And what he’s doing, is he’s looking for the Names this person that person, and then he’s going about, and he’s Marking the people on their Foreheads. He marks the people on the foreheads in Revelation, in the Book of Revelation its talking about the Seal of God.  That’s what he’s doing:

  • he’s looking at a List,
  • he’s looking at a Book,
  • he’s looking at the Names.

And then he’s going forth looking for those people with the Names, and he’s Marking them on the Forehead.

What we’re noticing is that the Angel has a Scroll Case and an Inkhorn. They are one, they are the same. Because you have one Book that’s inside, you have a Scroll inside the Scroll Case, and you have an Inkhorn that would have the ink, and he would Mark the people.

That’s what we’re demonstrating for you of the Great Mystery of what happens in Revelation. We see this Angel in Revelation 7, and we see the Same Angel in Ezekiel 9.

A lot of this, we’re now going to get into the details of the other aspects of how we can prove this, with all the Scriptures about the Writing of the Seal of God.

Here are our notes. Definitely get these, this is something you want to keep, you want to really study, you want to really get this.

Philippians 3:10 ‘That I might know Him and the power of His resurrection.’ You can see in our notes, what we’re doing is we’re highlighting in green our bullet words. There are some other ones here, but, Writing in the Book, the Seal of God, and the Resurrection. There are two pages to the notes. This page one.

‘That I may know Him and the power of His’, what? Resurrection. Philippians 3, he’s talking about the Resurrection.  ‘If by any means I may obtain the resurrection from the dead.’ This is what the apostle Paul is saying is, ‘If he’, the apostle Paul, ‘May Obtain the Resurrection.’

{Philippians 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize (1017. brabeion) of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

1 Corinthians 9:24 Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.}

In verse 14, I press towards the mark, the skopos.  This is the Aim, the Goal, this is the Seal.  For the prize, babeion, and we see that word in 1 Corinthians 9:24.

‘I press for the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.’ The prize, the skopos, is like the Bow and Arrow, the Goal, the Bullseye.  But the Prize is also Running the Race.

1 Corinthians 9:24, Run a race, which is a stadion, this is the furlong. 12,000 furlongs in New Jerusalem x 12 edges, is 144,000 furlongs. 144,000 People that Run the Race, New Jerusalem. They Run all, but One Receives the Prize, the same word Prize that we saw.

Let’s go back to Philippians 3:17, ‘Mark them which Walk for an Example, Typos, or a Pattern.  Mark those, skopeó, to take Aim at. Identify the People as Examples, is what it says.

{Philippians 3:21 Who shall change (3345. metaschématizó: to change in fashion or appearance) our vile body, that it may be fashioned like (4832. summorphos: similar, conformed to) unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.}

Then verse 21, ‘Who will transform, metaschématizó, will Transfigure, Transform, Transfigure. Change our vile body that it be formed into His Summorphos. His glorious body, Formed into His glorious body. That’s the Resurrection that the apostle Paul is talking about!

This we also see with the Seal of God and the Resurrection, in 2 Timothy 2:18.

{2 Timothy 2:18 Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.}

‘Some saying the Resurrection has passed.’ Just like we’re going to look at in 1 Corinthians 15, which is a whole chapter on the Resurrection. You should really read that over and over, to learn about the Resurrection. But here were some saying there was NO Resurrection, that’s what he is identifying here in his epistle to Timothy, as well as in 1 Corinthians 15.

‘There are some saying that there’s NO Resurrection.’ We have the Same Thing!

There’s some people saying there’s NO Resurrection!

They’re using the word Rapture, but we must believe in the Resurrection; it’s part of our faith in Christ.

So he’s talking about what? The Resurrection. 2 Timothy 2:19 ‘The Foundation’, we just saw the Foundation, it’s New Jerusalem….. with 12,000 stadion; The Foundation of God stands firm having this Seal.  Again, we have the association with the Seal and the Resurrection. We saw in Philippians 3, now we can see in 2 Timothy  2, Some saying the Resurrection is past. Having this Seal, and the Seal is everyone Naming the name of the Lord.

The Seal itself is, the Name of the Lord within the Seal.

Now, let’s go to Ephesians 1 and Romans 8. Ephesians 1 and Romans 8, also give us the idea of the Seal, and the Redemption or the Resurrection. If we read Ephesians 1:13, ‘In whom after you have believed you were Sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the Guarantee.’

Wow, those of you that study and take this seriously, and actually discipline yourself to read the Bible, look at this word arrabon; it’s a down payment common in papyri, Written in documents. Again, we have the Seal, and we have this word Guarantee, which is Written. The Writing of the People, the Writing of the Sealed Ones on the Papyri, on the Book. This word means down payment, and this comes from the Hebrew word arrabon. You see that in Genesis 38:17-20.

