"None that put their trust in Him shall be overcome." (1 Maccabees 2:61; John 3:14-16)

Leeland Jones Transcribed Videos, with photos

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Leeland Jones Transcribed Video’s, with photos

Please note, if there is no link with photo’s in the below Course links, you can find it transcribed without photo’s at: Transcribed Videos from leelandjones.com:https://leelandjones.wordpress.com/

Please also note that some of Leeland Jones YouTube video playlist that did not make Leelandjones.com School Courses, like Mark of the Beast playlist, those video transcriptions are at the bottom of this blog post.

Leeland Jones websitehttps://leelandjones.com/

To get notifications from Leeland Jones when he posts a New Blog post, or to Enroll in Leelandjones.com on-line Ekklesia School, go to the link below and scroll down:   https://leelandjones.com/about%20a%CF%89%20%D7%90%D6%B6%D6%BD%D7%AA%D6%BD

Course 01-1 “House of David”

C01-1-1 House of David ◇ Part 1 – Intro: https://overcominglymedisease.com/house-of-david-%e2%97%87-part-1-intro/

C01-1-2 Heavenly Time ◇ House of David Pt2: https://overcominglymedisease.com/heavenly-time-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-pt2/

C01-1-3 Enoch-Qumran Calender Explained ◇ House of David Pt3: https://overcominglymedisease.com/enoch-qumran-calender-explained-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-pt3/

C01-1-4 The Father’s Desire House of David Pt5: https://overcominglymedisease.com/the-fathers-desire-house-of-david-pt5/

C01-1-5 1Chr25 Singers & Musicians ◇ House of David Pt6: https://overcominglymedisease.com/1chr25-singers-musicians-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-pt6/

C01-1-6 1Chr24 Judges of God ◇ House of David Pt7: https://overcominglymedisease.com/1chr24-judges-of-god-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-pt7/

C01-1-7 World that then Was ◇ House of David Pt8: https://overcominglymedisease.com/world-that-then-was-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-pt8/

C01-1-8 7 Church Angels ◇ House of David Pt9: https://overcominglymedisease.com/7-church-angels-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-pt9/

C01-1-9 Kinsman Redeemer ◇ House of David Pt10: https://overcominglymedisease.com/kinsman-redeemer-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-pt10/

C01-1-10 1Chr26 Porters – House of David-pt11:

C01-1-11 Treasury Rooms of Heaven – House of David-pt12: 

C01-1-12 Order of Melchizedek ◇ House of David P14: https://overcominglymedisease.com/order-of-melchizedek-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-p14/

C01-1-13 Born from Zion ◇ House of David Pt4: https://overcominglymedisease.com/born-from-zion-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-pt4/

C01-1-14 Towla the Crimson Worm ◇ House of DavidP15: https://overcominglymedisease.com/towla-the-crimson-worm-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-p15/

C01-1-15 Mahanaim – 2 Camps ◇ House of David Pt16: https://overcominglymedisease.com/mahanaim-2-camps-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-pt16/

C01-1-16 Army 12 Camps / Legions ◇ House of David Pt17: https://overcominglymedisease.com/army-12-camps-legions-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-pt17/

C01-1-17 Four Spirits of the Heavens ◇ House of David Pt18: https://overcominglymedisease.com/four-spirits-of-the-heavens-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-pt18/

C01-1-18 Elijah’s Army ◇ House of David Pt19: https://overcominglymedisease.com/elijahs-army-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-pt19/

C01-1-19 Warrior Priests-House of David-pt20: 

C01-1-20 144000 New Jerusalem-House of David-pt21: 

C01-1-21 The Nail-the Key to House of David-pt22-7-Chief Porters: 

C01-1-22 12 Apostles Sit To Judge the Bride-288K virgins, 144k wise, Lamb reigns 1260-pt8:

C01-1-23 New Jerusalem Wall 12 Gates, 2 Pillars and House of David: 

C01-1-24 Seats in House of David-Joseph/Overcomer Rewards: 

C01-1-25 Who are the 24 Elders? The Key is the House of David!: 

C01-1-26 Kings & Priests in Order of Melchizedek -2 Oaths Abram/David: https://overcominglymedisease.com/kings-priests-in-order-of-melchizedek-2-oaths-abram-david/

C01-1-27 Revelation of Tribes, Rulers and Virgins in House of David: 

C01-1-28 You are The Temple  4 Patterns and the Garden of Eden ◇: https://overcominglymedisease.com/you-are-the-temple-%e2%97%87-4-patterns-and-the-garden-of-eden-%e2%97%87/

C01-1-29 Key of Yehoyadah □King & /\ Priestly ○order of 4 and 1/3: https://overcominglymedisease.com/key-of-yehoyadah-%e2%96%a1king-priestly-%e2%97%8brder-of-4-and-1-3/

C01-1-30 Counsel of Lion, Ox, Man, Eagle Prophesies:

C01-1-31 Watch, PRAYer of Moses-Psalm 90:

C01-1-32 Standing in The Courts of Heaven: https://overcominglymedisease.com/standing-in-the-courts-of-heaven/

C01-1-33 King David Coin for Third Temple: https://overcominglymedisease.com/king-david-coin-for-third-temple/

C01-1-34 Alpha Omega Key & Throne of David – 7 Ekklesia: 

C01-1-35 Build again the Tabernacle of David, the אֶת House: https://overcominglymedisease.com/build-again-the-tabernacle-of-david-the-%d7%90%d6%b6%d7%aa-house/

C01-1-36 Kithara – Guitar of God 432 Hz:

C01-1-38 Four Horns, Golden Censer, Euphrates Scroll: 

C01-1-39 24 Elder Sons of Zadok Calendar & Intercalation: https://overcominglymedisease.com/24-elder-sons-of-zadok-calendar-intercalation/

