DANIEL’S 70 + 7 WEEKS & JER 52 ON 9TH DAY 4TH MONTH: https://www.bitchute.com/video/jI3HDv88QVrr/
Leeland Jones website: https://leelandjones.com/
Here’s the notes for this and upcoming messages in this series: https://dontspeaknews.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Weeks2Wings.pdf
Leeland Jones video posted on October 31, 2021, Transcribed:
We are on a series of message on decoding Daniel 9. In this video we’re going to talk about Daniel’s 70 Weeks, and we need to conclude that there’s Prophecies in the Book of Jeremiah and Prophecies in the time of the Exodus, that leads us to a very significant understanding in the Book of Daniel!
Now we showed you previously before, how Jeremiah showed us the king of Babylon, and king of Zedekiah, and 9/11, and how it was a TRIGGER EVENT, and how Jihad played {in it}. {Please watch, 9-11, “JIHAD,” NEBUCHADNEZZAR AND NETANYAHU IS ZEDEKIAH, link at the bottom of this blog}
Now the Book of Ezekiel also gives us this King’s Timeline, we had another video where we explained that to you!
And we also saw how La Palma, in the potential Tsunami on Babylon could fulfill the Babylon is Fallen, Stone cast into the Sea, in Jeremiah 51.
{Jeremiah 51:42 The sea is come up upon Babylon: she is covered with the mutitude of the waves thereof. 63 And it shall be, when you have made an end of reading this book, you shall bind a stone to it, and cast it into the midst of the Euphrates. 64 And you shall say, Thus shall Babylon sink, and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her: and they shall be weary. Thus far are the words of Jeremiah.}
Now, the 2 very important Prophecies that people missed out on and didn’t realize in our last video; was Benjamin Netanyahu {Zedekiah figure} being taken out as Prime Minister, and a Sacrifice that wasn’t {Daily lamb Sacrifice didn’t happen on June 27, 2021}, showing us the 9th Day of the 4th Month in the 11th Year of Zedekiah captured.
{June 13, 2021, 3rd Day of the 4th Month on Hebrew calendar, Precisely within the Week of the COUNTING of Weeks. To understand more, please watch TWO VERY IMPORTANT FULFILLED PROPHECIES YOU MISSED!, the link is at the bottom of this blog post.}
This is a very significant Prophecy for us, because this is the indication of the Prophecy of Jeremiah Timeline being Fulfilled in corresponding with Daniel’s Weeks!
Now let’s re-trace, so we got 1948 + 62 Years = 2010, we come to Esther 1:2 ‘That in those days, when the king Ahasuerus sat on the throne of his kingdom, which was in Shushan the palace.’
Then we add 7 Years {2010 + 7 Years = 2017}, and we come to something called the Cyrus Decree. The Cyrus Decree would be AFTER 7 YEARS, and we told you this and announced this in Advance to Watch for something to happen.
{1:40 min mark, Leeland Jones video posted on November 23, 2017} Now we have this Cyrus Scroll and the Cyrus Decree! Now let’s talk about this Decree. Now everything about Cyrus and his Decree relates to Jerusalem, and it relates to 70 Years! Haggai actually gives us the Date of the Commandment and the Decree to restore and build Jerusalem.
Thus says the Lord, Haggai 2:18 ‘Consider now from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month.’ This is coming up in a few Days! ‘even from the day that the foundation of the LORD’s temple was laid, consider it.’
So, what we are telling you is this, The 24th Day of the 9th Month is Cyrus’s Scroll, Cyrus Decree in our DAY! Yes this happened Historically, now it is going to happen again! But what it does mean, this is a significant Date for those preparing for the Lord’s return!
(2:50 min mark, back to the current video) The 24th Day of the 9th Month is December 5th, per the Enoch Calendar! It is the Enoch Calendar that you are looking at here, you see the 9 and the 24 circled and underlined is December 5th {2017}! The Next Day is December 6th, and it is the 1st Day of Hanukkah!
{Daniel 11:45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.}
(3:00 min mark, Trump speaking on December 6, 2017) “Therefore I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. It was 70 Years ago that the United States under President Truman recognized the state of Israel. Ever since then, Israel has made its capital in the city of Jerusalem, the capital, the Jewish people established in ancient times.
{Daniel 11:45 Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.}
I am also directing the State Department to begin preparation to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The United States remains deeply committed to helping facilitate a Peace Agreement that is acceptable to both sides.”
