"None that put their trust in Him shall be overcome." (1 Maccabees 2:61; John 3:14-16)


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FEASTS OF REVELATION 1-15: https://www.bitchute.com/video/MryGDEeFcZIl/

Leeland Jones old blog: Feasts of Revelation | Don’t Speak News (dontspeaknews.com)

Leeland Jones website: https://leelandjones.com/

Leeland Jones video posted on November 16, 2021, transcribed: 

I am super excited to share with you the Feasts of Revelation.  How marvelous are His ways!  In the perfect Order and Structure of His marvelous ways, in His Feasts. The Feasts of Revelation, we’re going to go through the Book of Revelation and show you that all the Events that take place in the Heavens and in the Earth, ON Feasts.

Now when we say, ‘The Lamb slain’, specifically in the Book of Revelation, that’s going to mean Passover.  We’ll talk about the Lamb, but then it’ll say, ‘The Lamb slain’, that is Passover.

So we have 2 Principal Feasts:

  • we have the Season of Passover,
  • we have the Season of Tabernacles.

But we’re gonna have to look at this:

and see Prophecy being Fulfilled on a Schedule.

The Apocalypse Timeline, as you know, we have:

  • 7 Good Years
  • and 7 Bad Years.

And Each alternating between a Major Feast of:

  • Passover
  • and Tabernacles.

As you know, the Blood Moons happen on what?

  • Passover
  • and Tabernacles.
  • Other fulfillments happen in other Feasts, that we will see throughout this study.

We are on a series leading to the Woman is given Two Wings of a Great Eagle. So we must arrive by this Counting of Weeks.

We must arrive by this Counting of Weeks, so we 1st Count Years:

  • We had the state of Israel, 1948 + 62 Years, and we come to the Year 2010.
  • Another 7 Years comes to 2017 {2010 + 7 = 2017}, which is Cyrus Decree {December 5/6, 2017}, and we know that this is the 70 Years of the Land of Rest.  Leading to the Peace Deal:

  • Add 1 more Year, Confirm the Covenant 1 Week, or 1 more Year, we have the Peace Deal as the Decree to begin to Count Weeks {2017 + 1 = 2018, January 28, 2020}.

  • We Count from the Peace Deal 62 Weeks, we come to Passover this Year {2021}.
  • From Passover, you add 7 Weeks, you come to Pentecost this Year {May 24, 2021}.

These are the 7 Weeks unto Messiah the Prince, leading to Revelation 14:1, when the 144,000 are Assembled. That is precisely 1335 Days FROM the Great Sign of the Woman Clothed with the Sun, September 22, 2017. Add 1335 Days….    {September 22, 2017 + 1335 Days = May 24, 2021}

…and you come to the Same Thing {May 24, 2021}, Revelation 14:1, that would then show us when the Woman is given 2 Wings of a Great Eagle.

….because they’re Assembled as the 12 Tribes:

  • Lion,
  • Ox,
  • Man,
  • Eagle.

And we told you in the last video how they have 4 Messages.

  • The Message of the Eagle {Fear God and Give Glory to Him (Revelation 14:6-7)},
  • the Message of the Lion {Babylon is Fallen (Revelation 14:8)},
  • the Message of the Man {Mark of the Beast (Revelation 14:9-12)},
  • the Message of the Ox {Blessed are the Dead in the Lord (Revelation 14:13)}.

Get those Messages! Get that down!  That is Revelation 14.

So in Each Message, we would have a Declaration to the World BEFORE the End Comes, it’s the Gospel of the Kingdom.

But now let’s look at the Feasts in Revelation, we’re going to start from all the way from Revelation, chapter 1, and we’re going to go to Revelation chapter 15.

(3:03 min mark) We will have 2 pages of notes here.

This is our 1st of the 2 pages, and if you look it says, REVELATION 1-12 and 15.  So that’s what this page is gonna go over. And then we have another page on Revelation, chapter 13 and 14:

As you know, we have our Diagrams to find our place:

  • in the Years,
  • and in the Feasts.

And this is so exciting, because for years I have been showing you these things, and now we are seeing all of the happen.