C01-1-42 House of David Worship in Rev 14 & 15: https://overcominglymedisease.com/house-of-david-worship-in-rev-14-15/

Course 01-2 “7 Churches – Ekklesia”

C01-2-3 Church Angels ◇ House of David Pt9: https://overcominglymedisease.com/7-church-angels-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-pt9/

C01-2-10 What is the Chamber of Hewn Stone? Third Temple: https://overcominglymedisease.com/what-is-the-chamber-of-hewn-stone-third-temple/

C01-2-26 Kings & Priests in Order of Melchizedek -2 Oaths Abram/David: https://overcominglymedisease.com/kings-priests-in-order-of-melchizedek-2-oaths-abram-david/

C01-2-27 Show the Inheritance and Census Pattern: https://overcominglymedisease.com/show-the-inheritance-and-census-pattern/

Course 01-3 “Citizens of Heaven”

C01-3-1 Citizens of Heaven Intro: https://overcominglymedisease.com/citizens-of-heaven/

C01-3-2 Born from Zion – House of David Pt4:

C01-3-3 Kings & Priests in Order of Melchizedek – 2 Oaths Abram/David: https://overcominglymedisease.com/kings-priests-in-order-of-melchizedek-2-oaths-abram-david/

C01-3-13 Standing in the Courts of Heaven: https://overcominglymedisease.com/standing-in-the-courts-of-heaven/

C01-3-14 Yom Kippur Assembly of White Throne Judgement: https://overcominglymedisease.com/yom-kippur-assembly-of-white-throne-judgement/

C01-3-15 Great Multitude – the Great Assembly: https://overcominglymedisease.com/great-multitude-the-great-assembly/

C01-3-16 Seal of God, Signature of AΩ אֶת: https://overcominglymedisease.com/seal-of-god-signature-of-a%cf%89-%d7%90%d6%b6%d7%aa/

C01-3-20 Men Clothed in White Linen: Counsel of Saints: https://overcominglymedisease.com/men-clothed-in-white-linen-counsel-of-saints/

C01-3-23 Melchizedek Priesthood Order – Forever, Righteous, Holy: https://overcominglymedisease.com/melchizedek-priesthood-order-forever-righteous-holy-2/

Course 01-4 “King Sits on the Throne”

C01-4-7 Alpha & Omega is Almighty, YHSWH, the Lamb seated on the Throne, Reigns 1260 Pt11: https://overcominglymedisease.com/alpha-omega-is-almighty-yhswh-the-lamb-seated-on-the-throne-reigns-1260-pt11/

C01-4-14 Alpha & Omega, Aleph & Tav, the First & Last, the Creator: https://overcominglymedisease.com/alpha-omega-aleph-tav-the-first-last-the-creator/

C01-4-15 He is the Light, the Greater Light: https://overcominglymedisease.com/he-is-the-light-the-greater-light/

C01-4-19 Key of Yehoyadah □King & /\ Priestly ○rder of 4 and 1/3: https://overcominglymedisease.com/key-of-yehoyadah-%e2%96%a1king-priestly-%e2%97%8brder-of-4-and-1-3/

C01-4-23 The Enoch Calendar and Giza Pyramid: https://overcominglymedisease.com/the-enoch-calendar-and-giza-pyramid/

C01-4-28 Where is the Ark of the Covenant? And 2 Stone Tablets?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nfQqltkYOA&t=0s

C01-4-29 Sign of the Son of Man, the Scroll, the Seal: https://overcominglymedisease.com/sign-of-the-son-of-man-the-scroll-the-seal/

C01-4-30 Is Jesus Christ YHWH? Iēsous Christos יְהוָֹה: https://overcominglymedisease.com/is-jesus-christ-yhwh-iesous-christos-%d7%99%d6%b0%d7%94%d7%95%d6%b9%d6%b8%d7%94/

C01-4-31 Proof Jesus is Not a Pagan Name! Yehôšûah Iēsous: https://overcominglymedisease.com/proof-jesus-is-not-a-pagan-name-yeho%cc%82su%cc%82ah-iesous/

C01-4-35 Millennium, White Throne, First Resurrection: https://overcominglymedisease.com/millennium-white-throne-first-resurrection/

C01-4-37 Yom Kippur Assembly of White Throne Judgement: https://overcominglymedisease.com/yom-kippur-assembly-of-white-throne-judgement/

C01-4-38 5 Biblical Proofs we are in the 7 Year Tribulation: https://overcominglymedisease.com/5-biblical-proofs-we-are-in-the-7-year-tribulation/

C01-4-39 Did Christ celebrate Purim? Esther in John 5?: https://overcominglymedisease.com/did-christ-celebrate-purim-esther-in-john-5/

C01-4-45 70 Weeks▪Decoding Daniel 9:24 with RevelAtiΩn: https://overcominglymedisease.com/70-weeks%e2%96%aadecoding-daniel-924-with-revelati%cf%89n/

C01-4-46 Revelation of Jesus Christ in the Millennium: https://overcominglymedisease.com/revelation-of-jesus-christ-in-the-millennium/

Course 01-5 “Lamb Reigns for 1260 Days”

C01-5-11 Alpha & Omega is Almighty, YHSWH, the Lamb seated on the Throne, Reigns 1260 Pt11: https://overcominglymedisease.com/alpha-omega-is-almighty-yhswh-the-lamb-seated-on-the-throne-reigns-1260-pt11/

C01-5-20 Gen14 Abram (type of Christ) defeats 9 Kings (Timeline Pt20) Melchizedek: https://overcominglymedisease.com/gen14-abram-type-of-christ-defeats-9-kings-timeline-pt20-melchizedek/

C01-5-31 Kinsman Redeemer ◇ House of David Pt10: https://overcominglymedisease.com/kinsman-redeemer-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-pt10/