{back to Leeland} So, on that Precise Date the Antichrist announced the restoring of Jerusalem, exactly on 70 Years {in 2017} as we had stated. AND we ADD another Year {2017 + 1 (Rest Year) = 2018}. Add ANOTHER Year to Confirm the Covenant {2018 + 1 = 2019}. So then you add another Year, you come to the Peace Deal {2019 + 1 = 2020, January 28, 2020}! So these are a series of Years that we followed with Daniel, that we see when the Prophecies are Fulfilled PERFECTLY!
{4:22 min mark, Leeland Jones video posted on January 11, 2019, the 39th Year of the 2nd Exodus}
“Today is a very, very special Day! It is the 1st Day of the 11th Month {per Enoch Calendar}, and the 39th Year of the EXODUS! In the Book of Deuteronomy chapter 1, when Moses goes to Mount Nebo and recites the Deuteronomy, the Torah, the Second Torah, he does so and then the Children of Israel enter the Promise land! And what is says, he does this reciting of Deuteronomy, the Second Torah, in the 40th Year.
{Deuteronomy 1:3 And it came to pass in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the first day of the month, that Moses spake unto the children of Israel, according unto all the the LORD had given him commandment unto them;
Daniel 9:27And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.}
We know that is what it says in Daniel 9:27, And he shall confirm the covenant, meaning the Messiah shall confirm the Covenant One Week! A Week is a Year. And this appears to be the beginning of that Week, the beginning of that Year, that would conclude on the 1st Day of the 11th Month!”
(5:33 min mark, back to the current video) Confirming the Covenant ONE Year LATER would bring us to, What? THE PEACE DEAL! Precisely the Peace Deal, the 1st Day of the 11th Month {per the Hebrew Calendar}, after ONE Year to confirm the Covenant! So there you have the Peace Deal, you can see Precisely, THESE ARE PROPHECIES TO PRECISE DATES!
So, let’s now COUNT the Weeks! Once we get the Peace Deal {January 28, 2020}, we HAD Counted Years to get to the Peace Deal. Now we Add/COUNT Weeks. You add 62 Weeks from the Peace Deal, now you come to Passover THIS YEAR {March 30, 2021, Passover per Enoch Calendar}! From Passover, then you count an additional 7 Weeks to the Feast of Weeks, also called Pentecost. So from the Peace Deal {add} 62 Weeks, we come to Passover {March 30, 2021}. From Passover what you do, you count the Omer 50 Days, you come to Pentecost {May 24, 2021}!
Now the Prophecy is NOT FINISHED, because Pentecost is the Rest Week, and then after Pentecost, we confirm the Covenant ANOTHER WEEK! So the confirming of the Covenant is a type of YAHWEH coming down on Mount Sinai, to confirm the Covenant. He came down on Mount Sinai for 1 Week. He came down on the Mountain IN HIS GLORY FOR 7 DAYS! Now this is ALL recap, we have taught all of this previously, but there is new information!
You see this is the Fulfillment of 62, 7, and 1 Years, AND 62, 7, and 1 Weeks, leading to this Time Period: Pentecost, 1335 Days {May 24, 2021}! But, that is only in Daniel 9.
Daniel 10 continues, leading us to the Woman is Given 2 Wings of a great Eagle, and that is what we are going to explain. There are Additional WEEKS that we Must Add, that we find them in Daniel chapter 10. Now I know that is a lot, But we are going to go through charts and notes, and explain all of this to you. We will have further video’s to come, as well. But this is what Happened, the Woman was Given 2 Wings of a great Eagle.
{Revelation 12:14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
Daniel 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.}
{7:42 min mark, Bible open to Daniel 9:24-27} In Daniel chapter 9, is where we saw the 7 Weeks, the 62 Weeks, and the Rest Week. And then we confirm the Covenant for 1 Week! Now it says, 70 Weeks are determined. But it is very significant when we look at the original language!
Now I am just looking at a King James here, and I am just showing you as an example how you will NEVER SEE THESE THINGS IF YOU JUST READ A REGULAR BIBLE TRANSLATION. So once we get to Daniel 10:2 ‘In those days I Daniel was mourning three full { 3117. yom: day} weeks.’