(3:35 min mark) So for example, if we look at our Diagram, and you can see we have Marked on here, things like:

  • the Daily Sacrifice {…Taken Away: April 30, 2018. Please watch, Host Given Against Daily Sacrifice – Apr 30, 2018, link at the bottom of this blog post},
  • Antichrist…his reign Starts {August 21, 2019. Please watch, Trump’s Blasphemy marks Beasts 42 Months of Power, the link is at the bottom of this blog post},
  • the Peace Deal {January 28, 2020. Please watch, This is the Dan9 Peace Deal, Trump is the Antichrist, the link is at the bottom of this blog post},
  • the 1335 Days {May 24, 2021. Please watch the 1335 Days playlist at the bottom of this blog post},
  • and the Abomination of Desolation {November 10, 2021. Please watch, CLEANSE ANOINT THE SANCTUARY 2300 DAYS FULFILLED, the link is at the bottom of this blog post}.

Well, all of those things have Happened!  All those things have happened, it’s amazing!

We announced it AHEAD of Time, He sends His servants early!

We announced these things ahead of Time, on Precise DATES, and we have seen them come to pass. So we will continue to watch.  We are NOT Prophets here.  It’s basically a Principal of:

  • IF this happens,
  • THEN we expect it to continue.

So if we see these things come to pass, WE SHOULD EXPECT TO SEE THEM CONTINUE.

Now principally, in Revelation chapters 1 leading to 12, we are talking about what we call the First Seven Years. Essentially what we have, Revelation chapter 1 with the Trumpet in the Feast of Trumpets, and going through 7 Years, concluding with the Sign of the Woman clothed with the Sun, {September 22} 2017.

This is our 1st Diagram which will give us an idea and concept of where the Feasts are in the earlier part of the Book of Revelation.

{5:00 min mark, using the 1st page of notes called, Feasts in Revelation 1-12, 15} In our notes here, as you can see, what we have on the side, we have the Year.  So we would always have a Reference Point of the Year of where we are.  Now when we look at these Years, and it says Year 1, that’s going to be 2010.  In the Fall of 2010 is when this starts.

And then can see the Years count, and then those Years correspond to the Years on the Diagram here {First Seven Years}.  So it’ll be good to do this study and get it solid, because there’s a lot of people saying, ‘No, it’s Not!  Not it’s Not!’ They don’t know anything, they’re NOT WATCHING!

They didn’t know the Prophecy Ahead of Time, to Watch for things to happen and come to pass!  So this is NOT really for:

  • the Mockers,
  • and Scoffers,
  • and the Wicked,
  • and the Apostates.

THIS IS FOR THE STUDENTS, to solidify the things we Believe in the Prophecy related to CHRIST’S 2nd Coming.

So let’s go straight away, we got Revelation 1:10, ‘I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day {Leeland: that’s the Sabbath}, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet.’ We know this in verse 13, this is Alpha and Omega as High Priest.

{Revelation 1:13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.}

So what do we have?  We have Yom Teruah, which is the Feast of Trumpets. So we have the LORD’S Day, a Great Voice of a Trumpet.  What that would be is Revelation 1:10, that BEGINS the Book of Revelation, right there {6:35 min mark, where the Lamb sits on the Throne, 2010}.

Then he see’s Alpha and Omega as High Priest standing in the midst of the 7 Golden Candlesticks.  So this is Yom Kippur. This would be the Day of Atonement {Yom Kippur} 5  Days later. So that happens in the Beginning in the 1st Year….in the Fall Feasts of the 1st Year, this would be 2010.

Then what happens is then we move through: 1 {2011}, 2 {2012}, 3 {2013} Years, according to the Book of Esther {Esther 1:3}, and then we arrive at Revelation 4:1.

Revelation 4:1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

What was the 1st Voice?  It was a Trumpet.

And it was what?  Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets.

Now we are at Yom Teruah, 3 Years later. We know this is 3 Years Later, because it tells us this in Esther 1:3.  Now we know this is also the Fall Feast, because we then begin to see that the Books are Open.

In Revelation chapter 5, the Books are Open.  And the Books Open is represented of the Books being Opened on Yom Kippur, when the Books are Open: THE LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE. And the Books are Open, so the LAMB Opens the SEAL! The Books are Open, that’s Yom Kippur, that’s going to be in: 2013.

