"None that put their trust in Him shall be overcome." (1 Maccabees 2:61; John 3:14-16)


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9-11, “JIHAD,” NEBUCHADNEZZAR AND NETANYAHU IS ZEDEKIAH: https://odysee.com/@leelandj:b/911_jihad_babylon_zedekiah:6

Leeland Jones blog resource page at Dontspeaknews.com:   https://dontspeaknews.com/2021/09/21/leeland-blog-resources-page/

Leeland Jones website: https://leelandjones.com/

Leeland Jones video posted on October 12th, 2021, transcribed with photo’s: 

We’re going to begin a new series, and this is a bit of introduction to the new series that we are going to do. We are going to talk about some fascinating things. As I always tell you and I plead with you over and over to please watch the video recommendations that we make.  It will be really helpful to understand the foundation we’ve already built.

When we look at Timelines, and we look at what leads us to understanding that we would be in the Apocalypse.  When we try to understand that, in modern times, we have a year.  It is year 2021, it is a universally recognized year all over the world, pretty much everybody would know that year.

  • Now in the ancient times we go to the times of the Prophets, it was not so.  The way you determined the year was by the Year of the King.  So every Nation had its king, and it’s king reined for X amount of years.  When the Prophets are communicating, they are saying, ‘In the such and such year of the king of Judah. The such and such year of the king of Babylon.’

Now why is this important?  It is important because Prophecy is a Spiritual Construct that is like a Movie. It’s like a movie has played, and the Prophet said exactly what’s going to happen.  And it happened!

Let’s talk about the destruction of the 1st Temple and that time period is what we’re going to get into this series, it is what we are talking about.  And so in order to understand that, there’s a certain time period, things happen on a Schedule, a perfect order.  And they would all Repeat in the Last Days to know that we would be in the times.

Many of you that watch this channel are hearing things throughout if you actually study you know exactly where we are. You know that certain prophecies have been fulfilled, sometimes to precise Dates.  How do we do that?

  • We do that by ‘understanding the prophecy related to Kings in the prophecy’.
  • The Year of the King repeats in the Apocalypse to show us the precise time.

So we had another video, 5 Biblical Proofs we are in the 7 Year Tribulation.

{Please watch 5 Biblical Proofs we are in the 7 Year Tribulation, the link is at the bottom of this blog post.}

Many of the people hate Israel, so they don’t recognize 1948.  But we have other proofs, we don’t just need one witness.  We have like 5 Witnesses that we are in the Apocalypse and this is another one.

Look, you get it our you don’t.  You understand what I am saying, or you don’t.  And don’t worry about it.  The things that I am going to say are going to run so contradictory to the propaganda that you have been taught all of your life, and your Historical Construct is going to be shattered by the things that we are going to say.  Because we are looking at it from a prophecy perspective. 

If you do so, everything happens in a Perfect Order and we can see exactly the Trigger Date of 9-11,  2001 was very significant, it will lead us precisely to where we are today.

That’s what we are going to get into in this video, and we are going to look at the King’s Timeline.

Now as I say please watch the previous video, it’s a brief summary, it’s not a long video, it’s like 15 minutes of your time. Because I am going to just say stuff here that you are not going to understand, and then you say, you just forget about it, and go on to the next day.  But you are just like staring at me on video, and you just feel better.  But you like to hear the Bible and spiritual things and that’s nice, and you have peace when you listen to Leeland. And then you leave and you go to the next day, and you have no idea what I just said.

  • So this Channel is for those that are willing to study, be Disciples!  This is why you are alive. This is why you are here, is to learn about the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. That should be the Center Focus of your entire existence!
  • If it is not, then you don’t understand prophecy.  Go ahead and take the Mark of the Beast and end up in the Lake of Fire. But don’t say you didn’t know!  Don’t say, ‘Oh, Yahweh you never gave me any messengers that told me this!  I am surprised, I can’t believe it!  I have taken the Mark of the Beast!’  No!  No excuses.