Now these are 3 Weeks, and these are Important! This would be a CONTINUATION of the Prophecy! But watch what it says, Daniel 10:3 ‘I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole {3117. yom: day} weeks were fulfilled.’
Now, what you CAN’T SEE HERE is you have to go to the ORIGINAL HEBREW, and what you will see is you see the word FULL, that word is DAYS {in Daniel 10:2}! So what it really says, it says, ‘three days weeks’. So that would be 3 Weeks and 3 Days! This Same Thing happens here in Daniel 10:3, ’til three whole weeks.’ But in Hebrew this word Whole is DAYS, Yom. So again, you have 3 1/2 Weeks {Daniel 10:2}, and you have 3 1/2 Weeks {Daniel 10:3}!
Now this page, I am going to have as my 1st page in this series. And what you can see here is the application of the ADDITIONAL 3 1/2 Weeks. So we saw the 3 1/2 Weeks in Daniel 10:2, and we saw another 3 1/2 Weeks in Daniel 10:3.
IF these 3 1/2 Weeks are Applied,
they must fall in particular Timing that must be significant to something.
(10:29 min mark) So, in this chart we hope to make sense for you the Prophecies in Daniel, in Daniel’s Weeks as they relate to Jeremiah. Now when Daniel is praying in Daniel 9, there were 4 Fasts during the Year: one in the 4th Month, one in the 5th Month, {one in the 7 Month, but not in Jeremiah} and one in the 10th Month! It is quite POSSIBLE Daniel was doing one of those Fasts! Now those Fasts came from the Months in Jeremiah 52. One of them you see here, the 10th Month!
So Jeremiah 52 begins with the Siege around Jerusalem, in the 10th Day of the 10th Month, that was the 9th Year of Zedekiah! So for us, in our modern fulfillment, this was Corona virus {Christmas 2019}, and we had a Solar Eclipse {December 26, 2019}. You will see Eclipse’s marking this Time. That was our kind of the beginning of Jeremiah’s Timeline, corresponding with Daniel’s Timeline.
So then what we had, just a few weeks later, we had the Peace Deal. That was the 1st Day of the 11th Month, as we explained earlier. That would’ve been January 2020, and January 10th {2020} there was a partial Lunar Eclipse! So we had arrived by that, by COUNTING the Years.
But then from the Peace Deal {January 2020}, this is the Commandment to BEGIN COUNTING Weeks! So we count 62 Weeks, you get to Passover and First Fruits, then you Count the Omer. Counting the Omer is 7 Weeks, or 50 Days, and 50 Days is Pente {?}. Pente means 50, Costa (?) is Feast in Greek.
So we Count the Omer those 7 Weeks, we get to Pentecost, it’s a Rest Week { May 22 to May 28, 2021 per Enoch Calendar}. And then after that, you have Confirm the Covenant on Mount Sinai for one Week, 15th Day of the 3rd Month {May 30, 2021 per Enoch Calendar}
Keep in mind there was also a Full Blood Moon {May 26, 2021} on Pentecost {Week}, another Eclipse marking the Time! And then we come to the conclusion of that Week that we talked to you about. We come to the King’s Decree, in Esther chapter 8.
{Esther 8:8 Write ye also for the Jews, as it liketh you, in the king’s name, and seal it with the king’s ring: for the writing which is written in the king’s name, and sealed with the king’s ring, may no man reverse.}
So the Scribes were assembled on the 23rd Day of the 3rd Month, so this is the concluding of that Week. When Yahweh came down on Mount Sinai, and the children had to prepare their Garments a few days. HE DID NOT COME ON THE 15TH! He came AFTER they had prepared their garments for 2 Days. He was up there 7 Days, concluding with the 23rd Day of the 3rd Month.
{Esther 8:9 Then were the king’s scribes called at that time in the third month, that is, the month Sivan, on the three and twentieth day thereof; and it was written according to all that Mordecai commanded unto the Jews, and to thee lieutenants, and the deputies and rulers of the provinces which are from India unto Ethiopia, an hundred twenty and seven provinces, unto every province according to the writing thereof, and unto every people after their language, and to the Jews according to their writing, and according to their language.}
So once you get to that Date {23rd Day of the 3rd Month} we have in Esther, and that Date we found from the Exodus, then we add another 3 1/2 Weeks that we saw in Daniel 10, that we explained to you. Now when you add those, our Witness is, this will come up on the 16th Day of the 4th Month! Now this is extraordinary because this is falling very closely in our Timeline, with the 9th Day of the 4th Month {Zedekiah 11th Year}! And that is when the Famine was in the land!