Then we have ‘The Lamb slain {Revelation 5:6}.’ We showed you earlier how ‘The Lamb slain’ represents What?  Passover. So ‘The Lamb slain {Rev 5:6}’, and they Sing the Song of the Lamb.  So this is 6 Months later {from Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement, 2013}, and this will be Passover {April 15, 2014}.

So that’s Passover, that’s are 1st Blood Moon and that’s in the 4th Year {April 15, 2014}.

(8:46 min mark, Revelation 8:1) And then we see and Angel with a Golden Censer before the Throne, this is Yom Kippur! So now we move from the 4th Year, we move to the 7th Year. Now we are in the 7th Year.  We are approaching the 7th Year…we are approaching that in the Fall time period of Yom Kippur {September 22,} 2017.

{Revelation 11:19} And the Temple of heaven was opened, and it was seen the Ark of the Covenant.

This is the Symbolism of Yom Kippur:

  • The SAME DAY the Ark is seen in the TEMPLE {Revelation 11:19},
  • is the SAME Yom Kippur when the Golden Censer’s is in the Angel’s hand {Revelation 8:1},
  • and it’s the SAME DAY as the Woman Clothed with the Sun {Revelation 12:1, September 22, 2017}!

This is the Sun representing the Fall Equinox. It was Precisely on the Fall Equinox that the Moon is under her feet…..there was a New Moon 2 Days prior, and the Stars and the Planets align as 12 Stars in her Crown.

That’s PRECISELY September 22, 2017, when all of these criteria are met:

  • The Woman Clothed with the Sun,
  • 12 Stars,
  • Fall Equinox,
  • New Moon.


So that concludes the First Seven Years.

And now what’s going to happen is, now we’re going to look at the next section of Time, in this Diagram (10:08 min mark), where we go from those First 7 Years, and we BEGIN to Enter these {the Last 7 Years/Great Tribulation}.

The Book of Revelation places great focus in the Feasts, at certain points. You can see a lot happening there with the 7th Year {2017}, and now a lot happens in the 11th Year {2021}. This is this Years, 2021.

(10:32 min mark) So we pick up in Revelation 12, we saw her Sign {Rev 12:1}, and then 1260 Days LATER the Tabernacle is Set {Revelation 12:6}. That’s the 1st Day of the 1st Month, the Tabernacle is set. This is {March 17,} 2021, and this would be leading into Passover.

Tabernacle is set {Revelation 12:6}, and then Revelation 12:11,

{Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their  testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.}

They had the Blood of the Lamb, which is Passover, and they loved not their life unto death, which is FirstFruits, Resurrection!

  • Passover is the 14th Day of the First Month {March 30, 2021}.
  • After 3 1/2 Days is First Fruits/ Resurrection {19th Day of the 1st Month: April 4, 2021}.
  • And THEN what you do, you Count 50 Days, (Revelation 12:12) ‘Rejoice you heavens and you that dwell in them.’  This is Pentecost  {May 24, 2021}, the 8th Day of the 3rd Month in the 11th Year.

(11:28 min mark)  You see all this is the 11th Year: the 1st Month; Passover {14th Day of the 1st Month}; First Fruits {19th Day of the 1st Month}, Pentecost {8th Day of the 3rd Month}! This is all detailed, Line upon line, precept upon precept, right there in Revelation 12.

{Isaiah 28:13 But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.}

(Revelation 12:14) Then the Woman was given two wings of an eagle to fly into the wilderness, into her place. Well,THAT PLACE IS HER TABERNACLE!  IT’S THE TEMPLE!  And this goes back to Exodus 19, ‘And the third month the fifteenth day of the month, (verse 4) I  bear you on eagle’s wings.’ ‘You bear on Eagle’s Wings’, well that was that time, but THEN Moses went 40 Days {Exodus 24:18}.

When Moses went 40 Days, you then have the Abomination of Desolation, basically.  You have the children of Israel with the Golden Calf.

When you get the Golden Calf, this is the House made Desolate. It is around that time that they get the 9th of Av {5th Month}. So the Woman is given 2 Wings of an Eagle on the 9th of Av, in the 5th Month.  It would be AFTER the Feast of Weeks assembly, which we showed you before is Revelation 14.

Then Matthew 23:37, ‘I would have gathered you as a hen gathers her chicks, (verse 38)  But your house made to you desolate.’