C01-5-34 Creation Timeline, Prophesy & Giza Pyramid: https://overcominglymedisease.com/creation-timeline-prophesy-giza-pyramid/

C01-5-39 Men Clothed in White Linen: Counsel of Saints: https://overcominglymedisease.com/men-clothed-in-white-linen-counsel-of-saints/

LIGHT of the World, Resurrection and the Life: https://overcominglymedisease.com/light-of-the-world-resurrection-and-the-life/

Course 01-6 “Manchild”

C01-6-29 Loose the 4 Captains of Lord of Hosts – 24th Day of 11th Month: https://overcominglymedisease.com/loose-the-4-captains-of-lord-of-hosts-24th-day-of-11th-month/

C01-6-30 Key of Yehoyadah □King & /\ Priestly ○rder of 4 and 1/3: https://overcominglymedisease.com/key-of-yehoyadah-%e2%96%a1king-priestly-%e2%97%8brder-of-4-and-1-3/

C01-6-42 Sign of the Son of Man, the Scroll, the Seal: https://overcominglymedisease.com/sign-of-the-son-of-man-the-scroll-the-seal/

C01-6-47 War against Saints, Sons of Light vs Darkness: https://overcominglymedisease.com/war-against-saints-sons-of-light-vs-darkness/

C01-6-54 Purim – Wedding Supper, Armageddon, Resurrection and Harvest: https://overcominglymedisease.com/purim-wedding-supper-armageddon-resurrection-and-harvest/

Course 01-7 “Garden of Eden”

C01-7-1 The Father’s Desire House of David Pt5: https://overcominglymedisease.com/the-fathers-desire-house-of-david-pt5/

C01-7-4 You are The Temple  4 Patterns and the Garden of Eden ◇: https://overcominglymedisease.com/you-are-the-temple-%e2%97%87-4-patterns-and-the-garden-of-eden-%e2%97%87/

C01-7-5 The Temple is Opened, Worship In It!: https://overcominglymedisease.com/the-temple-is-opened-worship-in-it/

C01-7-6 His Voice Knocks! Come to Garden of Eden: https://overcominglymedisease.com/his-voice-knocks-come-to-garden-of-eden/

C01-7-12 Show the Inheritance and Census Pattern: https://overcominglymedisease.com/show-the-inheritance-and-census-pattern/

Course 02-1 “Lamb Opened the Seals”

C02-1-2 Four Spirits of the Heavens ◇ House of David Pt18: https://overcominglymedisease.com/four-spirits-of-the-heavens-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-pt18/

C02-1-23 Alpha & Ωmega Kingdom – Four Winds of Heaven: https://overcominglymedisease.com/alpha-%cf%89mega-kingdom-four-winds-of-heaven/

Course 02-2 “144,000”

C02-2-2 Inner and Outer Court, 144000 and Great Multitude: https://overcominglymedisease.com/inner-and-outer-court-144000-and-great-multitude/

C02-2-3 144000 vs Multitude – 2 Women, 2 Goats: https://overcominglymedisease.com/144000-vs-multitude-2-women-2-goats/

C02-2-4 144000 vs Multitude – Wise vs Foolish Virgins: https://overcominglymedisease.com/144000-vs-multitude-wise-vs-foolish-virgins/

C02-2-35 Key of Yehoyadah □King & /\ Priestly ○rder of 4 and 1/3: https://overcominglymedisease.com/key-of-yehoyadah-%e2%96%a1king-priestly-%e2%97%8brder-of-4-and-1-3/

C02-2-42 Sign of the Son of Man, the Scroll, the Seal: https://overcominglymedisease.com/sign-of-the-son-of-man-the-scroll-the-seal/

C02-2-45 Heavenly Order of the Camp of the Saints: https://overcominglymedisease.com/heavenly-order-of-the-camp-of-the-saints/

C02-2-49 Seal of God, Signature of AΩ אֶת: https://overcominglymedisease.com/seal-of-god-signature-of-a%cf%89-%d7%90%d6%b6%d7%aa/

C02-2-50 Writing of Seal of God at Resurrection: https://overcominglymedisease.com/writing-of-seal-of-god-at-resurrection/

C02-2-52 Purim – Wedding Supper, Armageddon, Resurrection and Harvest: https://overcominglymedisease.com/purim-wedding-supper-armageddon-resurrection-and-harvest/

Course 02-3 “Esther’s Preparation”

C02-3-1 The Father’s Desire House of David Pt5: https://overcominglymedisease.com/the-fathers-desire-house-of-david-pt5/

C02-3-35 Passover & Nisan 10 Feast, Mary & Esther: https://overcominglymedisease.com/passover-nisan-10-feast-mary-esther/

C02-3-39 Did Christ celebrate Purim? Esther in John 5?: https://overcominglymedisease.com/did-christ-celebrate-purim-esther-in-john-5/

C02-3-41 Purim – Wedding Supper, Armageddon, Resurrection and Harvest: https://overcominglymedisease.com/purim-wedding-supper-armageddon-resurrection-and-harvest/

Course 02-4 “6th Seal”


Course 02-5 “Obama ‘little horn’ of Dan 8”

C02-5-11 Mystery of Beasts in Isaiah 11 and Revelation 13https://overcominglymedisease.com/mystery-of-beasts-in-isaiah-11-and-revelation-13/

C02-5-14 Obama Pharaoh “little horn” Update Ezk 31 Prophecy: https://overcominglymedisease.com/obama-pharaoh-little-horn-update-ezk-31-prophecy/

Course 02-6 “Daniel’s Timeline”

C02-6-1 The Revelation and Daniel Timeline: https://overcominglymedisease.com/the-revelation-and-daniel-timeline/