The Kings Timeline, what it is is of all the kings I’ve identified several kings where it says, ‘This is the year of the king.’  Now that year would line up with the book of Revelation perfectly. The main example that we have taught in what’s called The King’s Timeline is the book of Esther. The book of Esther gives us a schedule.

The King in the book of Esther, the Persian King, Ahusarus, the King of the Medo-Persian Empire, things happen precisely. That Order perfectly gives us the time period in the book of Revelation.  We are not getting into that in this video, but that time period is a perfect schedule, is a perfect Timeline. In that perfect Timeline there are other kings that correspond with it.

So just like we’ve said there is No Universal Year as we look at the Prophets.  As there’s No Universal Year, that year is coded into different Kings.

  • In this series we are going to talk about king Zedekiah.
  • We are going to talk about the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar.  He’s the principle time keeper of a period of 19 Years. Those 19 years Repeat in our day, simply put.

Just so you can understand this in simple terms, so you can tell the people we are in the Last Days.

  • 9-11, September 11th, 2001, 9-11 was the Trigger Event of the king of Babylon. The king of Babylon began to encompass Jerusalem for the first time, the 1st year of his reign, Nebuchadnezzar.  That would trigger 19 Years to the Apocalypse, to the Daily Sacrifice being taken away, to the Coronavirus lock downs.  All of that.

That is what we are going to get into in this video.  Now you can see that is a precise year start to finish, bang.  That’s what September 11th was.

Now in order to show you more detail and proof of this, we have to look at all the other prophecies.  But if you watch the Kings Timeline you can understand the years of the King.  Now those years of the King, Nebuchadnezzar, the whole Apocalypse is not 19 Years, it is 14 Years.  But they pick up at a certain point.  They pick up at a certain time within that.

It’s not like the End of Days began in 2001.  No.  They began later, but that was our Trigger Event.

The reason we know this is that we finally pieced it together.  Sometimes once we have clear clarity on this we will announce it ahead of time.  We announced the year of Cyrus ahead of time. We announced Esther years while we were in it, but still well beyond the Trumpets, the Bowls, of the other Apocalyptic Events.

But there was another one that we know about it, and then we Watch!  Is it going to happen? Is it not?  Is it like this or Is it like that?  So we don’t say those on the channel.  We don’t want to make all these different variables so that the whole thing is so confusing that the people will never understand.  I mean, you hardly understand what I am saying after I have given you multiple Witnesses and prove it over and over.

What we have is in the time that I was off of YouTube, what happened, something very, very significant.  Some of you were watching this and we were like, Something significant is happening in this time.  And it was Netanyahu.

Netanyahu was taken out as Prime Minister exactly the time that Zedekiah was {Jeremiah 39:2}.

This was it!  This was our proof.  We could prove that the prophetic figure in the time of Jeremiah throughout the book, the king of Judah, king Zedekiah was prophetically Benjamin Netanyahu.  His years are exactly the same.

  • From when he started in 2009, Benjamin Netanyahu was the same start as king Zedekiah.
  • He was ousted within weeks of king Zedekiah.  Bang!  Wow.

{Netanyahu was ousted/replaced by Bennet on the 29th day of the 3rd month (June 13, 2021) and 2 weeks later he was charged for corruption on the precise date as king Zedekiah was captured, the 9th day of the 4th month (June 24, 2021).}

Now what that does, that’s like, This is it!  This is our Trigger Event.  This is our line in the sand, this is our marker in stone.  Then we build a Construct around it:  Well what else?  What else? What else?  What else does this tell us?  What it tells us is that that happen in a certain Year of Nebuchadnezzar.

The 19th Year of Nebuchadnezzar, that’s the end of what we told you. When you go back those years, it also shows us other of the kings, the other kings of Babylon. That was all one king of Babylon, but it’s not like we have one king.