{Jeremiah 52:6 And in the fourth month, in the ninth day of the month, the famine was sore in the city, so that there was no bread for the people of the land.}
So there was a FAMINE in the land, the Daily Sacrifice was taken, and Zedekiah fled! So when Zedekiah fled, he fled before this Date {= 9th Day of the 4th Month, within the Week, he fled on June 13, 2021}, and that was what happened! Netanyahu was our Prophecy being Fulfilled, showing us our Zedekiah. Once we knew Zedekiah {was Netanyahu} THEN WE COULD PROVE ALL OF JEREMIAH! AMAZING!
So then what happened is that brought us to that significant Date. And quite often what they would do, is that they would be in Fasting and Prayer from that 4th Month, into the 5th Month! Now the 5th Month is the 9th of Av. But in our Daniel Timeline, it was actually the 12th Day of the 5th Month! So NOT PRECISELY, but you can see that these are falling in close proximity!
(14:42 min mark) So this is when there was a Famine and AFTER that the Temple was BURNED, and the city was burned. Now that was burned and destroyed between the 7th Day and the 10th Day of the 5th Month! We know that to be the Time Period of the 9th of Av!!! So the 9th of Av happened then. Now what we are SUGGESTING to you, is that at the conclusion of this, this would be the Point in which the Woman is Given 2 Wings of a great Eagle, in Revelation!
In Revelation 12, when she is given 2 Wings of a Great Eagle, that would be the conclusion of these Weeks! Because you can see what we did, we had 7 Weeks, that’s the Eagle’s Wings. {15:27 min mark, pointing at left side of notes} you can see I even drew a Wing there, and then we have an ADDITIONAL 7 WEEKS! So this would come to Giving the Wings of an Eagle! Now, we will have to do a Whole video just on what that means. We will get to that, but this is what we are talking about.
So what the Jews were doing, is they were ALWAYS FASTING AND PRAYING on the 10th Month, on the 4th Month, and then on the 5th Month! So Daniel was probably doing that Fast! One of those Fasts, it was one of those Times, so he is PRAYING JEREMIAH, he is Praying the Torah!
So, what have we learned?
We learned that it’s actually 77 Weeks!
’70 Weeks are determined for your people’, but we have learned that there is ANOTHER 7 WEEKS.
Those 7 Weeks were Fulfilled when Netanyahu was taken out as Prime Minister, exactly the Time Zedekiah FLED! Not only that, during this Time Historically, the Daily Sacrifice was taken, and the Daily Sacrifice was taken when the Jews could NOT sacrifice a lamb/sheep on this Day! NOT ONLY THAT, they were Commemorating this Date:
You can see this is the 16th Day of the 4th Month, they were on the 17th Day! So, that was giving us a Modern Fulfillment! TWO WITNESSES: Netanyahu OUT, and they’re Commemorating the Daily Sacrifice on the 17th Day of the 4th Month! That’s the 2 Prophecies that happened, that people didn’t know or realize!
The Bible is NOT an Apocalypse Movie!
That is what we do on this channel, over and over.
And you can see that we are ‘Living in a Movie’:
Within the Words of the Prophecy.
Within the SYMBOLISM of the Prophecy.
And within the DATES of the Prophecy!
So, let’s take an overview, and let’s look at what happen in the midst of the KINGS TIMELINE.
So in this graphic, what we have done, is we applied king Zedekiah in his 9th Year and his 10th Year Prophecy, so that’s here (17:43 min mark, in the center between the 4 paper wholes, the top writing). Alright, and then we applied the 9th Day of the 4th Month and 10th Day of the 5th Month {underneath the top writing}. So this is the 11th Year of Zedekiah!
So what we saw happen, is we saw the Cyrus Decree PRECISELY on the 24th Day of the 9th Month {December 5, 2017, per Enoch Calendar}. We saw the Daily Sacrifice taken away {April 30, 2018}. We saw the Peace Deal {January 28, 2020}. We saw the Mark of the Beast {December 8, 2020 Warp Speed, MARKED by a Full Solar Eclipse on December 14, 2020}, and we saw the 1335 Days {Pentecost May 24, 2021, with a Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 25/26, 2021}.