C02-6-8 Importance of 2 Years, 364 Calendar & Daniel’s Timeline: https://overcominglymedisease.com/importance-of-2-years-364-calendar-daniels-timeline/

C02-6-12 Abomination of Desolation and Hannukah: https://overcominglymedisease.com/abomination-of-desolation-and-hannukah/

C02-6-16 War with Iran – Why it’s So Important in Bible Prophecy!: https://overcominglymedisease.com/war-with-iran-why-its-so-important-in-bible-prophecy/

C02-6-20 Hanukah – War Against Pagan Beasts: https://overcominglymedisease.com/hanukah-war-against-pagan-beasts/

C02-6- 21  Antiochus Epiphanes Profile of Antichrist on Hanukah: https://overcominglymedisease.com/antiochus-epiphanes-profile-of-antichrist-on-hanukah/

C02-6-22 5 Biblical Proofs we are in the 7 Year Tribulation: https://overcominglymedisease.com/6950-2/?preview_id=6950&preview_nonce=a16f7b1596&post_format=standard&_thumbnail_id=1233&preview=true

C02-6-26 Men Clothed in White Linen: Counsel of Saints: https://overcominglymedisease.com/men-clothed-in-white-linen-counsel-of-saints/

C02-6-33 When will the Third Temple be Built? When is the Sanctuary Given?: https://overcominglymedisease.com/when-will-the-third-temple-be-built-when-is-the-sanctuary-given-2/

C02-6-37 War [WW3] Desolations Determined – Cup of Indignation – 62 Weekshttps://overcominglymedisease.com/war-ww3-desolations-determined-cup-of-indignation-62-weeks/

C02-6-41 Peace and Security then Sudden Destruction: https://overcominglymedisease.com/peace-and-security-then-sudden-destruction/

Course 03-1 “7 Trumpets of Revelation”

C03-1-1 7 Trumpets of Revelation: 

C03-1-2 Sun Darkened – Fourth Trumpet: https://overcominglymedisease.com/sun-darkened-%e3%80%8b-fourth-trumpet/

C03-1-3 Waters Turned to Blood – Second Trumpet: 

C03-1-4 Feast of Trumpets: 

C03-1-5 Multitude in 7 Trumpets of Tribulation: 

C03-1-6 2 Day delay confirmed Enoch Calendar on Trumpets: 

C03-1-7 Day of Atonement Rev 8 is Sept 22nd 2017 & Woman Clothed with Sun Rev 12: 

C03-1-8 Feast of Trumpets – 3 Blasts of Assembly Num 10 Revelation: 

C03-1-9 Jubilee Trumpet – Feast of Ingathering – the Wall: 

C03-1-10 LION, OX, MAN, EAGLE, 4 Seals, 4 Trumpets, 4 Banners:

C03-1-11 Voice, Commands of Archangels to Assemble the Camps:

C03-1-12 Counsel of Lion, Ox, Man, Eagle Prophecies: 

C03-1-13 Mystery of the 7th Trumpet – Salpizo:

C03-1-14 Don’t let the Trumpets Blow Until…: 

C03-1-16 Tribulation started Sept 22nd, 2017, from Daniel’s Timeline:

C03-1-17 Joel – 7 Trumpets of Revelation: https://overcominglymedisease.com/joel-7-trumpets-of-revelation/

Course 03-2 “Rev 12 Woman Clothed with Sun”

C03-2-1 Woman clothed with Sun, Manchild, Harpazo, Resurrection – Pt 1:

C03-2-2 The Woman Clothed with the Sun – Pt 2:

C03-2-3 Day of Atonement Rev 8 is Sept 22nd, 2017 & Woman clothed with Sun Rev 12:

C03-2-4 Deborah – Song of the Woman Clothed with the Sun – Pt5: https://overcominglymedisease.com/deborah-song-of-the-woman-clothed-with-the-sun-pt5/

C03-2-05 Rev 12 – Christ’s Birth – Census & Dragon cast out after 2 Years: https://overcominglymedisease.com/rev-12-christs-birth-census-dragon-cast-out-after-2-years/

C03-2-6 Rev 12 – Crucifixion – Christ First Born from Dead: 

C03-2-7 Rev 12 Woman Clothed with Sun Feasts and Timeline: 

C03-2-8 What is the Rev12 Manchild, Child and Other Seed: https://overcominglymedisease.com/what-is-the-rev12-manchild-child-and-other-seed/

C03-2-9 Great Eagle – To Rev 12 Woman was given Two Wings: 

C03-2-10 Matthew 24, Revelation and Wisdom:

Course 03-3 “The 5th Trumpet Locust Army”

C03-3-1 Locusts 5th Trumpet Harlot’s Army: 

C03-3-2 UFO Aliens Bible says Reptilian, Nordic & Greys in Locust Army: https://overcominglymedisease.com/ufo-aliens-bible-says-reptilian-nordic-greys-in-locust-army/

C03-3-3 Abaddon, Apollyon the king of Locust: https://overcominglymedisease.com/abadon-apollyon-the-king-of-locust/

C03-3-4 Locust Plague – Virus – the 5th Trumpet: 

C03-3-5 Virus Plague Can’t Touch Those with the Seal of God: https://overcominglymedisease.com/virus-plague-cant-touch-those-with-the-seal-of-god/

C03-3-6 Four Stages of Locust: 

Course 03-4 “The 6th Trumpet Great Army” 

C03-4-1 The Great Revelation Army: https://overcominglymedisease.com/the-great-revelation-army-2/

C03-4-2 Ephraim and Dan – the Great Multitude – 6th Trumpet Army: 

C03-4-3 Four Horns, 4 Angels Captains and 207,600,000 – 6th Trumpet Army Part 2: 

C03-4-4 Esther, Joel 2 & Nahum 2 – 6th Trumpet Army Part 3: https://overcominglymedisease.com/esther-joel-2-nahum-2-6th-trumpet-army-part-3/