This is the same story; we had another video, we talked to you about Judah and Tamar. Read that story of Judah and Tamar; that’s the only time this word is used. What’s interesting about this is you can see, it’s ayin, resh, beyt. When you say this, this one is in Arab; when you say it in Arab, it’s the root word, to Guarantee something. That’s Arab in the Hebrew.

So it’s this Promise, this Guarantee of our Inheritance until the Redemption, the Apolytrosis of the Purchased Possession. Remember how he showed you the dirt before, the Purchased Possession, it’s the Land, but it’s also People. So you Redeem the Land you Redeem the People, the Purchase Possession, to obtain Property. It’s also called the Peculiar Treasure, in 1 Peter 2:9.

What are we seeing?

  • We’re seeing the Seal;
  • we’re seeing the Writing,
  • and the Redemption of the Purchased Possession.

If we look at this word Redemption, we’ll see it in Romans 8. But before we go there, keep in mind Ephesians 4:30. ‘Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God on whom you’re sealed unto the day of redemption.’ Clearly, the Seal of God is for the Resurrection, the Day of Redemption. That’s what this is talking about.

And again, Romans 8:23, ‘We have the Firstfruits of the Spirit, and we groan.’ Now I want you to make note of this word groan, we’re going to talk about it later.  ‘Waiting for the adoption, the sonship, the redemption, apolytrosis, the payment of the ransom of what?  Our body.

So, the Redemption of the body is connected with the Firstfruits, is connected with the Seal, and is connected with the Writing in the Book. Can you see that? We’re just showing you that the whole Bible talks about this concept. We’re going to show you this concept everywhere. I could say so much more, that I’m not going to get to.

So we can see this in Revelation 6:15, ‘Heaven departed as a Scroll or a Book when it is rolled together.’ This is referring to the same thing, it’s the Resurrection. You see in Isaiah 25:7-8.

And then in Revelation 7:2, ‘The Angel ascending from the East Sun having the Seal.’ Just a few verses prior, this is all within the 6th Seal, you have the Scroll and the Book, Heaven departing. You have the Scroll and Book rolling together, and then you have the Seal of the living God.

And you have the 144,000, in Revelation 14:1, before the Throne, they were what?  They were Redeemed from the earth. This is the Redemption! The Seal is the Redemption, the Scroll, the Writing in the Book.

In Daniel 12:1, ‘The people were delivered, everyone that should be found Written in the Book.’ Again, the Writing of the Book.  ‘Many that were sleep in the dust shall be Awake.’ This is the Resurrection. So, you have the Writing of the Book, and you have the Resurrection, and remember the Seal.  ‘And the Wise shall Shine as the brightness of the firmament and turn many to righteousness as the Stars forever.’

Then Daniel 12:4, ‘O Daniel shut up the Book and Seal the Book until the Times of the End.’

So, in the Times of the End, the Book would be UNSEALED, but the People will be SEALED.

Who? Those Found Written in the Book.

When? At the Resurrection.

‘Many that sleep in the dust of the earth shall Awake.’ That’s the Resurrection!

I’m so excited to share this with you. This is amazing! Part two of our notes; the Writing of this in the Seal of God and the Resurrection. We’re continuing this theme. As we mentioned, 1 Corinthians 15, read this whole chapter, read it over and over, really get it. But there are certain things, and there’s a Great Mystery here that is amazing.

And this is what we’re saying about how these Books are Sealed. They’re right in front of us, but you CANNOT Understand the things I’m telling you, if you just read the King James.  If you just read any translation, it doesn’t matter. They’re not going to show you what’s really going on; it takes work; it takes study, it takes effort. Yet you’re just getting this handed to you, because I did all the work for you:) Well, who cares? It’s the grace and glory of God that the Things Hidden would be Revealed.

Let’s look at 1 Corinthians 15:45; it says, this is what it says, ‘It is’, what? Written. So, what are we doing?  We’re talking about the Writing of the Book. ‘It is Written he first, protos, Adam was made a living soul.’

‘It is written the first Adam was made a living soul; the last was made a quickening spirit.’ You can see in blue we have the text of what the apostle Paul is saying.

But I want you to notice what it says, in 1 Corinthians 15:14, ‘It is Written the first.’  Now this word in Greek is protos. Now we know Protos means the First, and it’s also the Alpha in the Greek language. So, we look at Revelation 1:11, He says,  ‘I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,’ it says in English. But Beginning is Protos, so, He is the Alpha, He is the First letter, He is the Protos, and He is the Omega.

What’s happening here, is the apostle Paul says, It is Written.  So this is Written somewhere in the Bible. He’s quoting something in the Bible, and he’s saying, The first Adam was made a living zao, soul; and the last, eschatos, the last, Christ is the First and the Last.

The Omega was made a Quickening Spirit.