So the Chicks and the Wings, is the 9th of Av {July 24, 2021}! Huge!

Then what we have in Revelation 12:17, ‘The Dragon made war with the other’s of her seed.’ So, the Dragon makes war {Armageddon, 7 Years from September 22, 2017}.

And then we see those that have Victory on the Sea of Glass {Revelation 15:2}, this is Passover.  This would be the same Passover here (12:55 min mark), Same Year {March 30, 2021}. And then, {Revelation 15:5} the Temple is open in Heaven.  Then the Tabernacle set, same 1st Day and 1st Month {March 17, 2021}.

{13:05 min mark} In this section of notes {Feast in Revelation 13 and Esther}, as you can see it deals with the Feasts in Revelation, and How they correspond to the Book of Esther.  So you’ll see on the left, we have the Book of Revelation, we have the Years.  And then on the right, we have the Book of Esther.  We’re going to refer to a couple other Books, but basically the Book of Esther has the Feast that correspond to the Book of Revelation, and what’s being Fulfilled.

(13:35 min mark)  So, this is our comparative Analysis to find that, Yes, there are Scheduled Events and Feasts that take place in the Book of Revelation, particularly chapter 13, in astounding detail.

(13:50 min mark)  Our first Line item, is the Woman Clothed with the Sun in Revelation 12. So that’s just a re-cap, of course we saw that before, we know that was Yom Kippur in the 7th Year {2017}….in the 7th Year of the King.  But that corresponds in the Book of Esther, to Esther being given the Royal Crown.  So she becomes Queen.

So we conclude that:

  • she gets the Royal Crown,
  • she becomes Queen on that Yom Kippur,
  • the SAME Year as Revelation 12 (September 22, 2017).

But then the King also holds a Feast in the 10th Month for Esther, even Esther’s Feast in the 7th Year. So we conclude that is Hanukkah.  That would be a few Months after the Revelation 12 Sign.

Now very important, many people say, “Oh, Trump is NOT the Antichrist, and all this!”  That’s because they’re looking at Political Things, they are looking at Elections.


I have so many different proofs like this, all I can tell you is to please go back and Watch previous content, because I already covered this.  But this is new….I haven’t really showed you this level of detail in Revelation 13, with the Beast.

Now basically what is happening, is we get to the 9th Year, and the 9th Year is 2019.  So once we get into 2019, this is when we begin to see the Antichrist getting his POWER 42 MONTHS.  Now we can see this from Revelation 13:2, ‘The dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.’

{Revelation 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

Esther 3:1 After these things did king Ahasuerus promote Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and advanced him, and set his seat above all the princes that were with him.}

Well, this is Esther 3:1, Haman was promoted, and the king set his seat above all the princes that were with him.  So you see that?  That’s very clear alignment, perfectly between Revelation and Esther. Then is says:

Revelation 13:5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

A very important distinction now, we begin to look at Revelation, and we look at Esther.  In the Book of Esther chapter 3, all the way through Esther chapter 10, it’s 1 Year.  It’s Only 1 Year. So it’s 1 Year in the Book of Esther, but it’s 3 1/2 Years in Revelation. So, we have to try to un-code this, it’s a Mystery.

Once we look at the Book of Esther, it’s all in the 12th Year {2022}.

(16:26 min mark)  You see the 12th Year…the Book of Esther deals with ALL those Events in 1 Year, in the 12th Year {2022}. But once we looked at the End, and say, ‘At the end, Haman is killed in the 15th Day of the 12th Month.’  That’s Purim, in the 12th Year {February 25/26 2023, per Enoch Calendar}.


Haman, aka Trump was not killed as part of the End Times Prophecy in the Book of Esther. Instead, he had a death threat against him from Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, on the Precise Day…..Purim, February 26, 2023, fulfilling the Prophecy that he is indeed the Antichrist/son of perdition.}

{Please watch, Trump’s Blasphemy marks Beasts 42 Months of Power, AC the Lion Handcuffed in Prison, Hook, deThrone, Darkness – 5th Bowl, the links are at the bottom of this blog post.}

So what we said, ‘Well If that happens, if that’s the conclusion of the 42 Months of Revelation, that means that his power will begin on the 15th Day of the 6th Month.’ That’s the 9th Year, that would have been 2019 {August 21, 2019}.