C03-4-5 Valley of Dry Bones, 2 Sticks Ezk 37 – 6th Trumpet Army Part 4: 

C03-4-6 Times of Gentiles?  Or Great Multitude Joel 2 Army: 

C03-4-7 The Great Army Census: 

C03-4-8 One Third Tried in the Furnace, Purged by Fire: 

C03-4-9 Shields of Faith!  The Armory is Opened!: 

C03-4-10 Loose the 4 Captains of the Lord of Hosts: https://overcominglymedisease.com/loose-the-4-captains-of-lord-of-hosts-24th-day-of-11th-month/

C03-4-11 The Seal against the Mark: https://overcominglymedisease.com/the-seal-against-the-mark/

C03-4-12 Key of Yehoyadah □King & /\ Priestly ○Order of 4 and 1/3: https://overcominglymedisease.com/key-of-yehoyadah-%e2%96%a1king-priestly-%e2%97%8brder-of-4-and-1-3/

C03-4-13 sABBAth Seal 777 versus the 666 Mark: 

C03-4-14 Four Carpenters to Build and Restore Jerusalem, the Temple:

C03-4-15 Wedding Garment – Clothed in Fine Linen: 

C03-4-16 LION, OX, MAN, EAGLE, 4 Seals, 4 Trumpets, 4 Banners:

C03-4-17 Voice, Commands of Archangels to Assemble the Camps: 

C03-4-18 Counsel of Lion, Ox, Man, Eagle Prophecies: 

C03-4-19 Abib, 12 Days, 120 Spoons, Passover, 7 Trumpets, Numbers 1-10: 

C03-4-20 1200 Platters, Bowls, and Pounds – Trumpets awarded: 

C03-4-21 There’s no Great Multitude pre-Tribulation Rapture!: 

C03-4-22 Korah Fire Judgements against Apostates – Num 16, Rev 8:

C03-4-23 Mystery of the 7th Trumpet – Salpizo:

C03-4-24 Judah is First, East, White and Lion’s Roar: 

C03-4-25 Shekel of the Sanctuary Talents give Census, Elect, Great Multitude and Martyrs: 

C03-4-26 Army 12 Camps / Legions ◇ House of David Pt17https://overcominglymedisease.com/army-12-camps-legions-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-pt17/

C03-4-27 Elijah’s Army ◇ House of David Pt19:  https://overcominglymedisease.com/elijahs-army-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-pt19/

C03-4-28 Warrior Priests – House of David – Pt20: 

C03-4-29 4 Spirits of Heavens, 4 horns, 4 Carpenters, Lamb reigns 1260 days Pt6:

C03-4-30 Four Horns, Golden Censer, Euphrates Scroll: 

C03-4-31 Preparation for Apocalypse Boot Camp – Great Army: 

C03-4-32 Targeted as End Times Terrorist – War against Saints: 

C03-4-33 Peace & Prosperity Sudden Destruction – War against Saints:

C03-4-34 Seal of Seraiah, Scroll for Great Army:

C03-4-35 Army Census, Voice of 4 Horns, Hour, Day, Month, Year: 

C03-4-36 The Palace, They shall tread the Holy City 42 Months: 

C03-4-37 They Loved Not Their Lives unto Death – Armageddon Great Army: https://overcominglymedisease.com/they-loved-not-their-lives-unto-death-armageddon-great-army/

Course 03-5 “Trump is the Antichrist” 

C03-5-1 Trump 3rd Temple Coin, Shekel of Sanctuary, Image of Beast: 

C03-5-2 Beast receives Power 42 Months: 

C03-5-24 AC the Lion Handcuffed in Prison: https://overcominglymedisease.com/ac-the-lion-handcuffed-in-prison/

C03-5-25 Beast wound by Sword and did Live: https://overcominglymedisease.com/beast-wound-by-sword-and-did-live/

C03-5-26 Declared himself Savior in the Temple: https://overcominglymedisease.com/declared-himself-savior-in-the-temple/

Course 03-6 “Rev13 Beast”

C03-6-1 10 horns – 10 Kings of the Beasthttps://overcominglymedisease.com/10-horns-10-kings-of-the-beast/

Course 03-7 “7 Thunders” 

C03-7-1 7 Times the 7 Thunders Utter Their Voices: 

C03-7-2 Angel of the Covenant ¤ Rev 10: https://overcominglymedisease.com/angel-of-the-covenant-%c2%a4-rev-10/

C03-7-3 Thundering Voice of the Almighty: 

C03-7-4 Thunder Commandments Ezekiel & Revelation: 

C03-7-5 The Mysteries of 7 Thunders in Job: 

C03-7-6 Four Angels – The Angel of the Covenant: 

C03-7-7 First Angel, Seal, Fire & Saints Prayers: 

C03-7-8 Babylon is Fallen – Second Angel: 

C03-7-9 Angel of the Covenant – Sickle, 1335, Purifier, Pharmakeia: 

C03-7-10 Angel and the Curse Tablet: https://overcominglymedisease.com/angel-and-the-curse-tablet/

C03-7-11 Angel of the Covenant in Ekklesia and SS5:

C03-7-12 Sickle, Altar and Curse Tablet: 

Course 04-1 “7 Bowls”

C04-1-1 Evil and Wicked Sore – The First Bowl:

C04-1-2 Watchers – 7 Bowls: 

C04-1-3 The 120 1200 Rulers, Platters, Bowls & Spoons: 

C04-1-4 1200 Platters, Bowls, and Pounds – Trumpets awarded: 

C04-1-5 Glory of יְהוָֹה Filled the Temple: 

C04-1-6 Leviticus shows 7 Bowls: 

C04-1-7 Temple Offering of 7 Bowls in Ezekiel and Leviticus: 