What he’s saying is, that somewhere in the Bible it says there’s the FIRST Adam, and there’s the LAST Adam. We know that what the apostle Paul is doing here, is identifying that Christ is the Alpha and Omega, and not only that, He is the Aleph and the Tav.

What is he quoting here?  ‘It is Written.’  Well, what he’s quoting is Genesis 2:7. In Genesis 2:7, it says, ‘Then formed YHWH Elohim.’ And then it says, YHWH Elohim, and there’s an Aleph and a Tav.

There’s an Aleph and a Tav here after YHWH Elohim.  YHWH Elohim, when God formed the man Adam, aleph, dalet, mem, Adam. But what it says is, YHWH, yod, hey, vav, hey, Elohim, Aleph Tav, the man from the dust of the ground and breathed in his nostrils the breath of life. Which in Hebrew is hey, and became a soul, nepesh, living.

What is happening here? I don’t know if you noticed what happened?  The apostle Paul identified this Aleph and Tav in Genesis 2:7, with the FIRST and LAST Adams. It doesn’t say the word First and Last, in Genesis 2:7. The apostle Paul says, ‘It is Written.’  It is Written, where? In Genesis 2:7. But it doesn’t actually say the word in Hebrew: First and Last; it doesn’t say that here.

It says, And formed YHWH Elohim. There’s an Aleph and Tav, but it’s NOT a translated word.

‘The man from the dust of the ground and breathing his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living soul.’ It didn’t say it here where it said, when He breathed and he became a living soul, which is the Hebrew word nepesh.

But what the apostle Paul is doing is he’s identifying something extraordinary; he’s identifying that:

  • the First Adam is the Aleph,
  • and then the Last Adam is the Tav.

It says here, ‘And the last was made a quickening spirit.’ That actually should say the last Adam; he uses the word Adam twice. Let’s write that in there.

‘The last Adam was made a quickening spirit.’  But what he’s doing is, he’s getting these phrases: First, Protos, and Last, eschatos, from the Aleph and the Tav in Genesis 2:7. He’s also getting the Quickening Spirit! He says, Quickening Spirit, and that’s the breath of life becoming the living soul, in Genesis 2:7.

What he’s saying, is apostle Paul is saying that there’s a First Adam and a Last Adam, in Genesis 2:7. Extraordinary! He’s getting that from the Aleph and the Tav.  Wow! This is a quote, and something that’s happening in 1 Corinthians 15 on the Resurrection, talking about the first Adam and the last Adam.

As we continue, this is just a summary, as we mentioned before; please read the whole thing.  1 Corinthians 15:23 ‘Every man in his order or camp.’ And then it says, Firstfruits.  Firstfruits, Christ and then those that are of Christ at His coming.  His Coming is the Perusia.

The Resurrection is the Perusia.  Perusia in this Greek is His Coming.

And when He’s coming in the Clouds, that’s what he’s talking about. He’s Coming in the Clouds!  When He’s coming in the Clouds, there’s a Resurrection of the Dead. Verse 47, ‘The Resurrection of the Dead.’ That’s what the whole chapter is talking about. ‘Those that were sown in corruption, they are raised incorruption.’  That’s what we described before, all those that Died, Died in Corruption, and then they are Raised.

Verse 51 ‘Behold I show you a Mystery, we shall not all sleep.’ What it’s saying is, that at the Time of the Resurrection, NOT everybody’s going to Die, Sleep, or go Back to the Dust. Those that will be living, will be, ‘at a moment, at the twinkling of an eye, at the last, eschatos, trumpet.’  Which we know is to be the 7th Trumpet.

‘For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible.’  This is the Resurrection. The Resurrection is the Dead being Raised Incorruptible.  ‘And we shall be Changed.’ Those that are Alive as part of this, they will participate in the Resurrection; though they are Still Living, they will NOT Die.

So, what do we have?

  • We have the Firstfruits,
  • we have the Seal,
  • we have the Aleph and the Tav, that is the Seal of His Name.

The apostle Paul identified the Seal of His Name by saying, The First and Last Adam.

Let’s continue on. And in Ezekiel 9:2, that’s what we told you before.  ‘One man was clothed in linen with the writers or a scribe’s inkhorn.’  Or a Writing Case or a Scroll Case, that’s what we described to you earlier. The man was clothed in linen, and he had the Writer’s Scribe Ink Case. The ESV calls it a Writing Case. We can also use that as a Scroll Case.

Then what did he do?  He put a Tav, just like we saw the Aleph and the Tav, in Genesis.  We have the Aleph, the First Adam, and the Last Adam is the Tav. The Writer with the Inkhorn, he puts a Tav on the Forehead of those that Sigh. Do you remember that?