  • The kings of Babylon in our day is the United States, these are the kings it’s talking about in Revelation. That’s what begins to happen, these are the 4 Notable ones in Daniel 8.  These are the succession of U.S. Presidents leading to the Antichrist, leading to the Apocalyptic times.  And so then we can look at it and see exactly.

I want to explain one other thing before we get into the notes, this is going to be a study for you.  Watch the previous video, I am going to explain the Kings Timeline that is in the book of Esther.  Now we’re going to deal with Jeremiah 52 Jeremiah 52 documents a lot of this.

In order to understand the history of what we are dealing with in this time period, you have to understand how the Principalities and Powers work.

  • That is how it operates, it operates up above and those influence the people to deceive them into killing masses of innocent people.  That is what the United States has done.
  • What they do is they create an enemy. The United States, the Empire, the king of Babylon, he creates an enemy in the place he wants to destroy.  So the innocent Nation that he wants to destroy, they don’t want to fight anybody, they don’t want to go against the Big Empire, they just want to live in peace.
  • But the Empire, the king of Babylon doesn’t go directly into war with innocent people because his citizens would go against him.  So what he has to do is he has to deceive the people by creating an enemy!   That’s what Jihad is.

Now the principal of Jihad is the religion of Islam.  Islam comes from the Catholic Church.

Let me say that again: Islam and the prophet Mohammed was birthed out of the Catholic church.

  • They established this False Prophet figure so as to kill the True Believers in Jesus Christ and the Jews in the Middle East.

So that’s what the construct of the religion of Islam has within it called Jihad. Ever notice that the Islamic invasions never took Rome?  Why would they never take the main place?  In modern times, ever noticed that all the terrorists; ISIS, Al Queda, Taliban, how come they never go against Israel?  Well, it’s Rome that created Islam. It’s the United States and Israel that created all these Terrorists. It’s in the doctrine of Islam so as to do this.

  • What this is is this is the 2nd Beast in Revelation 13, it’s the lamb that spoke as a dragon.  The lamb that spoke as a dragon is the False Prophet.

The False Prophet is a succession of false prophets leading to the End of Days, and in it is the Pope. The Pope is the False Prophet.  Yes!  But all of them!  You have to go back, you have to back, you have to go back, you have to go all the way back to Pre-Islam. Pre-Islam there was no Islam, there was no Muhammad.  There was no Islamic Religion.

So they had to create it in order to create an enemy on the other side. And then you go to War against the enemy because Satan always requires Blood!  That’s what happened with Crusades. You got Christians against Muslims.

  • Well, the Catholic Church created Islam to be the enemy on the other side.
  • Just like in our day, the United States is the goat of Daniel 8. The ram is the Medo-Persian Empire.

The lamb has 2 horns in Revelation 13.  The ram in Daniel 8 has 2 horns. There are 2 horns and one was higher, and the higher was last.  That is Islam.

So the early Crusades, the goat and the ram, the East against the West, that was going on. Then the Islamic Ottoman Empire maintained all the way up unto the End of Days, and then what happens is that the horn rises again. When it rises again, it’s the same principle.

  • Catholic Church influenced that, it influenced the United States to create the terrorist. The terrorists were created first in Afghanistan by Carter.

Carter was put into office by Rockefeller and when he was he had a point man, his point man told him what to do.  He had a project, I can’t remember if it was 300 million or 500 million or something like this, to create and enemy in Afghanistan to get Russia to go to War against them. It would be like a Russian Vietnam.  And Russian Vietnam, it didn’t matter who won, they just wanted to bog Russia down.

  • They sent that funding before Reagan was even in office.  Then once Reagan was in office they gave it a name, Project Cyclone, you can look it up. It’s the biggest CIA operation ever.

This is the popular movie, Charlie Wilson’s War, that’s just the publics view of what’s going on to make it look like, ‘Oh, it’s just this guy and he sent some rocket launchers and they beat Russia!’  No, no, no!  There was so much funded in existence before even Reagan is in office.  That’s what is going on.