So back in 2019, we had Announced this AHEAD OF TIME!  ‘Hey, let’s Watch for the Antichrist, he may say something to Trigger this Timeline.’ And we mentioned that Ahead of Time, of Haman’s 42 Months of the Power of the Beast.

So he did PRECISELY, that’s what it says right here (17:20 min mark), ‘The Chosen One!’  When he said, ‘I AM THE CHOSEN ONE’, that BEGAN THE 42 MONTHS {Revelation 13:5}.  If you don’t believe that, just look at ALL the other Proof {Leeland points to the Notes}.  Then it talks about the Feast of Tabernacles.  So the next Month after the 6th Month, is the 7th Month, That with the Feast of Tabernacles:

Revelation 13:6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

Revelation 13:6 is talking about the Feast of Tabernacles!  Now this was Fulfilled when Trump got COVID-19. Trump got COVID-19, that was the Deadly Plague. So when we read about the: Head Wound, well in Greek the word is Plague, where we get the word Plague in English.

And then it said, ‘his wound was healed.’  Well, the Greek word for healed is Therapeutics!  And Trump used that word, “It was the Therapeutics that healed me.” That Proves that the Deadly Would was healed already!  The deadly wound was healed, and that is what is says in Revelation 13:3.

{Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.}

He had that all take place during the Feast of Tabernacles!

So that just gives us this schedule.

  • Revelation 13:6 ‘he blasphemed God, and against His tabernacle, and those that tabernacle in heaven.’
  • And, the Deadly Plague we can see happened on Tabernacles!
  • Then Revelation13:8, ‘And all that dwell on the earth shall worship him whose names are not written from the book of life from the Lamb slain.’

Remember how we showed you in the beginning whenever we see ‘The Lamb slain’, it’s What?


Now it was then, in Passover, when Trump gave the Executive Powers to FEMA for the Emergency Powers, over to the Beast!

That Null and Voided the U.S. Constitution!

There is NO MORE U.S. Constitution anymore, and FEMA now has the Power!

He did that in the Season of Passover!

Haman did the Same Thing, he sought to Destroy the Jews of the whole Kingdom, and the people of Mordecai.  And he did so in the 1st Month, which is Nisan.

  •  It was also in this Month, Haman sought to Kill the Jews.
  • That’s also when Trump signed the Education Day, which is the 7 Noahide Laws {Passover per Enoch Calendar: March 27, 2018}.

So, Trump signed the Noahide Laws 2 years prior {to giving power to FEMA on March 13, 2020}, in 2018, which is right on the Same Month, when Haman sought to Destroy the Jews. But it’s in the Timeline of the 10th Year {2020}, WHEN HE GAVE THE POWERS TO FEMA! That’s what it’s talking about here, ‘All that dwell on the earth shall wonder at him.’

{Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.}

It doesn’t matter if you like him or not, people are Obsessed with Donald Trump!

They are Worshipping him!

Then the Scribes were called on the 13th Day of the 1st Month, in the Book of Esther {Esther 3:12}.  Well that is the Day BEFORE Passover.  So this is clearly talking about Passover in Esther, and Passover here in Revelation 13:8.

Then we get to Hanukkah.  Revelation 13:14, ‘They will make an image to the beast, and power to give life to the image and it speaks, and those that don’t worship should be killed.’

Now what’s happening here on Hanukkah, Hanukkah we say in English, Dedicate or Inaugurate, we look at Daniel chapter 3.  In Daniel chapter 3, Nebuchadnezzar, his image was Dedicated. Well, Dedicated in Hebrew is Hanukkah.

  • Daniel 3 is talking about Hanukkah, when Nebuchadnezzar set up what?  THE IMAGE!
  • And we see the Image, and we see Hanukah, in Revelation 13:14.

And same thing in Daniel 3:6, ‘Whoever doesn’t bow to the Image should be killed.’ It’s the Same Symbolism that we see in Revelation 13:4 {‘and those that don’t worship should be killed.‘}.

What was the Physical Manifestation of the Proof of this?

  • It was WARP SPEED!
  • It was the VACCINE!

It was the Mark of the Beast!