The reason I said to keep note of the Sigh, is that we saw the Sigh, in Romans 8:23.  ‘All that have the Firstfruits of the spirit, groan or sigh, waiting for the adoption.’ It’s those that Sigh, that Groan, that it’s talking about here in Ezekiel 9:2, just like Romans 8.  ‘A man was clothed in linen that he would put a Tav on the forehead of the men that sigh, and cry for the abominations of the people.’

The principle of the Seal in the Book and the Redemption, continues in the Book of Job. Job 31 and Job 19. When the People are Sealed, they’re Sealed with His Name. ‘Oh, that one would hear me in mark.’ Tav. This is the Tav that we just saw; this only appears here in Job 31:35, and Ezekiel 9:4.

‘Oh, that one would hear me, my Tav, the Almighty.’  So, he’s being Marked with the Tav on his Forehead. The Almighty, Shaddai, would answer and be Written in a Book.  Written in a Book. We have a Tav, Written in a Book, just like the Scroll, with the Tav, of the People Written in the Book. ‘Against my prosecutor.’ The prosecutors, the adversary is saying, ‘No, No, you can’t, No.’  He’s saying that, ‘Oh, that one would hear me, that my tav of the Almighty would answer, written in the book, my prosecutor.’

What this is saying is, that you answer by the Seal of God.

Job 31:36 ‘And bind it like a Crown upon me. 37 The number of my steps declare unto Him, like a prince I would approach Him.’ Now the binding on a Crown, is just like the high priest; he had a signet in his Crown, it was YHWH kodesh; ‘The Lord is Holy.’ It was bound on his Crown.

So his Crown had a plate on it, it’s called a Crown, and it’s called a Seal, a Signet. That’s what Job is talking about. But we have the same expression, Written in the Book, the Tav.

When we get to Job 19, we have a similar thing. ‘Oh, that my words were Written.’ Verse 23 ‘Oh, that they were Printed in a Book. 24 ‘Then they were graven with an Iron Pen, and Lead in a Rock forever.’ Chiseled in a rock. Again, we have the Writing in a Book; we have a Pen.

Then he says, Verse 25, ‘I know my Redeemer lives.’  And then he begins to talk about the Resurrection. ‘I know my Redeemer lives. He shall stand in the latter day upon the earth.’ Wow! 26 ‘And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh..’ He says, ‘Yet in my flesh shall I see God.’

How can you in your flesh, see God? It has to be the Resurrection.

‘Though worms destroy this body.’ He’s talking about his present body, but he believes in the Resurrection.  In the Resurrection, in his flesh, he shall see God. Verse 27, ‘Whom I shall see for myself, my eyes shall behold, not another.’  ‘Whom I shall see.’ He will see God in his flesh, and the only way to do that is in the Resurrection. ‘Whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold and not another, how yearns my heart within me.’

Clearly, we have these Expressions of:

  • Writing in the Book,
  • the Seal of God,
  • identified with the Resurrection.

Christ is the Aleph and the Tav. That, Aleph Tav is also the Seal, as we’ve shown you in other videos.

Definitely get the notes, and we’re going to share more on the topic of the Seal of God. Thanks for watching. If you haven’t watched them, please watch the previous videos.

And, Fear God give glory to Him, because all glory belongs to the Lamb, for this information. For the Mystery of the Writing, the First and the Last, the Aleph and the Tav, the Protos and the Eschatos, be all the honor and the glory forever and ever, and we give You glory! Amen.

Previous Series of Messages on the Seal of God, these 2 on the First Angel’s Message:

Seal of God, Signature of AΩ אֶת: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sj0rYYSyHAE&t=0s

First Angel ¤ Seal, Fire & Saints Prayers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93xvs5T_ayI&t=0s

144000 – The Seal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zR0XfTkFAIw&t=0s

Live without money, The Seal, Tree of Life and “Buy from Me Gold”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcLP5vElPN8&t=0s

Day of Atonement, the Seal, the Mark and Azâzêl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc96Dku3zYE&t=0s

7 Signets to Seal the Elect / Manchild: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IgXl3Urp3w&t=0s

sABBAth Seal 777 verses the 666 Mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_n0MG3OGXs&t=0s

The Gathering from 4 Winds & The Seal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3t6YbtKM4Dc&t=0s

Mark, Image of Beast vs Seal, Shekel of Sanctuary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plqpwDPumMY&t=0s

Sign of the Son of Man, the Scroll, the Seal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsM19FV0LAU&t=0s

144,000: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXqaGD7sX9gYg8tYqR9910nGj5rfeBlsB

Rapture Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXqaGD7sX9gYxvFglQ3-5sbLMDhyNKY0D

Writing of Seal of God at Resurrection: https://overcominglymedisease.com/writing-of-seal-of-god-at-resurrection/

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Jennifer HeathWriting of Seal of God at Resurrection

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