And what they did is they trained them with money from Saudi Arabia.  They trained them in Pakistan, and then they go to Afghanistan and they went to War and they defeated the Russians.

This is creating that enemy and then that enemy goes throughout the Middle East and it changes it’s name. It was first called Mujahideen, then it’s was called Al Queda, then we have September 11th.  Then Al Queda becomes ISIS, and ‘Oh, now we have ISIS and we have to destroy the whole Middle East because of ISIS.’

  • The whole enemy was created by the United States and Israel!

And then we get Taliban.  Once we get the Taliban, this is the final piece that it goes all the way back to the late 70’s, really. They are creating this enemy and destroying the whole Middle East, they had no intention in fighting the United States, but all these Wars.  All this Blood!  All these destroyed Nations.  Why?  It’s the former Medo-Persia Empire.

{16:22 min mark}  We saw that the Persian Empire, we know it is the Middle East. You have to understand prophecy, you have to understand Daniel 8 as we go through this. Daniel 8 plays a critical role.

In Daniel 8 is a goat and the goat has 4 notable ones.  Those 4 notable ones is a goat that goes to war against the ram. The ram is the former Medo-Persian Empire which is the Middle East.

  • How does September 11th, the Terrorists, and Jihad, the king of Babylon, all relate to fulfill perfectly prophecy to lead us to the Apocalypse and the 2nd Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ? We can see this perfectly aligned once we know that Netanyahu fulfills a role of Zedekiah.  He starts and ends perfectly on the same time.

Now let’s re-trace and go back to when the prophecy of the king Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar begins. Historically this is known in the year 605 BC. In 605 BC it is well known that Nebuchadnezzar becomes the king of Babylon, and he immediately goes against Judah, and the children of Israel.

  • When he does that, that relates to in our time, the prophecy being fulfilled on September 11th, 2001. 2001 is our Trigger Event when Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, goes to war against Israel and the kings of Judah.

In Daniel 8 it is called 4 notable ones. One of those 4 notable ones is a series of the Presidents going back.  There is a Great King, that’s Reagan and then 4 notable ones.  One of them is Bush.  Bush’s first year in office, he deals with September 11th {2001}.  So his time period relates to a time period leading to the next king.

Now at that time, the king of Judah, it’s the 3rd year of Jehoiakim king of Judah. That’s his 3rd year, GW Bush is Nebuchadnezzar.  Let’s look at what happened here as our significant sign. As we explain our significant sign comes into play when the goat manufactures an enemy. So he creates an enemy and puts that enemy in the place he wants to go to war, to just go to War and destroy the country.

  • That’s what the War on Terror was.  The War on Terror was to manufacture an enemy, create Jihad.

Now this started as we mentioned with Carter, then goes to Reagan.  Reagan is the Great King, then we have 4 notable ones that continue this War on Terror.

  • And so we start off with Mujahideen. Mujahideen was with Reagan.
  • They then turn into Al Queda and we know Osama bin Laden was a CIA agent and they performed September 11th to then say, We have to go to war in Afghanistan against the terrorists.

Well, the Terrorists came from the United States, it came from the West.

Now Daniel at this time historically goes to Babylon. This is actually Daniel chapter 1.  You can also see the year’s of Jehoiakim in 2 Kings 24.

Now let’s remember, let’s not be deceived.  Prophecy is what’s really going on. Al Qaeda is an offshoot of Mujahideen.

  • The Catholic Church formed Islam as the 2nd Beast in Revelation. It’s the lamb that had 2 horns that speaks as a dragon.

That lamb is the Pope and historically back in time the Pope formed Islam for Jihad to create an enemy on the other side to go to War.  That’s what the Crusades were, and that’s what we have happening again in our day.