Revelation 13:16, ‘He causes all small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand and forehead.’  That was on the Solar Eclipse, December 14, 2020, this is ALL on HANUKKAH!  This Prophecy is happening on Precise Feasts!

Once again, we’re looking at this Schedule (21:52 min mark), you can see we had the Passover {2020}, this was in the beginning of the 10th Year.  And then we come over to the Fall Season, and then Hanukkah was in here {December 9-16, 2020}. And then from Hanukkah, WARP SPEED {December 8, 2020}…..WE HAVE THE MARK OF THE BEAST  {Marked by a Full Solar Eclipse on December 14, 2020}.

But remember, we had a Countdown from the 1335 Days, from the Revelation 12 Sign {September 22, 2017}  to Pentecost {May 24, 2021}.  This is what we’re saying, this is Daniel’s 7 Weeks unto Messiah the Prince!  ‘Unto the 7 Weeks to the Messiah the Prince’, is seen in Esther, from when Esther is Crowned, you count 1335 Days.

And in Esther 2:19 it says, “And when the virgins were gathered together the second time, then Mordecai sat in the king’s gate.”  These are the 144,000 {Virgins}, and Mordecai represents the Elders.

{Revelation 14:1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.}

So that brings us to Revelation 14:1, The Lamb stood on Mount Zion with the 144,000, which are Virgins, which are FirstFruits! FirstFruits is the Feast of Pentecost!  We have perfect alignment of Pentecost in the 11th Year, that is, this Year {2021} Pentecost Season:

  • and you can see, ‘Mordecai sat in the king’s gate’ {Esther 2:9}.
  • And it says, ‘The elders assembled around the Throne’, in Revelation 14. This is the King’s Scribes.
  • {Esther 8:9} The King’s Scribes were called on the 23rd Day of the 3rd Month, which is Sivan…….which is a conclusion of Pentecost one week, and Mount Sinai on week when Yahweh came down 7 Days.
  • At the Conclusion of which, Moses went up to the Mountain on the 23rd Day of the 3rd Month, Sivan, Fulfilling perfectly our Schedule of Event up into Pentecost.

Many of you ask, ‘Alright Leeland, when do you get when the Woman is given 2 Wings of an Eagle?’  It’s the 9th of Av.  The 9th of Av is the 5th Month. So that was the 3rd Month, and we Count another 7 Weeks. Count another 7 Weeks, and you got the Revelation 14:6, ‘The 144,000 are given the Eagle’s Wings, and they fly mid Heaven with the Gospel of the Kingdom.’

So they fly in the mid heaven with the Gospel of the Kingdom!  That is what we say,

Revelation 14:7 ‘Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.’

Next verse says, 8 ‘And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen.’  ‘Babylon is Fallen’ is the 9th of Av, representing the Destruction of the Temple and the Apostate Jerusalem, is the 9th of Av.

The Woman is given 2 Wings of an Eagle, she goes forth mid heaven with the Gospel of the Kingdom, and the next Angel is the Same Day. The Same Day is Babylon is Fallen, is the 9th of Av, that is this Year {July 24, 2021}.

The Woman was given 2 Wings of an Eagle, 9th of Av this Year {2021}, the 11th Year. Proof of this is in Matthew 23:37, ‘And he said, I would have gather you as children gathers a hen and her chicks under her wings.’  So these are the Eagle’s Wings!  It’s not necessarily a Hen, it’s a Bird.  ‘and you would not. 38 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.’ See it?

‘Behold, your house is left unto you desolate’, when was the House Desolate?  The 9th of Av.

Here’s the Eagle’s Wings {Matthew 23}, He is gathering her as the Eagle’s Wings…..He gathered her on Mount Zion {Revelation 14}, and then the Eagle’s Wings are Granted {Revelation 12:14}.

I know people are still confused, but Trump is the Antichrist. You can clearly see this from Revelation 13.  You have to go back and look at the Prophecy.  But in August 2019, he said, ‘I am the Chosen One!’ This would be when he would, ‘Speak great things and blasphemy against the Most High, against His Tabernacle, and those that dwell in Heaven.’

When he did that, that Started the Beast Power, Counting of 42 Months. That began the 42 Months, it already started. {Completed: Passover Season 2023, Trump getting locked up.  Please watch AC the Lion Handcuffed in Prison and Hook, deThrone, Darkness – 5th Bowl, the links are at the bottom of this blog post}.