C04-1-8 Four Angels Message: https://overcominglymedisease.com/the-four-angels-message/

C04-1-9 2nd Bowl Blood Lake: 

C04-1-10 Hook, deThrone, Darkness – 5th Bowl: https://overcominglymedisease.com/hook-dethrone-darkness-5th-bowl-c04-1-10/

Course 04-2 “Anointing the King” 

C04-2-1 It’s ALL ABOUT ANOINTING & CROWNING THE KING: https://overcominglymedisease.com/all-about-anointing-crowning-the-king-2/

C04-2-2 HOSANNA PROCESSION OF KING IN REV 12 &7: https://overcominglymedisease.com/hosanna-procession-of-king-in-rev-12-7/

C04-2-3 MORDECAI אֶת HOSANNA PROCESSION IN ESTHER 6: https://overcominglymedisease.com/mordecai-%d7%90%d6%b6%d7%aa-hosanna-procession-in-esther-6/

C04-2-4 HAMAN’S DEATH DECREE CANCELLED: https://overcominglymedisease.com/hamans-death-decree-cancelled/

C04-2-5 Days Shortened for the Elect: https://overcominglymedisease.com/days-shortened-for-elects-sake/

C04-2-6 Precious Head Cornerstone: https://overcominglymedisease.com/the-precious-cornerstone/

C04-2-7 Temple Steps-Alleluia-Psalms: https://overcominglymedisease.com/temple-steps-alleluia-psalms/

C04-2-8 How Bowls Line Up to Alleluia Before The Throne: 

Course 04-3 “Abomination of Desolation”

C04-3-1 Abomination of Desolation and Hannukah: https://overcominglymedisease.com/abomination-of-desolation-and-hannukah/

C04-3-2 Cleanse Anoint the Sanctuary, 2300 days: https://overcominglymedisease.com/cleanse-anoint-the-sanctuary-2300-days-fulfilled/

C04-3-3 7 NOAHIDE LAWS = ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION: https://overcominglymedisease.com/7-noahide-laws-abomination-of-desolation/

Course 04-4 “Mystery Babylon” 

C04-4-1 Come out of Mystery Babylon – Rev 17, Ezk 16: 

C04-4-2 Tale of Two Cities – New Jerusalem and Mystery Babylon: https://overcominglymedisease.com/tale-of-two-cities-new-jerusalem-and-mystery-babylon/

C04-4-3 Jerusalem is Mystery Babylon, see her Abominations: 

C04-4-4 What’s Mystery Babylon’s Merchandise, Third Temple: 

C04-4-5 Mystery Babylon (Tyre) Sings After 70 Years: https://overcominglymedisease.com/mystery-babylon-tyre-sings-after-70-years/

C04-4-6 Mountains, 7 Daughters of Famous Nations: 

C04-4-7 The 24 and 70 False Prophet Elders, Ezk 8, Part3: 

C04-4-8 What are the 70 Nations?:

C04-4-9 Unrighteous Decree of World Peace – Pope & Sanhedrinhttps://overcominglymedisease.com/unrighteous-decree-of-world-peace-pope-sanhedrin-2/

C04-4-10 70 Nations Lamb Sacrifice on Mt Olives: 

C04-4-11 More on 70 Nations Conference & Sacrifices: 

C04-4-12 Errors of Zionism and 12 Tribes of Children of Israel: https://overcominglymedisease.com/errors-of-zionism-and-12-tribes-of-children-of-israel/

C04-4-13 Confrontation with Malki the Day prior to Sacrifice on Mt Olives: https://overcominglymedisease.com/confrontation-with-malki-the-day-prior-to-sacrifice-on-mt-olives/

C04-4-14 Here is Sophia, # of the beast χξς Bitcoin: https://overcominglymedisease.com/here-is-sophia-of-the-beast-%cf%87%ce%be%cf%82-bitcoin/

C04-4-15 The Falling Away? Apostasy – Divorce, Fornication, Adultery:

C04-4-16 What is the Court of 70 Nations? • Third Templehttps://overcominglymedisease.com/what-is-the-court-of-70-nations-third-temple/

C04-4-17 Dumitru Duduman America is Babylon that will burn: 

C04-4-18 One World Religion – Vatican, Sanhedrin, Islam, Third Temple: 

Course 04-5 “Armageddon” 

C04-5-1 Intro to Armageddon Playlist: https://overcominglymedisease.com/intro-to-armageddon-playlist/

C04-5-2 4 TPP Kings vs 5 BRICS Kings, West vs East, Abraham and Lot: 

C04-5-3 Gen14 Abram (type of Christ) defeats 9 Kings (Timeline Pt20) Melchizedek: https://overcominglymedisease.com/gen14-abram-type-of-christ-defeats-9-kings-timeline-pt20-melchizedek/

C04-5-4 War against Saints, Sons of Light vs Darkness: https://overcominglymedisease.com/war-against-saints-sons-of-light-vs-darkness/

C04-5-5 Ezk 38 Gog and Magog War Soon?  Not until Millennium ends:

C04-5-6 War [WW3] Desolations Determined – Cup of Indignation – 62 Weeks: https://overcominglymedisease.com/war-ww3-desolations-determined-cup-of-indignation-62-weeks/

C04-5-7 WW3 Prophecy, King North vs South, Leopard vs Bear: https://overcominglymedisease.com/ww3-prophecy-king-north-vs-south-leopard-vs-bear/

C04-5-8 Gaza War in Zech 9 and Amos 1: https://overcominglymedisease.com/gaza-war-in-zech-9-and-amos-1/

C04-5-9 This is Armageddon! This is Joel 3: https://overcominglymedisease.com/this-is-armageddon-this-is-joel-3/

War for the Promised Land: https://overcominglymedisease.com/war-for-the-promised-land/