  • The area is the Medo-Persian Empire in the whole Middle East.  Islam was formed by Muhammad who was trained up by the Catholic Church through his wife who was a Catholic Nun.  So the lamb has 2 horns and he forms the ram that has 2 horns in Daniel 8.
  • There we can see the lamb and the ram, so the ram comes from the lamb. The ram is in Daniel 8 and the lamb is in Revelation 12.  So the ram has 2 horns, the one was higher than the other, and the higher came up last. That means the last is the Last Days.
  • We know the ram is the Persian Empire.  Afghanistan is the key because in southern Afghanistan they speak Farci.  Farci is a language of Persia.

I know this is a lot, you may want to rewind it and go back, but this is what is really going on as prophecy perfectly fulfills itself in our day.

So Babylonians captured Jerusalem and encompassed it once again, in 597 BC.  597 BC relates to modern times, 2009.

  • Now this is critical.  We saw Jehoiakim removed as the king of Judah and then Nebuchadnezzar puts in Zedekiah.  Now Zedekiah thus becomes our type and shadow of Benjamin Netanyahu.  Benjamin Netanyahu comes into office as the Israel Prime Minister in 2009 fulfilling perfectly what we can see in the historic Zedekiah figure.

Once Netanyahu is there, we have a type and shadow.  And we found this because he comes out of  office the same exact time as Zedekiah.  Now certain things happened with Zedekiah historically as the king of Judah that also happened with Benjamin Netanyahu, the Daily Sacrifice is taken.

  • Benjamin Netanyahu had the Host Given against the Daily Sacrifice, that was April 30, 2018.  What that was is that’s War against Iran.  Netanyahu declared War against Iran, when he did that on that precise date, that is the Medo-Persian Empire. That War against Iran is continuing to this day, perfectly fulfilling Daniel chapter 8.

{Please watch Host Given Against Daily Sacrifice – Apr 30, 2018, the link is at the bottom of this blog post.}

  • Netanyahu also does the Peace Deal.  The Peace Deal is in Ezekiel 17 and the Peace Deal is between the Zedekiah figure Benjamin Netanyahu with the king of Babylon, the Antichrist, Donald Trump.  Trump is the Antichrist and that Agreement, Covenant, Peace Deal you see in Ezekiel 17 is the Peace Deal in Daniel 9:27.

{Please watch This is the Dan9 Peace Deal, Trump is the Antichrist, the link is at the bottom of this blog post.}

So then Benjamin Netanyahu, Bibi is like Zedekiah.  He would see the Siege of Jerusalem, he would see the Daily Sacrifice taken away, and he would make the Peace Deal. He would do all the same things and they line up perfectly.  He sees the Siege, the Daily Sacrifices, he makes the Covenant fulfilling exactly the Zedekiah type.

Now what happens is there are three main Fast that the Jews do, where they Fast on the 10th Month, the 4th Month, and the 5th Month.  This year a few weeks before the 4th month Fast, Netanyahu was taken out as Prime Minister showing us that he was fulfilling this Zedekiah figure, perfectly.

Then what we did is we re-traced his years, we could see that he lined up perfectly with Zedekiah, which lined up perfectly with 2001, with the years of Nebuchadnezzar.  Because remember, Zedekiah is always running in concert or in the same time as Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon.

It is Zedekiah that makes that Peace Deal with the king of Babylon.  Netanyahu who did the same thing.  Amazing!  So this would lead us to a sequence of years as you can see as our Trigger Event was 9-11, 2001, and it would continue.

  • And then we come to the Siege of Jerusalem.  The Siege of Jerusalem that would be 10th Day of the 10th Month, which in our case, it would be a modern fulfillment of 2019.   It was in Christmas 2019, the onset of Coronavirus, that the Government’s of the World begun to Siege their Citizens in LOCKDOWN!

It was Christmas 2019 that we began to see this in China, this whole phenomenon of this Siege of Jerusalem. It’s not just in one country, it’s the Whole World!