Now next up, we have the ABOMINATION THAT MAKES DESOLATE, TO GIVE THE SANCTUARY! So that is coming up in a FEW WEEKS! {Fulfilled, November 10, 2021! Sanhedrin made anointing oil to anoint their ‘Anti-messiah’.
Please watch CLEANSE ANOINT THE SANCTUARY 2300 DAYS FULFILLED, the link is at the bottom of this blog.}
Like I said in that video, ‘We are watching the WEEKS!’ Now we are doing this based on something called Daniel’s Timeline. {To learn more, Please watch the playlist called Daniel Timeline, link at the bottom of this blog} But, basically you can see that with these Dates and with these Times, You Can SEE ECLIPSE’S That Are TAKING PLACE!
These Eclipse’s are MARKING these Prophetic moments in Prophecy, IN TIME!
So the significant one that we had is Zedekiah, the 9th Year of Zedekiah, that is the 9th Year of the King’s Timeline, or 2019! So Cyrus Decree was {December 5,} 2017, and then those Years are the Years of Cyrus, also Darius!
What have we learned? That in counting of the Weeks, 1335 Days, WE HAD TO COUNT ANOTHER 7 WEEKS, BRINGING US TO THE CRITICAL 9TH OF AV {July 24, 2021}! And not only that, the Sign of the Woman giving Two Wings of a Great Eagle {Pentecost May 24, 2021}!
{Download the notes at the top of this blog} I will also have the links to the previous video’s, if you haven’t watched them? It would be REALLY GOOD for you to go over this a few times, it’s a lot of information in a short video, but this is what the Prophecy says about the Times!
The people, and the masses of people, and the wicked sinners, THEY CANNOT PERCEIVE THESE THINGS! All they say is, ‘Troll, No it’s not! No it’s not!’ YES IT IS! You can see in this video, you can see Prophecy being Fulfilled that would happen in the Tribulation!!
So, ‘ Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.’ Amen!
Enoch Calendar 2017: https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-26016223/documents/704459d709914d9da8e8c42e00fa1b23/2017Calendar.pdf
Enoch Calendar 2018: https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-26016223/documents/ebbdd6c566f141bd93ae6c409d941bac/2018%20Calendar.pdf
Enoch Calendar 2019: https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-26016223/documents/c35786499b1a46b4a4474288a66a8620/2019EnochCalendar.pdf
Enoch Calendar 2020: https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-26016223/documents/012d97bd1bd644ef921fc3e82ec53b90/2020EnochCalendar.pdf
Enoch Calendar 2021: https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-26016223/documents/5c41fa6679a0491d8524ad34dfa64b03/2021EnochCalendar.pdf
Enoch Calendar 2022-2024: https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-26016223/documents/005448d6a3ec43c5bf28282b14c08eb4/Enoch2022to2024.pdf
This is the Dan9 Peace Deal, Trump is the Antichrist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXYPtskRxCk&list=PLXqaGD7sX9gZ83zVDuBH04JrBXMVl_ApY
BOOK OF EZEKIEL = KING’S TIMELINE: https://overcominglymedisease.com/book-of-ezekel-kings-timeline/
9-11, “JIHAD,” NEBUCHADNEZZAR AND NETANYAHU IS ZEDEKIAH: https://overcominglymedisease.com/9-11-jihad-nebuchadnezzar-and-netanyahu-is-zedekiah/
Is there prophecy of a Mega-Tsunami hitting USA?: https://overcominglymedisease.com/is-there-prophecy-of-a-mega-tsunami-hitting-usa/
TWO VERY IMPORTANT FULFILLED PROPHECIES YOU MISSED!: https://overcominglymedisease.com/two-very-important-fulfilled-prophecies-you-missed/
CLEANSE ANOINT THE SANCTUARY 2300 DAYS FULFILLED: https://overcominglymedisease.com/cleanse-anoint-the-sanctuary-2300-days-fulfilled/
Daniel’s Timeline: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RX9vjv2evGY&list=PLXqaGD7sX9ga0QD1Zvik665gC98BKL9Q6
The Revelation and Daniel Timeline: https://overcominglymedisease.com/the-revelation-and-daniel-timeline/
DANIEL’S 70 + 7 WEEKS & JER 52 ON 9TH DAY 4TH MONTH: https://overcominglymedisease.com/daniels-70-7-weeks-jer-52-on-9th-day-4th-month/
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