Course 04-6 “Weeks 2 Wings

C04-6-1 9-11, “JIHAD,” NEBUCHADNEZZAR AND NETANYAHU IS ZEDEKIAH: https://overcominglymedisease.com/9-11-jihad-nebuchadnezzar-and-netanyahu-is-zedekiah/

C04-6-2 Book of Ezekiel, The King’s Timeline: https://overcominglymedisease.com/book-of-ezekel-kings-timeline/

C04-6-3 PRAY AND FAST IN 4TH, 5TH & 10TH MONTHS: https://overcominglymedisease.com/pray-and-fast-in-4th-5th-10th-months/

C04-6-4 Seriah cast stone into the Sea: 

C04-6-5 Prophets Diet – Ezekiel Bread: https://overcominglymedisease.com/prophets-diet-ezekiel-bread/

C04-6-6 TWO VERY IMPORTANT FULFILLED PROPHECIES YOU MISSED!: https://overcominglymedisease.com/two-very-important-fulfilled-prophecies-you-missed/

C04-6-7 DANIEL’S 70 + 7 WEEKS & JER 52 ON 9TH DAY 4TH MONTH: https://overcominglymedisease.com/daniels-70-7-weeks-jer-52-on-9th-day-4th-month/

C04-6-8 Jeremiah 52 & 39 Key to Understanding Daniel 9: https://overcominglymedisease.com/jeremiah-52-39-key-to-understanding-daniel-9/

C04-6-9 EXODUS, 2 Wings Of An Eagle, Abominations of Desolation: https://overcominglymedisease.com/exodus-2wings-of-an-eagle-abominations-of-dedolation/

C04-6-10 REV 14 PENTECOST – MT ZION VS MT SINAI: https://overcominglymedisease.com/rev14-pentecost-mt-zion-vs-mt-sinai/

C04-6-11 Flood in Endtime Days of Noah:

C04-6-12 Great Door Opened: 

C04-6-13 Ascension Day:

C04-6-14 Great Door to Ark and Temple:

C04-6-15 Wash Garments:

C04-6-16 Counsel of Saints: 

Course 05-1 “Millennium”

C05-1-1 Millennium, White Throne, First Resurrection: https://overcominglymedisease.com/millennium-white-throne-first-resurrection/

C05-1-2 Show the Inheritance and Census Pattern: https://overcominglymedisease.com/show-the-inheritance-and-census-pattern/

C05-1-3 Heavenly Order of the Camp of the Saints: https://overcominglymedisease.com/heavenly-order-of-the-camp-of-the-saints/

C05-1-4 Announcing Jerusalem Royal Time, the New Meridian:

C05-1-5 Revelation of Jesus Christ in the Millennium: https://overcominglymedisease.com/revelation-of-jesus-christ-in-the-millennium/

C05-1-6 100 yr old Children, Men Tree Lifespan and Classes of people in Millennium: 

C05-1-7 Seal of Isaiah, Scroll for the Millennium Kingdom: https://overcominglymedisease.com/seal-of-isaiah-%c2%a4-scroll-for-the-millennial-kingdom/

C05-1-8 Ezekiel’s Temple – New Jerusalem – David the Prince: https://overcominglymedisease.com/ezekiels-temple-new-jerusalem-david-the-prince/

C05-1-9 4 Kings of Persia – Messiah Prophecy:  https://overcominglymedisease.com/4-kings-of-persia-messiah-prophecy/

Course 05-2 “Show Design Measure the Temple”

C05-2-1 Show the Design, Measure the Pattern: 

C05-2-2 You are The Temple  4 Patterns and the Garden of Eden ◇: https://overcominglymedisease.com/you-are-the-temple-%e2%97%87-4-patterns-and-the-garden-of-eden-%e2%97%87/

C05-2-3 Ark of Covenant, Chariot of Cherubim, Crucifixion Site:

C05-2-4 What’s a Cubit And a Sacred Cubit?:

C05-2-5 Run the RACE! The Stadion Furlong from 500 Reeds:

C05-2-6 Go the Sacred Mile – 5250 ft – Measure Temple:

C05-2-7 The Temple is Opened, Worship In It!: https://overcominglymedisease.com/the-temple-is-opened-worship-in-it/

C05-2-8 New Jerusalem Outer Wall from measuring Ezekiel’s Wall & Altar:

C05-2-9 Build His House – Measure the Temple:

C05-2-10 Measure Inner & Outer Courts, Tread Jerusalem 42 Months Number Weigh Divide: 

C05-2-11 4 Carpenters to Build and Restore Jerusalem, the Temple: 

C05-2-12 Show The Way to Holy of Holies, Eden, New Jerusalem: 

C05-2-13 Show the Veil Pattern of Blue, Purple & Crimson: https://overcominglymedisease.com/show-the-veil-pattern-of-blue-purple-crimson/

C05-2-14 East Gate in Millennial Temple Shows Zadok Calendar: 

C05-2-15 Millennial East Gate opened Monthly & Sabbath on Solar Days: 

C05-2-16 King’s Palace in Ezekiel’s Temple Complex: 

C05-2-17 Key of Yehoyadah □King & /\ Priestly ○rder of 4 and 1/3: https://overcominglymedisease.com/key-of-yehoyadah-%e2%96%a1king-priestly-%e2%97%8brder-of-4-and-1-3/

C01-1-9 Kinsman Redeemer ◇ House of David Pt10:  https://overcominglymedisease.com/kinsman-redeemer-%e2%97%87-house-of-david-pt10/

C05-2-19 Rivers of Living Waters: https://overcominglymedisease.com/rivers-of-living-waters/

C05-2-20 Shushan Palace = the King’s Millennial House: 