The king of Babylon, the Antichrist, the Beast in Revelation 13 is over the Whole World!  But there has to be a figure, there has to be a little horn and that is Trump.

  • He is the Antichrist! {August 21, 2019, I am the Chosen One!}
  • He institutes the Mark of the Beast. {December 8, 2020, WARP SPEED}
  • He does the Peace Deal, {January 28, 2020 with Netanyahu}
  • and by him the Daily Sacrifices are taken away {April 30, 2018, permission to go to War against Iran}.

All fulfilling prophecy perfectly!  I know many people are ignorant about all of that and there is nothing I can do. I can just post videos and say the same thing over and over.

But now we come to the 9th year of Zedekiah, 587 BC.   It’s in the 9th year of Zedekiah when the Siege of Jerusalem begins {the 10th Day of the 10th Month, Christmas 2019}  A year and a half later we come to 586 BC and our modern fulfillment is 2021.

What happened is Jerusalem was surrounded with Famine {9th Day 4th Month, 2021}.  Now you can see the signs of the Famine are happening all over the World, the food supply is being shut down.  It’s all prophecy happening perfectly.

(26:18 min mark) The 9th Day of the 4th Month {2021}, that started here {10th Day of the 10th Month, Christmas 2019} and it went a year and a half into the 9th Day of the 4th Month {2021}.  And then what happened?  Netanyahu was ousted as the Prime Minister of Israel, the same time Zedekiah is captured!  That happens in the 11th year.   The 11th year is 2021 and 9th year is 2019.

We can see once he was out the same time as Zedekiah, that’s how we saw that and then re-traced all the other steps that are happening perfectly.  You can see that you are living in prophecy. This is all leading to the Signs of the End where there will be Famines and Wars and all those things Christ talked about are on a Schedule.  Yes.

{27:05 min mark} What happened as well this would be the significant date leading to Netanyahu out as Prime Minister, and this is leading us to the historical 9th of Av.  Now the 9th of Av in prophecy is going to be a little different than historically because:

  • the 9th of Av historically of course is when the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed.

But now in the modern contexts it relates to the 3rd Temple being rebuilt. Because in Daniel 8 it says, The transgression of desolation, to give the sanctuary.

{Daniel 8:13 Then I heard one speaking, and another saint said to the certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? 14 And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.

2300 Days Cleanse Sanctuary, Fulfilled on November 10, 2021.  Please note that 2300 Days happen twice, Please see notes at bottom of this blog for clarification. Please watch CLEANSE ANOINT THE SANCTUARY 2300 DAYS FULFILLED, link at bottom of this blog}

So all of this is leading to the 3rd Temple.  The 3rd Temple would happen again in our day, precisely as it was destroyed historically.  Hopefully that makes sense?  But the other thing that happens on the 9th of Av this year is Babylon is Fallen. Babylon is fallen as a sign.

You can see Babylon is Fallen, the Governments of the World are giving into the Revelation 13 Beast, following the Orders and the Mandates and the Mark of the Beast system.

So what happened is the U.S. troops pulled out of Afghanistan and the Taliban begins to encircle all of Afghanistan and began a siege of the whole country, which in the end is Kabul.  When Kabul was taken, this is coming just a few weeks after the 9th of Av.

The Temple was destroyed on the 9th of Av, and now we have the U.S.troop withdraw and we have the same manufactured enemy that we started with, the Mujahideen. Mujahideen turns into Al Queda, Al Queda turns into ISIS, ISIS turns into Taliban.  It’s the manufactured enemy.

  • The manufactured enemy is the sign that the Beast is going to continue to take over the Governments of the World and cause all to take the Mark of the Beast.

This would happen perfectly, the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar, which is exactly our Countdown after September 11, 2001.  September 11th, 2001 would be a similar time, just a few months after the 9th of Av historically.  This is how prophecy, if you know the Years and apply them to the King, over and over on this channel we have taught you this chart:

And we say over and over this is the King’s Timeline.  We are always saying this.  Well these Years of the king relate to our Zedekiah figure.