And then what it says is that, ‘He blasphemed His tabernacle and those that tabernacle in heaven.’ That’s the Feast of Tabernacles.

So during the Feast of Tabernacles, after his Blasphemy, he received the Plague Wound.  He got COVID-19 after his Blasphemy, and that’s the Deadly Wound that was Healed, because he said: Therapeutics.  He said, ‘It was God’s Miracles, was the THERAPEUTICS’, he said it. The Deadly Plague Wound, he said, God’s miracles was the Therapeutic’s. So that happened. That was right on Tabernacles. {Leeland corrected his error of saying this was the same year, in another video that he did.}

{Update: On the 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, 2020, Trump signed the Executive Order 13953 Addressing the Threat to Domestic Supply Chain from Reliance of Critical Minerals from Foreign Adversaries and Supporting the Domestic Mining and Process Industries.  2 days later he was struct with his Deadly Wound (October 2, 2020), and 3 Days later he was Healed (October 5, 2020).}

Then we have the Dedication Day, Hanukkah, the Mark of the Beast. It was a year ago in Hanukkah Season, when you have Operation WARP SPEED…..Hanukkah {December 8,} 2020.

When you get to Hanukkah 2020, that was Operation Warp Speed, that is the Mark of the Beast, that is the Pharmakia going out to the Whole World. Most of you understand that is the Mark of the Beast, now. But that happened on Hanukkah, clearly!

From the Apocalypse Timeline, you can clearly see through:

  • the Signs of the Solar Eclipse,
  • the Book of Daniel,
  • the Book of Esther,




And the things we have been saying, they’re coming to pass, you can see them:

  • once you understand the Timeline,
  • once you understand the Apocalypse,
  • and once you understand the Feasts!

That’s WHY we TEACH the FEASTS!

That’s Why we Teach What the BIBLE Says!  And you Watch, and you Wait.

This is our series on Weeks to Wings. In this video I will provide the notes for you, in the blog. In the Blog (Leeland Jones blog on Don’t Speak News), download notes and do a study of this….get this solid!  And as we conclude,

Fear God, give glory to Him, for the hour of judgment has come, worship Him who made the heavens, the earth, the seas, and the fountains of waters.  Amen.

Herein you see Trumps 42 month revealing, “Deadly Plague” and Mark of the Beast, all on a perfect schedule of Biblical Feasts.

Host Given Against Daily Sacrifice – Apr 30, 2018: https://overcominglymedisease.com/host-given-against-daily-sacrifice-apr-30-2018/

Trump’s Blasphemy marks Beasts 42 Months of Power: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8lUL9f2vY8&list=PLXqaGD7sX9gbT1OkXrzVvP-5DjJs3PK0z&index=5

1335 Days playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxhPr_sZB4Y&list=PLXqaGD7sX9gYEQDaJlvdwqZHgcf2eMQTF&index=1

CLEANSE ANOINT THE SANCTUARY 2300 DAYS FULFILLED: https://overcominglymedisease.com/cleanse-anoint-the-sanctuary-2300-days-fulfilled/

7 NOAHIDE LAWS = ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION: https://overcominglymedisease.com/7-noahide-laws-abomination-of-desolation/

EXODUS, 2 Wings Of An Eagle, Abominations of Desolationhttps://overcominglymedisease.com/exodus-2wings-of-an-eagle-abominations-of-dedolation/

TWO VERY IMPORTANT FULFILLED PROPHECIES YOU MISSED!: https://overcominglymedisease.com/two-very-important-fulfilled-prophecies-you-missed/

AC the Lion Handcuffed in Prison: https://overcominglymedisease.com/ac-the-lion-handcuffed-in-prison/

Leeland Jones Transcribed Video’s: https://overcominglymedisease.com/leeland-jones-transcribed-videos/

Hook, deThrone, Darkness – 5th Bowl – C04-1-10: https://overcominglymedisease.com/hook-dethrone-darkness-5th-bowl-c04-1-10/

FEASTS OF REVELATION 1-15:  https://overcominglymedisease.com/feasts-of-revelation-1-15/

Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. It is not meant to cover all possible precautions, drug interactions, circumstances or adverse effects. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen.1


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