C05-2-21 Menorah Blossoms are Eclipses marking Apocalypse: https://overcominglymedisease.com/menorah-blossoms-are-eclipses-marking-apocalypse/

C05-2-22 ○ Sun Sackcloth ● Moon Blood – Menorah Eclipses: https://overcominglymedisease.com/%e2%97%8b-sun-sackcloth-%e2%97%8f-moon-blood-menorah-eclipses/

C05-2-23 Place Prepared of God – The Temple in Heaven Opened:

C05-2-24 Wedding Supper, Upper Room, Palace of the Sheep:

C05-2-25 Moses Tabernacle to Walk by Faith:

C05-2-26 Signs of Solar Lunar Eclipses mark Tribulation:

Course 05-3 “Number Weigh Divide”

C05-3-1 144 Cubit inner Court Cornerstone, Holy of Holies – 14 Year Kings Timeline:

C05-3-2 New Jerusalem Inner Wall – 144000 and City – Great Multitude:

C05-3-3 New Jerusalem Walls 12 Gates, 2 Pillars and House of David:

C05-3-4 Ezekiel 4, the City, the Wall, 390 days for Israel, 40 for Judah, the Bread by weight:

C05-3-6 Seats in House of David – Joseph – Overcomer Rewards

C05-3-7 Pillars in the Temple Solomon’s Porch – Manchild

C05-3-8 Key of Yehoyadah □King & /\ Priestly ○rder of 4 and 1/3: https://overcominglymedisease.com/key-of-yehoyadah-%e2%96%a1king-priestly-%e2%97%8brder-of-4-and-1-3/

C05-3-9 Where is the Ark of the Covenant? And 2 Stone Tablets?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nfQqltkYOA&t=0s

Course 05-4 “The Promised Land” 

C05-4-1 America (USA) is (also) the Promised Land:

C05-4-2 Measuring Ezekiel’s Temple at Jerusalem Gates

C05-4-3 Measuring North Border, Dan of Promised Land:

C05-4-4 Kadesh Barnea Southern Border for Tribe of Gad Measured:

C05-4-5 Cave dwelling Wilderness South Africa: 

C05-4-6 Cyrus – Nile Border and the Temple Shekel:

C05-4-7 Rod of Iron, Plumbline, King’s Decree to Build New Jerusalem: 

C05-4-8 Giza Pyramid in the Bible and the Head Cornerstone:

C05-4-9 War for the Promised Land: https://overcominglymedisease.com/war-for-the-promised-land/

Course 05-5 “The Book of Life”


C05-5-1 Intro to Book of Life – Parallels: https://overcominglymedisease.com/intro-to-book-of-life-parallels/

C05-5-2 Book of Life Part 2: https://overcominglymedisease.com/book-of-life-part-2/

C05-5-3 Three Scrolls of Book of Life Part 3https://overcominglymedisease.com/three-scrolls-of-book-of-life-part-3/

C05-5-4 Line & Lot – Book of Life Part 4: https://overcominglymedisease.com/intro-to-book-of-life-parallels/

C05-5-5 Book of Life Summary: https://overcominglymedisease.com/book-of-life-summary/

C05-5-6 The Scroll of Memorial has been written: 

C05-5-7 Overcoming Accusations:

C05-5-8 Writing of Seal of God at Resurrection: https://overcominglymedisease.com/writing-of-seal-of-god-at-resurrection/

Course 05-6 “3D Temple” 

C05-6-1 Temple Dedication Trailer:

C05-6-2 Courts & Foundations:

C05-6-3 Temple 3D Measurement Units and Heights:

C05-6-4 The Temple is a Sundial !!: https://overcominglymedisease.com/the-temple-is-a-sundial/

C05-6-5 The Gates: 

C05-6-6 The Gates of Time:

C05-6-7 East Gate & Those Worshiping In It: https://overcominglymedisease.com/east-gate-those-worshipping-in-it/

C05-6-8 Wedding Supper and Inner Court: 

C05-6-9 Ezekiel Time & 10 Chambers: 

C05-6-10 The 30 Chambers:

C05-6-11 The Four Inner Court Chambers:

C05-6-12 The Temple Porch:

C05-6-13 North Chamber, Solomon’s Porch

C05-6-14 King’s House and Palace

C05-6-15 Scribe’s Chamber 

C05-6-16 Promenade & Peristyles, Streets & Lanes of the City

C05-6-17 Steps and Stairs of the Temple

C05-6-18 Measure the Altar

C05-6-19 The Meaning of the Altar

C05-6-20 The Throne: https://overcominglymedisease.com/the-throne/

C05-6-21 The Footstool, the Ark: https://overcominglymedisease.com/the-footstool-the-ark/

C05-6-22 The Table:

C05-6-23 The Spring of Living Waters:

C05-6-24 The Precious Cornerstone: https://overcominglymedisease.com/the-precious-cornerstone/

C05-6-25 The Boiling House:

C05-6-26 Palace Armory King’s House 2: 

C05-6-27 The 30 Chambers – Part 2:

C05-6-28 Knock at the Door to East Gate: 

C05-6-29 Beams in the Temple:

C05-6-30 Pillars in the Temple:

C05-6-31 The Cherubim:

“Enoch Calendar”

2024 CALENDAR: https://overcominglymedisease.com/2024-calendar/

“Additional Transcribed Leeland Jones Videos”

Enoch Calendar and Feasts:

The Harvest:

“Mark of the Beast”

“Trump is the AntiChrist”

“3rd Temple”

True Temple Location: 

Leeland Jones Blog

Outside sources:


Leeland Jones Transcribed Video’s, with photos: https://overcominglymedisease.com/leeland-jones-transcribed-videos/

This site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. It is not meant to cover all possible precautions, drug interactions, circumstances or adverse effects. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen.

Jennifer HeathLeeland Jones Transcribed Videos, with photos

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