See you have 7 Years and 7 Years, these are called the King’s Timeline and this is according to the book of Esther.  Those correspond perfectly with our Zedekiah.  In Jeremiah it talks about the 9th year of Zedekiah, remember that was 2019.  It talks about the 11th year of Zedekiah, well that is 2021. That lines up with the same Years of the King’s Timeline in the book of Esther.

Many of you ask, ‘Leeland, what’s going on with the Timeline?’  Everything is continuing.  The prophecy is continuing,  Once you understand that this is a Construct, not everything happens perfectly in these little boxes, but it’s a simple way for a common person to understand Bible prophecy.  You can see it’s 14 years, 7 Good Years and 7 Bad Years.

What happened with Joseph?  He had 7 Good Years and 7 Bad Years.  There is the 7 Years of plenty and 7 Years of famine.  Well, we are obviously in the 7 Years of Famine.

Now I rejoice whether you like this or not, I am excited, because I have been talking about this and it’s harder and harder to prove. But now I have more proof and evidence, and the people still don’t see it so  there is nothing I can do.

This is going to be a series, we’re going to have a couple of more videos, and we are going to continue to unlock this.  There will be more information, more proof and evidence.  But what happened? Netanyahu was out, when he was out, he is our Zedekiah.  When he is our Zedekiah, we can determine the precise time as Zedekiah.  Netanyahu was the same.  We can see he started the same Year as Zedekiah, and we can retrace that to 2001, it’s September 11th perfectly.

So stay tuned we will have more on this. We will do a series.  We will make the notes available to you.  We will also type this up, it’s a lot but it’s very important.  This is further proof, just like everything else, over and over, we are in the Tribulation.

So many of you say you tell people we are in the Tribulation, but ultimately if they can’t see it by now, there’s just no really telling the people.  The people are just Blind and Deceived, following all the things like we use to about the Government.  Like, ‘Oh, the new virus and all of this.’

So fear God, give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come.  Worship Him that made the heavens, the earth, the seas, and the fountains of waters. Amen.

{We are now at Armageddon and the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords. To learn more, check out Leelandjones.com and scroll down on the Home page to What’s New.}

CLEANSE ANOINT THE SANCTUARY 2300 DAYS FULFILLED:  https://overcominglymedisease.com/cleanse-anoint-the-sanctuary-2300-days-fulfilled/

WHY THE “SON OF PERDITION” IS A PRESIDENT OF THE USA: https://overcominglymedisease.com/why-the-son-of-perdition-is-a-president-of-the-usa/

5 Biblical Proofs we are in the 7 Year Tribulation: https://overcominglymedisease.com/5-biblical-proofs-we-are-in-the-7-year-tribulation/

Host Given Against Daily Sacrifice – Apr 30, 2018: https://overcominglymedisease.com/host-given-against-daily-sacrifice-apr-30-2018-2/

Peace Deal playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXqaGD7sX9gZ83zVDuBH04JrBXMVl_ApY

This is the Dan9 Peace Deal, Trump is the Antichrist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXYPtskRxCk&list=PLXqaGD7sX9gZ83zVDuBH04JrBXMVl_ApY&index=1

Why Measure the Temple? Herod, Third & Millennium: https://overcominglymedisease.com/why-measure-the-temple-herod-third-millennium/

Mystery Babylon (Tyre) Sings After 70 Years: https://overcominglymedisease.com/mystery-babylon-tyre-sings-after-70-years/

Mark (cháragma) of the Beast, know them by charaktēr: https://overcominglymedisease.com/mark-charagma-of-the-beast-know-them-by-charakter/

9-11, “JIHAD,” NEBUCHADNEZZAR AND NETANYAHU IS ZEDEKIAH: https://overcominglymedisease.com/9-11-jihad-nebuchadnezzar-and-netanyahu-is-zedekiah-2/


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